JiminQueens2's blog
Oil Wrestling Daddies and Sons - Part 5
Kevin howled as Wyatt poured on the pressure on his back, and everyone on my side had a great view of Kevin’s bulging jockstrap – but Wyatt surprised me by not squeezing Kevin’s balls the way I’d expected him to. Instead, he just worked the leg back and forth, putting what must have been insane pressure on Kevin’s back, and giving him a face full of baby oil to go with it.
“You want to quit, red boy?” Wyatt’s taunting voice rang out over the insane crowd.
“No fucking way!” came Kevin’s response.
“Suit yourself!” Wyatt leaned back even further, and Kevin’s howls filled the room.
I wanted desperately to throw myself into the pit and rescue my Boy, but I knew I couldn’t – mostly because Kevin himself would never forgive me if I did. My Boy had been fighting his own battles long before he met me, and he was going to fight this one to a finish, one way or the other.
“He’s not actually my son, you know.” Ryu’s voice startled me and I jumped a bit. “He’s a cousin, fourth or fifth, I’m not sure.”
“Kevin’s not my son, either,” I replied.
Ryu glanced at me in surprise. “I thought…”
“Nope,” I said. “Not even related.”
A huge grunt brought our attention back to the pit. Kevin had kicked out of the crab and thrown Wyatt halfway across the pit. Before the other Boy could react, Kevin had slid across the distance between them and pounced on him, wrapping his arms around Wyatt’s throat.
Kevin leaned back, clearly intending to get to his back with the rear naked choke on Wyatt. But once again, the oil decided to get involved. Kevin’s feet slipped out from under him, and he landed hard on his back – while Wyatt landed hard on Kevin’s balls.
Kevin howled in agony; nut shots are the absolute worst physical thing a man can endure. Wyatt slipped off of him and, still on his knees, turned to face him, and I was surprised to see a look of … apprehension? on his face. As if he was worried for Kevin?
But if he was worried, it didn’t stop him from straddling my Boy and putting his own forearm across Kevin’s throat. Then he held up his free hand for everyone to see – before bringing it down and digging his fingers into Kevin’s pecs!
The crowd was losing their shit as Wyatt worked Kevin’s meaty chest, taking his forearm off Kevin’s throat to attend to the other pec. Kevin screamed and writhed, and the crowd ate it up … but not me. I know my Boy. And somehow, his reaction didn’t seem … genuine?
Wyatt moved up Kevin’s muscular body until his knees were resting on Kevin’s shoulders. His questing fingers found Kevin’s nipples, and Kevin squirmed in agony as Wyatt pinched and twisted them, grinning like a maniac the entire time. He looked up at the cheering Daddies and Boys and yelled, “ENJOYING THE SHOW?” to such a thunderous response. Wyatt loved the attention so much, he decided to showboat a little, giving the crowd a double bicep pose.
Big mistake.
Kevin bucked his hips upward and Wyatt, caught off balance, tumbled off him and landed on his back. Before Wyatt could react, Kevin had him in a sitting position and had underhooked both of his arms. He fell backwards onto his back, controlled this time, wrapped his huge thighs around Wyatt’s body, and Squeezed!
Wyatt’s arms rose over his head and he howled at the pressure Kevin was putting on his ribcage, but something seemed…off to me. It all seemed a little too theatrical. And my suspicions were confirmed when Kevin glanced over to me and gave me a quick, almost imperceptible wink. I grinned. Whether they’d pre-arranged the ending or not, Kevin and Wyatt clearly had decided to make the match as showy and over the top as possible.
Wyatt tried to pry Kevin’s legs apart – I could have told him only I can do that – but Kevin quickly jerked his legs sideways and sent Wyatt down to the tarp. Kevin adjusted his position so that he was straddling Wyatt, his legs now pinning Wyatt’s arms to his sides. He looked up at the cheering, very obviously horny spectators, raised one fist in the air – and brought it down hard onto Wyatt’s six pack!
