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A brief message for those of you who knew the lovely dave the jobber, from Christchurch, New Zealand. I regret to have to say that he died this morning after a long illness, but with his friends with him around the clock and when he was ready to depart this life for one with less pain. It seems so strange that a man with such a zest and passion for life has departed it, but at least he leaves the world a better place for his having been it in. Such a lovely, charming, funny bloke, and such fun to wrestle. I shall miss him hugely. Rest in peace mate.

Last edited on 7/24/2022 5:10 AM by Squashlad



Dadfights (24)

7/31/2022 8:25 PM

I’m sorry to hear about Dave.
May God grant him eternal happiness on the mats in heaven!


Reecer (4)

7/29/2022 12:31 PM

Very sorry to hear that. Prayers and thoughts are with him. RIP


edscissors (31 )

7/27/2022 1:10 AM

A "thumbs down" from someone? Why? Someone, evidently with no decency or sense of what is appropriate.

I know and respect "Squashlad", a dear friend. I have no knowledge of Dave but am sorry to hear of his passing.



Alan2005sg (259 )

7/26/2022 7:48 PM

Sorry to hear this news. May Dave rest in peace


Wrestle Nell (16 )

7/25/2022 4:54 AM

Thank you for sharing. RIP


Jedi (41)

7/24/2022 11:00 PM

Thank you very much for letting us know. His positive attitude, resiliency and grace will stay with me, as will our many messages. The world is a bit less with his passing, but our worlds were so enriched with is presence.


Ironbull (94)

7/24/2022 7:01 PM

45 is too young. Life is short. A reminder always to live it to the full.

Thanks for the post Craig


OefightBln (24 )

7/24/2022 6:18 PM

I didn't know him, but I know you. And when you write such kind words about someone who has passed on, it must be a really good person.
R.I.P. Dave


Amos Burton (55)

7/24/2022 9:22 AM

Never had the privilege to know this man but such beautiful words from you guys mean I wish I had

God speed Dave now soaring with the angels


Hardmatch (101)

7/24/2022 5:22 AM

I never met Dave in person but he was a lovely man through our many chats over the past year. He never complained or dwelt on his illness. He showed a real strength and grace through it all. I will miss him.
