JiminQueens2's blog

Oil Wrestling Daddies and Sons - Part 7 - At Ryu and Wyatt's

(Keith’s narrative resumes)

When Kevin and Wyatt, back in uniform, came back out into the main room, I knew something was up. Kevin was joking and laughing with Wyatt, but when he saw me, he flushed a bright red and averted his eyes. I glanced at Ryu and Wyatt; Wyatt was showing no signs of discomfort, so whatever had happened between them in the back, it was with the full approval of his Daddy.

“Ryu,” I said, and the two of them turned to me, “is that invitation still open?”

“Of course it is,” Ryu smiled. Wyatt was smiling, too, so Ryu had obviously let him in on his plans.

“Great,” I smiled back. “We’ll follow you. Daddy Takeda and his Boy have invited us over tonight, Kevin. We’re going to stop there before we go home.”

“Shouldn’t we tell Daddy Stevenson we’re leaving?” Kevin asked. “In case he wants to, I don’t know, give us medals or something?”

“We’re leaving now, Kevin,” I told him, then looked at Ryu. “Okay with you?”

“Absolutely. Come on, Wyatt.”

The four of us made our way to the door; it was a warm night, so we didn’t have coats to collect. Ryu and Wyatt were bantering between them, but Kevin was very quiet. Once out in the parking lot, Ryu’s car was nearby, but I’d parked a lot further away. As soon as I heard Ryu’s car engine start, I asked Kevin, “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

Kevin stopped and stared at me. I kept walking for a couple of paces, then turned to face him.

“Well?” I asked.

Kevin’s face crumpled and he looked like he wanted to cry. “I kissed him, Daddy,” he said in a trembling voice. “I kissed Wyatt. While we were cleaning up.”

“I figured as much, and Kevin—it’s all right.” I wasn’t really angry at him, but it meant that he and I needed to have a talk. “We’ll discuss it in the car. Come on.”

The look of misery on Kevin’s face was replaced by one of sheer confusion, but he kept quiet until we were in the car and following Ryu’s waiting car out of the parking lot. As I drove, I reached over and put my hand on his, and squeezed. Kevin seemed to relax, and he turned his hand over until it was clasped with mine, then squeezed back.

“I’m so sorry, Daddy,” he whispered.

“Don’t be,” I said firmly. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”


“No ‘buts’”. I was using my “shut up and listen” voice, and Kevin immediately shut up. “We never said that we were exclusive, and you know that I would have told you if I wanted us to be. You’re twenty-three years old. It’s not natural for you to be monogamous, and at your age I’m not even sure that it’s healthy. And besides, if all you and Wyatt did was kiss…” I let my voice trail off, and, at Kevin’s nod, continued, “then there’s not much risk of you bringing something home. We’ll talk about this tomorrow, but for right now, stop beating yourself up over this. That’s an order.”

Kevin’s face was sober. “Yes, sir,” he whispered quietly. He faced forward and we continued to drive for a few minutes, then, almost tentatively, he leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. I reached around and put my arm around him, then squeezed gently. The road was straight and empty enough that I could risk a kiss on his forehead before returning my attention to driving.

It took us about half an hour to get to Ryu and Wyatt’s house, a split-level in an affluent neighborhood. By then it was about two in the morning and I was a little tired, but I really, really wanted this play date—or, if I was going to be honest with myself, grudge match in our newly-minted family feud. Not only was Ryu a hot man whom I would have rolled with under any circumstance, the fact that his Boy had made my Boy submit in a room full of men made me want revenge.

Ryu was waiting on the porch for us to pull up. We got out of the car quietly and made our way up the front walk, where he smiled and opened the door for us. We went inside, where Wyatt was waiting on the couch, a beer bottle in his hand. “Can I get either of you anything?” Ryu asked.

“A beer would be great,” I replied. “Kevin?”

“Yes, sir, a beer for me, too.”

Wyatt got up from the couch and went down the hall, presumably to the kitchen, returning after a few minutes with two bottles in his hands, which he handed to us, and an opener clenched between his fantastically white teeth, which I retrieved for myself. I noted the brand with approval, opened my beer, and tossed the opener to Kevin.

We sipped in silence – Ryu had had his own beer waiting for him when we came inside – and then Ryu said. “Well, if you’d like to see our setup, now seems as good a time as any to show it to you.”

“Sounds good,” I said as I drained the last of my beer. “Where is it?”

“Downstairs in the basement. Come, I’ll show you.”

I followed him down a flight of stairs to the basement, with the Boys right behind us. When we got to the bottom and Ryu switched on the lights, I had to admit that I was impressed. The space was almost entirely clear except for a gigantic mat against one of the corners of the room, easily 400 square feet. Two doors stood next to each other in the center of the far wall. “Changing rooms,” Ryu said to my unspoken question.

“I don’t think we’ll need those,” I said. I started stripping my gear off. Kevin was immediately at my side. As each piece of gear came off, Kevin took it from my hands and brought it over to a nearby table to lay it flat. Leather doesn’t wrinkle easily, but once it does it’s almost impossible to get the wrinkles out.

Ryu was taken a little by surprise by my directness, but he smiled and began to remove his gear as well, with Wyatt playing valet as Kevin had done. Still, I was a little ahead of him, and I decided to really up the ante. While he was still getting out of his pants, I stripped off my underwear and handed it to Kevin.

Ryu’s eyes widened – but then his smile did the same, and he, too, stripped to the skin. “I thought we’d use oil as well,” he said. “Wyatt, bring the bottles on your way back, would you?”

Wyatt obediently returned with two bottles of baby oil, one of which he handed to Kevin. Kevin came up me and began to spray the oil all over my chest and back, then ran his strong hands all over my body, rubbing the oil into my skin. My dick began to stiffen, and I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning with pleasure when my beautiful Boy made sure that it was properly oiled for the match. Behind me, Ryu either had less self-control or else fewer inhibitions, because he did moan at whatever Wyatt was doing to him.

I turned around. Ryu was fully naked, with Wyatt’s hand on his pretty damned impressive cock. It matched my nine inches for length, but mine was just a little thicker. I’d known he had a great chest and abs from his uniform at the party, but I hadn’t had a chance to see his legs. They were thick and muscular, and I was amazed his pants had been able to contain them. His hairless, golden skin was glistening under the sheen of oil Wyatt had applied.

Seeing that I was ready for battle, he pushed Wyatt’s hand away and walked out to the middle of the mat, angling his body so that the Boys were watching him from the side and could see his cock standing straight out from his body. The man had a good sense of the visual image. I stepped up to face him man-to-man, cock-to-cock. I could hear one of the Boys murmur, “That’s so hot,” and the other just make an MMMMMM sound.

Our eyes were locked on each other, staring each other down in anticipation of the melee to come. “Our Boys put on a very good show, before,” Ryu said, “but how about we show them how real men fight?”

My smile became vicious.


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Utoljára módosította JiminQueens2 2023-12-08 00:02-n