Well, “hard”. My Boy and I play very rough sometimes, and I know how hard he can hit. He didn’t put anywhere near his full muscle behind that punch. Nor did he for the second, or the third. But when he grabbed Wyatt’s nipples and began to twist – THAT was real, I’d have sworn it.
TWIST ease TWIST ease. Kevin was working Wyatt’s nipples like a champ, and Wyatt’s body jerked in pain with every twist. The men watching were loving every bit, and Kevin was drinking in the cheers. But then Kevin smiled, and even I couldn’t tell what he had planned next.
“Does it hurt?” he asked Wyatt. “Here, let me kiss it and make it better.” And he suited the action to the word – bending over and “kissing” Wyatt’s nipple. From the howls coming from Wyatt, though, it was obvious that there were some teeth involved.
Kevin straightened up and tried to go back to the schoolboy pin, but Wyatt had clearly had enough. He pushed up hard, not enough to move Kevin completely off him, but enough to get enough space for him to slide his slick body underneath Kevin’s and behind him. He sprang to his feet as Kevin did the same, and my studly Boy and the other Boy faced each other, their massive chests heaving as they gulped in air.
“Your Boy is a damn good wrestler,” Ryu said. “Your doing?”
“Not really,” I replied. “He knew how to handle himself long before we met. I’ve just taught him a few tricks since.”
“Interesting.” Ryu paused, then went on, “Wyatt had never had any training at all – never fought as a boy, never learned how to box or how to wrestle. I had to train him.”
I winced as Wyatt dove low and took Kevin’s legs out from under him, and my Boy landed on his ass. “You did a good job.”
“Thank you.” We turned our attention back to our Boys and their match. Kevin was back in control, his legs wrapped around Wyatt’s head, twisting and turning so that the light reflected off their oiled, muscled bodies. Wyatt flopped on the tarp like a landed fish, and his cries echoed over the shouts and catcalls of the men.
Kevin turned over onto his stomach, bringing Wyatt with him – and began to swivel his hips back and forth. The crowd was loudly enjoying the sight of him shaking his bubble butt, but I could see he was also rubbing Wyatt’s face into the oily tarp.
And that seemed to be all the motivation Wyatt needed to get free. He reached up to slide his hand along Kevin’s leg until he got to Kevin’s knee – and then, something happened. I couldn’t see what he did, but all of a sudden Kevin yelped and his legs flew apart – I’m not even sure he consciously released the scissors.
Wyatt slid across the tarp to get clear of Kevin, then turned. Kevin was looking back and forth between his knee and Wyatt, an expression of pure shock on his face. Wyatt started to shimmy toward him, his hands outstretched and fingers flexing. Every male alive knows that challenge.
“Come on, Red,” he yelled, “let’s fucking do this!”
Kevin and Wyatt locked their fingers together and began to squeeze. The muscles in their arms were bulging as they tried to make each other quit—all the while trying to keep their balance on the slippery tarp. Their jocks were totally soaked with oil at this point, and the grease made Kevin’s hair look almost as dark as Wyatt’s.
They twisted and turned back and forth, their bodies colliding a couple of times. Their faces were close, close enough to kiss, and for a brief second I thought they were going to. But slowly but surely, Kevin’s muscles were proving to be harder than Wyatt’s, and he forced the other Boy first down to one knee, and then to both.
“I really have a very good setup,” Ryu said. “You and your Boy really sh—NO, WYATT!” this as Wyatt wrenched his hands loose from Kevin’s merciless grip and attempted a very clumsy shot at Kevin’s legs. Kevin immediately spun around behind him and tried to get a rear choke on Wyatt.
“As I was saying,” Ryu continued, “you and your Boy really should come work out with us sometime. We can always use some competition.”
I glanced over at him, looking him up and down, noting the hard muscle underneath the golden skin. “Are you challenging me?” I asked quietly.
“No,” Ryu replied. “Call it…inviting you over for a play date.”
