JiminQueens2's blog
Titan Tussle - Part 2
Dick moved easily and confidently to the center of the mat, with Roy trailing along behind him. Roy was really looking forward to this, and truth to tell, he’d been trying to goad Dick into a wrestle the entire time he was working out. The others might have flashier personalities or better powers, but Dick was their unquestioned leader because he was the best. He was the standard, physical and emotional, that Roy held himself to, and it would be interesting to see how close he came.
“One fall?” Dick asked negligently, turning to face the archer.
“Works for me.”
By some unspoken signal, the two young men crouched low and began to circle, looking for an opening or a sign of a decided-upon attack. A feint here, a feint there, neither moving in too closely for a long minute. Then came the inevitable moment where Dick circled to his left when Roy circled to his right, and the their muscular arms entwined and began to push against each other.
Roy quickly yanked Dick’s arms toward him, pulling the acrobat toward and past him. He got behind Dick and tried to take him down, but his grip wasn’t that strong, and by the time they hit the mat, Dick had twisted back around to land on his back, and had his legs up in guard position. Roy swore under his breath and tried to get past Dick’s guard, but Dick was a long master of defensive grappling and he wasn’t going to get anywhere.
Dick pushed out with his legs and Roy let himself be pushed off, thinking to bring things back up to their feet. But their bodies, already warm from the workout, had started pouring sweat from every pore almost as soon as they had started wrestling, and the mat was already slippery. Roy’s foot landed on a particularly slick spot and shot out from under him, and he landed flat on his ass with Dick ready to pounce on him.
Dick went for a side mount, but Roy was ready for him. His legs came up, pushing Dick’s head to the side, while he tried to get a grip on one of Dick’s wrists. But their bodies, coated in sweat, made getting a firm grip on anything far more difficult than it should have been, and Dick managed to keep his arms from out of the danger zone.
Fine, Roy thought, time to change tactics a bit. Now he wrapped his powerful legs around Dick’s unprotected head, trapping it securely between his thighs. He flexed his quads, and smiled when he heard Dick grunt in pain. “Enjoying yourself, Dickie?” he called in a mocking tone of voice.
He couldn’t make out Dick’s muffled response, but he could guess at the content. Dick was focusing on Roy’s legs, trying to get his head free, and Roy wrapped his pythons around Dick’s muscled torso to keep him under control. “You’re not going anywhere, buddy. Not unless you tap!”
Dick was not happy. Roy’s headscissors wasn’t a submission hold by any stretch of the imagination, but it still wasn’t that pleasant to be locked between his fellow Titan’s legs. He could hear Roy saying something, probably taunting him, but he ignored it, his mind racing to figure out a way out of the hold.
There! He could feel Roy a little off balance from his struggles. He quickly planted both of his feet on the mat – good thing this part was dry! – and stood up. Now he could hear Roy yelp in surprise as his legs slid off Dick’s head. Dick smiled grimly, then pounced on his prone opponent.
As they struggled on the mat, neither one able to get a real advantage, Dick marveled again at the pure strength in Roy’s upper body. Years of pulling high-tension bowstrings had built his chest, back, and arms to near human limits, and Dick had to work hard to match muscle with him. Roy was bridging and trying to throw Dick off; what the hell, I’ll let him, Dick thought, and the two young men slowly climbed to their feet.
Roy began to backpedal, and Dick, somewhat against his better judgement, began to chase him around the mat room. Roy was juking and cutting like a basketball player, trying to draw Dick off balance, but Dick stayed patient, and sooner rather than later, he had Roy boxed in a corner where he didn’t have any option but to stand and fight.
They tied up again – Roy ducked low and went for Dick’s legs, but Dick immediately fell backwards, planted his feet in Roy’s chest and stomach, grabbed his arms, and sent him sailing in a perfect monkey flip. As they climbed to their feet, Dick smirked, “I didn’t know you could fly.”
“Ass,” came the response. He dove for Dick’s legs again, and Dick tried to sprawl – but Roy was just a hair faster, and Dick quickly found himself sitting on his butt and being driven backwards.
He went with it, rolling backwards over his head and bringing Roy’s body with him. They landed with Roy on his back and Dick on top of him, but Roy again took advantage of the slickness of their two bodies and slid out from under Dick to the side. Dick immediately rolled onto his back to keep from giving Roy the opportunity for a choke, and Roy drove himself into his fellow Titan.
They rolled across the mat, not paying too much attention to technique. Dick was enjoying the scrap, and he was pretty sure Roy was too. It was taking them back to the “fun” wrestling matches they’d indulged in when they were kids, and with everything going on in his life right now, Dick wanted to feel like a kid again.
SalzPeter (116 )
3 napjaGreat read.
Are these from personal experiences with the names of the "guilty" parties changed?
JiminQueens2 (58)
3 napja(Válaszképp erre)
LOL no. This is Nightwing back when he was still Robin, and Arsenal back when he was still Speedy.
Grappling fan (1)
3 napjaGreat story round 2 soon
GrapplerFL (11)
1 napjathis is so hot and wonderfully written! usually the actual wrestling can be a let down after a great build up - but not here, this is fantastic!
kudos! and thank you for sharing it! totally hot man.
JiminQueens2 (58)
1 napja(Válaszképp erre)
Thank you so much!!!!!