JiminQueens2's blog

Oil Wrestling Daddies and Sons - Part 8 - Keith and Ryu Clash

Ryu and I circled for a long moment, more to get used to the idea of moving on an oiled surface than to size each other up. We’d had plenty of opportunity to do that at the party. I caught the look in his eye just as I’d made up my mind, and we had the same idea, our bodies coming together in a classic collar and elbow tie up.

We’d sized each other up visually, but I admit that I wasn’t prepared for the sheer strength of the man in front of me. Ryu was easily as powerful as I was, and I saw his eyes widen a little when he realized that the reverse was also true. Whichever one of us came out on top in this matchup, he wasn’t going to have an easy time of it.

I tried to pull Ryu into a headlock, but the oil covering both of our bodies made it hard to get a firm grip on him, and he easily slipped out of my grasp. The same oil, however, made it just as hard for him to maintain his balance, and his feet slid out from under him, sending him flat on his back on the mat.

I dove on him, and we wrestled back and forth on the mat, first one of us on top, then the other. Kevin and Wyatt were shouting encouragement to us from the sidelines; grown men they might have been, but they were still our Boys, and what Boy doesn’t want his Daddy to be the toughest around?

We were still scuffling when Ryu got a viselike grip on both of my wrists that made me think that blood was going to come spurting out of my fingertips like toothpaste out of a tube. Ryu forced me down on my back and straddled me, but low on my body, with his junk near mine. Before he could move up my body and complete the schoolboy pin, I rolled to the side and wrenched my hands free, then slid my body forward and out of his grasp.

We both got to our feet. Ryu followed after me, but he was a rugby player, and he was used to fighting on grass and dirt. This old hockey player was used to fighting on ice, and it made me just a hair faster than he was. As he dove for me, I sidestepped out of the way and pounced on him, then forced him onto his back and straddled his chest, my hard cock and golf-sized balls in his face.

“Now this is how you do a schoolboy pin, my friend,” I jeered at him. “I hope you’re taking notes!” I took my dick in my hand and slapped him across the face with it, and I could hear Kevin cheering and laughing as I completely dominated Wyatt’s helpless Daddy.

But I was never going to be able to hold Ryu down indefinitely using only one hand, and it wasn’t very long before his free hand pushed my body up just enough for him to slide under me and free himself. He lunged at me again before I had a chance to right myself, and before I knew what was happening, Ryu had put me on my back and he was lying across my chest. If we’d been wrestling to pin, that would have been the match, and I mentally kicked myself for being taken down so easily.

I kicked my legs and thrashed my arms, and Ryu bounced off and on my chest. I was getting out of the pin, but I was doing as much damage to myself as I was doing to Ryu, if not more! I sat up and grabbed one of his wrists just as he grabbed one of mine, and we struggled like that for a long couple of minutes. I finally broke the standoff and went for his legs.

Shooting a double leg from a sitting position isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do or the best technique, but with the help of the oil making it impossible for Ryu to stay on his feet, it worked. Ryu landed on his back with my arms still around his legs; I held them in place against my body and reached over to circle his head. I couldn’t quite complete the cradle, but Ryu certainly wasn’t enjoying the experience.

Or maybe he was. His dick was still rock hard, just as mine was, and he wasn’t trying to free himself – although his hands were running all over my chest, my stomach, and my left leg. And at one point, his hand closed over my dick and stroked it.

Just twice, but the effect on me was electric. My knees, even though I was pretty much lying down, went weak, and my grip on him loosened ever so lightly. That was all he needed. His legs kicked out, ripping themselves out of my grasp, and then Ryu brought them up close to his body and wrapped them tightly around my head, slamming me down to the mat with more than a little force.

Ryu brought all of the considerable power in his massive legs to bear, squeezing my head with such force I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my sockets. Now I could hear Wyatt cheering his Daddy on and Kevin screaming for me to get out of there, which, since my ears were pretty much covered, must have meant they were both screaming very loudly.

I never did get out of there; Ryu simply got bored with the headscissors and decided to switch his tactics. He released my head and quickly spun his body around until we were chest-to-chest, then pinned me down to the mat and lay astride me, his hands pinioning my wrists to the mat. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side and I realized that he’d driven a knee into it—and then he did it again. Our heads were a scant handful of inches apart and I could feel his hot breath on my face as he panted from the exertion of our battle.

His legs grapevined mine, just as Wyatt’s had grapevined Kevin’s in the final minutes of their ma—all right, fight—and I heard him murmur in my ear, “Are you ready to give up? Please say no.”

“No fucking way,” I growled back.

“Suit yourself,” Ryu chuckled. He released one of my wrists and patted me condescendingly on the cheek.

Big mistake. Actually, two big mistakes, first letting one of my hands free and then pissing me off. I clenched my free hand into a fist and drove it solidly into his side, hearing him grunt in pain and surprise. A second fist brought the same result. After the third, Ryu let go of my other hand and unwrapped his legs from around mine and slid off of me and across the mat before climbing to his feet.

“You punched me,” he said—but calmly, as if he’d been expecting it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the Boys had removed their uniforms and were standing next to each other naked, each Boy’s hand on his cock and stroking idly. “If knee strikes are legal, then punches are legal,” I shot back at Ryu.

Ryu nodded in agreement, smiling. “But no strikes to the face,” he said. “Agreed?”

God, this man was beautifully put together! The oil on our bodies was showing off every muscle he had to magnificent effect. My cock got even harder, which I hadn’t thought was possible. “Absolutely,” I grinned back. “It’s easy to explain a black eye to your parents at fourteen. To clients at 40, not so much.”

