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So I met BG East's Liam Ryan today! He lives here in sleepy little wrestling-free New Zealand nowadays. What are the chances eh? What a super-nice guy. He even bought me some ciders. And still very handsome!

Last edited on 9/13/2022 10:35 AM by Squashlad



Shadow Knight (83 )

9/24/2022 11:52 PM

Sounds like a trip down under needs to be arranged


JCextreme (47)

9/18/2022 11:38 PM

Jealous, always wanted 2 lock up with him


elpectoral (16)

9/15/2022 12:34 AM

Great to see you had some fun, lad 🙂
Wish I could take Liam Ryan's place right now and deepen our Lindow experience 💪


hephaestion2014 (52)

9/14/2022 10:47 AM

Hobbits, E-Street, and wrestling stars. New Zealand has it all!

It really is a small world after all!


TallProWrest (0)

9/13/2022 3:49 PM

Sounds like it will no longer be a wrestling free sleepy town to me. 😜


Amos Burton (55)

9/13/2022 12:07 PM

Sounds like fun bud
