
gambit is recommended by Nakofi (5/16/2019)

After a little over a year of trash talking and some playful banter, we were finally able to have that long awaited encounter, and had I known I would enjoy it as much as I did, I would have come a lot sooner! Gambit is unbelievably strong, has otherworldly strength, and a hot, muscular body with a bulging chest and biceps.

I enjoyed the rich conversations we had almost as I enjoyed our matches. I had been experiencing a three month dry spell without any matches and I could not think of a better way to get back in the action than with him. I highly recommend him and even though he got the best of me this time around, I do not mind, that just gives me an excuse to come back and get my hands on him again.


Jorgefighter is recommended by oc wrestler (5/16/2019)

Jorge is an excellent fighter, and even greater guy. He’s very strong and got me to tap a lot. Very easy to communicate with and I highly recommend.


LutteurDeter is recommended by Ferrero83 (5/16/2019)

Derrière son apparence très sympathique et discrète se cache un jeune lutteur très « déter » comme son pseudo l’indique! J’avais l’avantage du poids mais il m’a donné beaucoup de fil à retordre. Il a de très bonnes jambes taillées pour les ciseaux, même si d’habitude ce sont les ciseaux qui taillent!
Il est aussi très fiable, sérieux et intéressant.
N’hésitez pas à le rencontrer quelque soit votre gabarit.


B3Wrestle is recommended by brian24 (5/16/2019)

Touch opponent for my very first match. He is a strong guy with strong legs. As he said, if i was on top, he could not escape or move. He travels so often so if he is in your area, definitely recommend him for your match. Nice guy and would like to rematch some times.


Redmondwrestler26 is recommended by chicagopiledriver (5/16/2019)

Strong guy and fun to exchange pro moves. He has an aggressive attitude which I like. Safe and sane wrestler.


georgemuscle is recommended by curiousrookie (5/16/2019)

Great introduction to this, he knows his stuff and does not take advantage of a newbie. It was a great experience and will do it again.


leanmachine BE is recommended by frits (5/16/2019)

It was easy to make an appointment with this Belgian skilled and strong wrestler. He has a nice matroom.
A joy to meet and wrestle this experienced guy, who appeared to be a nice, reliable, intelligent and sometimes provoking man with a muscled and toned body. Highly recommended.


jerseyjobber is recommended by NickZ (5/16/2019)

First match this morning with jerseyjobber, we had a good roll and he can take a lot of abuse to the gut and chest. :) Looking forward to rematch.


youngfighter89 is recommended by Dirka (5/16/2019)

Youngfighter89 is a huge guy. He is realy strong and has nice abs. He started fighting for two month and will practice his technique but he is very fast. So I think he will beat many other Fighters here.
I am sure we will Fight again.
I can recomend him absolutly.


Nature boy is recommended by Headscissorfan (5/16/2019)

Super netter Kerl.... Typ Surferboy, der einen mit seiner Größe und Kraft beeindrucken kann. Hab noch nie mit jemanden gekämpft der so groß ist aber hat mega viel Spaß gemacht. Er hat ein paar gute Techniken drauf und weiß seine langen Arme und Beine gut einzusetzen. Wer die Chance hat ihn zu treffen sollte dies definitiv tun