Out of the corner of my eye I could see that both Kevin and Wyatt had removed their uniforms and were standing at the edge of the mat naked, each Boy’s hand on his dick. Our battle was having as much of an effect on them as it was on us. But back to the job at hand, as Ryu started to move toward me.

We circled, a little unsteady on our feet – partially because of the oil, partially because we were starting to tire. I had a stitch in my side that I was trying to ignore, and I noticed that Ryu was favoring his right leg a bit. If that wasn’t an invitation, I don’t know what is. I dove for the leg, my hand closing on Ryu’s ankle.

I pulled, hard. On my own, it wouldn’t have been hard enough to take him down, but the oil helped, and Ryu tumbled backwards on his ass. I threw myself up at him, tackling him around his chest, and we hit the mat clutched together and grappling for all we were worth. Neither one of us could stay on top for long, and our bodies slid and slipped around each other as we tried to get into a better position. Kevin and Wyatt’s voices had become shrill as they cheered us on like little kids watching two of their peers in a schoolyard fight.

I ended up on Ryu’s back. My arm snaked around his and my hand planted between his shoulder. Ryu’s arm was forced behind his back as I completely the chicken wing. He squirmed under me, and my hard cock against his solid ass felt very, very good. And considering some of his squirms were obviously not geared toward freeing himself, I have to think it felt very, very good to him, too.

I flexed my arm, just a little, but a little pressure in the right place produces huge results. Ryu screamed in agony as I put ridiculous pressure on his shoulder, but when I asked him if he’d had enough and was ready to quit, he shook his head hard enough to send droplets of oil flying in every direction.

I let him suffer a while longer, and then I let him go. We didn’t want to seriously hurt each other, after all. I rolled off him and climbed to my feet, then walked carefully over to him and nudged him in the ribs with my toe. “I’m waiting,” he said innocently.

Ryu shot me a dirty look, but not with the acrimony that I might have looked at Stevenson if he’d put his hand on my Boy. He scrambled up to his feet, and lunged at me, and we locked up in another collar and elbow. It was hard to keep our feet, and eventually the oil won, and we tumbled to the mat. I landed badly and got the wind knocked out of me, and lay there for a long while, gasping. From the fact that he wasn’t jumping on me to inflict some more punishment, I had a feeling Ryu was, too.

I rolled over onto my hands and knees, and sure enough, Ryu was on his, looking up at me through bleary eyes. The punishment we’d inflicted on each other and the lateness of the hour was making us sluggish, but damned if he wasn’t still hard, just as I was. By unspoken accord, we got up to our knees and moved slowly toward each other.

Ryu leaned back, then lunged forward, his fist coming straight for me. He landed a solid punch right on my chest, rocking me back and almost making my heart skip a beat. Exhausted as he was, there was a respectable amount of power in that punch, and I silently vowed never to get into a real fight with him if I could avoid it.

But I never take a punch without throwing one back, and this was no exception. I slammed a hard left right into his chest, and smiled at the bruise beginning to develop there. Ryu involuntarily curled up around the impact point; if *I* hadn’t been exhausted, he’d have been in position for me to finish him.

Ryu rocked back at the impact, but he wasn’t done yet. He swung again, and another hard punch smacked into my chest. I knew I must be bruised there, too, given the force behind his punches. Not only did I never want to get into a real fight with him, if I ever was in a real fight, I wanted him with me!

But if he wanted to go punch for punch, he needed to remember what a defenseman’s main job was. I reached back and threw a solid shot into his chest that knocked him back onto his back. I didn’t want to seriously injure him, so I waited until he had straightened his legs out from under him, and then I pounced.

The oil made it a lot easier. I grapevined his legs with my own, forcing them apart and putting a little pressure on his knees. I forced his arms above his head, and, pinioning them with one hand, slid my other arm behind his neck. The modified full nelson pushed his chin into his chest and stretched his neck far beyond where it could comfortably go.

Yes, it was the same hold that Wyatt had used to make Kevin submit. And yes, I did it deliberately.

It didn’t take long. My head was right next to Ryu’s, and I was able to hear him whisper, “I give…I…give.” I released the lock as soon as I heard those magic words, but rather than rolling over onto my back and off of him, I stayed on top of him. I liked the feeling of his body under mine, and, quite frankly, I was too exhausted to move anyway.

Ryu and I were more or less face-to-face at this point. His arms came down from where I had trapped them, and his hands, now free, began to roam all over my back and shoulders. Then they started moving lower. Just as his hands began to cup my glutes, Ryu opened his mouth and kissed me.

It was a good kiss, and I gave it the attention it deserved. My hands started roaming across Ryu’s beautiful body, and I lifted my hips a little to give them room to get to the Promised Land. Ryu moaned with pleasure as my hands got busy on his still rock-hard cock and balls.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Kevin and Wyatt had their arms around each other’s waists, but were still jerking themselves off. I locked eyes with Ryu, then glanced in the Boys’ direction, then grinned back at him. He didn’t have any trouble figuring out what I meant. He looked over at the Boys, and smiled.

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Utoljára módosította JiminQueens2 2023-12-13 08:23-n



BamaJDon41 (10 )

2023-12-12 18:17

Very hot match. Surprising that Keith would release the chickenwing but liked how the match continued.

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JiminQueens2 (61)

2023-12-12 19:37

(Válaszképp erre)

Thanks!!!!! Hope you like the rest!

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