Our gazes locked – Ryu was smiling, the kind of smile I used to have when I met a guy that I knew would be fun to play with. But there was Kevin to think of…
A cry of pain brought our attention back to the pit. Wyatt was free, and Kevin was holding his middle and groaning – the Boys must have flipped over and something hard on Wyatt must have landed on something relatively soft on Kevin. Wyatt flipped Kevin over onto his stomach, then slid his oily legs around Kevin’s middle and began to squeeze, his quads and hamstrings shining in the light.
As Kevin writhed in his grasp, Wyatt grabbed one of Kevin’s legs and bent it backward and across Kevin’s body, then grabbed the other one and bent it over the first. Kevin howled, and I winced at the pressure that Wyatt was putting on Kevin’s shin. Wyatt screamed, “Do you give up already?”
“No fucking way!” Kevin screamed back.
Wyatt let the mini-Boston crab go, but he wasn’t finished with Kevin yet. Before Kevin could react, Wyatt flipped him back onto his back and dropped his full body weight – and there was a lot of it – only my Boy. I could hear the breath being driven out of Kevin’s lungs.
Wyatt snaked his legs around Kevin’s grapevining them. He pinioned Kevin’s arms over his head, then, while he held them there with one hand, got the other arm underneath Kevin’s head and forced it forward into his chest. The position my Boy was in made me wince in sympathy, and I started praying he could find his way out of this.
The tendons in Wyatt’s neck were sticking straight out as he forced Kevin’s legs apart and his head down. Both Boys were screaming, Kevin in pain, Wyatt in exertion. I could see Ramirez moving around the pit, until he was next to Kevin’s head and leaning over as much as he could without touching either Boy.
And when Ramirez starting waving his hand and Stevenson rang the bell, I knew it was over. The pain had been too much, and Kevin had submitted.
As soon as the bell rang, Wyatt let go of Kevin’s arms and head, and his legs unwrapped themselves from around Kevin’s. The two Boys just lay there, Wyatt on top of Kevin, both of their sides heaving out and in as they gulped in large mouthfuls of air. The crowd was going nuts, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Ryu smiling and nodding in satisfaction. I wasn’t quite mad, but I definitely wanted a piece of this man for my Boy’s sake.
“I’ll take you up on that play date,” I growled under my breath.
Ryu glanced at me, still smiling. “I was almost sure you would,” he said. “When would you like to come over?”
“How about as soon as the Boys are cleaned up?” I shot back.
Ryu’s smile grew even broader. “I think that would be just fine,” he said.
The Boys were still lying on the tarp, Wyatt still on top of Kevin. But they were starting to get their second wind. Wyatt propped himself up on his hands and knees, taking his weight off Kevin, and then suddenly leaned down and kissed my Boy right on the mouth. Not wet and not long, just a quick peck, but a ripple of “oohs” went through the crowd and both Ryu and I were surprised.
But oddly enough, Kevin wasn’t surprised. I was starting to get a little suspicious.
Wyatt climbed to his feet, then bent over and offered his hand to pull Kevin up to his. The oil had other ideas, though, and the slippery tarp sent them both right down again to land on their respective asses, laughing. Kevin’s beautiful when he laughs.
Still laughing, the Boys helped each other to their feet again, holding each other steady like two drunks trying to stay on their feet. As the crowd burst into thunderous applause, they took a theatrical bow, their arms still around each other’s waists.
In spite of myself, I smiled. Kevin obviously wasn’t’ too upset about losing, and to be honest, it had been a good match. This Wyatt kid must be something special to be able to beat my Boy, and he took the best Kevin had thrown at him. If his Daddy was just as tough…that play date was looking better and better all the time.
SeattleFight (509)
2023-12-03 20:13Cant wait for the daddies’ hot play date!!!
JiminQueens2 (59)
2023-12-04 01:03(Válaszképp erre)
Working on it!!!!! But first the boys have to clean up....
geewrestler (43)
2023-12-04 04:49(Válaszképp erre)
Me too
It’s going to be a good match for sure unless there a big swist we don’t see coming
bigfootfighter (17)
2023-12-05 16:56(Válaszképp erre)
Anytime u want man