JiminQueens2's blog
Oil Wrestling Daddies and Sons - Part 10 - Finale
Ryu’s cries became louder and more pronounced, and his face twisted into a rictus of mixed pleasure and exertion. Kevin’s head shot up and his back arched and his lips formed a silent “O” as Ryu emptied his nut sack into my Boy’s ass. Satisfied that I could last longer, I no longer had to hold back, and I let the pressure that had been building up release, exploding deep into Wyatt’s guts. Wyatt’s “O” wasn’t silent; he howled with pleasure as I seeded him.
The Boys collapsed on their bellies, exhausted, with Ryu and me collapsing on top of them. We lay there for a long minute, panting, our bodies slick with sweat. I felt Ryu nudge me; I glanced over, and he jerked his chin at the boys. I had no problem interpreting his intention. He and I had gotten off; now they deserved a turn.
Moving as one, we got off the Boys and turned them over onto their backs. They were both still rock hard, and both of them were leaking a little after what we’d given them. Ryu lowered his mouth onto Kevin’s cock, and I did the same for Wyatt. Still earthy. I gently worked his shaft with lips, tongue, and throat until I could feel it start to get even harder, then began to suck him harder and deeper until, with a cry they probably heard next door, he exploded into my mouth.
I had no trouble taking all of the salty-sweet juice and swallowing it down, and next to me, Kevin’s cries were joining Wyatt’s and Ryu was doing the same. The Boys softened and left our mouths, and we collapsed on top of them, but my left arm reached out for Ryu at the same time as his right reached for me, as Kevin and Wyatt reached for each other. The four of us pulled each other close and lay there for a long time, savoring the closeness and the contact and the sheer joy of finding kindred spirits.
Finally, Ryu said, “We should clean up the mat, and then find our beds. It’s late.”
It didn’t take us long to remove the last vestiges of oil, sweat, and cum from the mat; Ryu was an absolute fanatic about keeping it clean, and I agreed with him 100%. Still naked and leaving our uniforms downstairs, the four of us climbed up the stairs from the basement and made our way through the house to the stairs leading to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, we didn’t even have to consult with each other. Wyatt led Kevin, hand-in-hand, down the hall to presumably his bedroom, while Ryu put his arm around my shoulders and guided me to his bedroom. It was a good room, tasteful but masculine, and it reflected its owner very well.
I was hard again; I couldn’t always get this hard this soon after cumming, but I was really, really into this man and my dick wanted more. Ryu was just as hard, especially after we kissed and held our bodies close, crushing our dicks between them. He pushed me down onto the enormous bed and opened a drawer in the table next to it. More lube; did he keep a bottle of it in every room? He lifted my legs in the air and applied a liberal amount of lube to my hole and to his cock.
I don’t bottom very often, and not for anyone but Kevin in a long time, but I wasn’t about to fight. I wanted this man inside me. Ryu jumped on the bed, lifted my legs again, and guided his cockhead to my waiting, pulsing hole. Kevin’s dick was bigger, but Ryu’s had an interesting curve to it that I’d never seen before.
It hurt, as it always does, when he entered me; I took a series of long, deep breaths and waited for the pain to subside and the pleasure to take over. It didn’t take long. Ryu let go of my legs and lowered his body and his lips onto mine. He began to drive into me, easy, measured strokes, while our tongues renewed their acquaintance. I could feel my body melting into his as my hips rose to meet his thrusts. We were like two halves of a seamless whole, our bodies twisting and gyrating in unison as if some unseen puppet master held our strings and knew exactly what the next moves would be.
Normally, Kevin and I switch positions several times when we make love, but Ryu and I didn’t. We stayed in missionary the whole time, either kissing each other deeply or else our eyes locked on each other. I had never enjoyed being with another man, not even Kevin, as much as I was loving being with Ryu, even loving it when his sweat dropped off his forehead and landed in my eye. Ryu’s eyes were alight with desire, which made for an interesting contrast with his mischievous, almost goofy smile. My god, this man was beautiful.
I could feel him getting harder inside me; he was getting close. Suddenly I couldn’t decide if I wanted him to cum inside me or all over me, but Ryu took the decision out of my mouth. He pulled out and started jerking his dick. I had never stopped jerking mine, but while I’d had Ryu in my ass, it had softened a bit. Now it was swelling to full size and thickness, and I started jerking it harder, faster, even as Ryu matched me stroke for stroke.
It doesn’t happen as often as you read in the stories, but this time it really did; Ryu and I exploded together in a fountain of semen that splattered all over my chest and stomach and even a little reaching my chin and my forehead. Ryu collapsed on me and I caught him in a rough bear hug. We started kissing and grinding our bodies together, our juices mixing to give both of our torsos a light coating of jizz. I held him tightly and realized that I didn’t want to let him go, maybe not ever.
“That…was….glorious,” Ryu whispered into my ear.
“Yes, it was,” I whispered back. I checked the time; four a.m. “It’s a little late to be driving. Okay if Kevin and I crash on your couch?”
“You idiot,” Ryu murmured with a kiss on my cheek. “You’re staying the night, and right here. Or at least,” he glanced at the clock himself, “what’s left of the night. Besides, the Boys may not be finished yet.”
“They seemed to be getting along pretty well,” I agreed. Then, more somberly, I said, “I’ve never seen Kevin that comfortable with anyone—not even me.”
“Nor have I, Wyatt,” Ryu said. “So I guess that you and I are going to have to spend time together, since our Boys are on their way to being best friends. It will be an imposition, since you’re so hideous and such an asshole—“
I shut his mouth, or rather, opened it wider, by kissing him.
It didn’t take us long to fall asleep, spooned together as easily as if we’d been made that way. I woke a few hours later, and that was where you came in. I felt drained and a little achy and deliriously happy, but the part of me that over-analyzes everything was making a list in my mind. Kevin and I were going to have to have a serious talk, and we were going to have to start spending more time with Ryu and Wyatt. For all I knew, the four of us had just been caught up in the moment and now that the moment was past, the feelings we had for each other would be past as well. But I really, really hoped that wouldn’t be the case. I liked this man and I wanted to see if that liking would develop into the same depth of feeling I had for Kevin.
But those were conversations for later in the day, or for another day altogether. Ryu stirred in his sleep and his body pressed a little closer to mine. I held him a little tighter, closed my eyes, and dozed off again.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2023-12-18 08:49Very hot end to a great story.
SeattleFight (509)
2023-12-18 09:08I hope that’s not the end!!! But excellent just the same. So well written and steamy hot.