Ausfella-t ajánlja Briswrestler81 (2024-11-05)
This was ausfellas comeback match and it was an awesome come back match wrestled this guy for a few hours and it was a great workout he pinned me a few times but I took as much as he gave great guy friendly and was a great match can’t wait to wrestle him again
This was ausfellas comeback match and it was an awesome come back match wrestled this guy for a few hours and it was a great workout he pinned me a few times but I took as much as he gave great guy friendly and was a great match can’t wait to wrestle him again
黑白摔跤战渣-t ajánlja Apollo (2024-11-05)
Had a great match while 黑白摔跤战渣 was stopping over in Dubai. Very easy to communicate with and set up. He’s a great boxer and got me winded a couple of times, enjoyed wrestling afterwards. Highly recommend meeting this fighter!
wrestleindo-t ajánlja JumpFighter (2024-11-05)
Sometimes, an unplanned match in a very short time can be an impressive fight. Even though we live in a nearby area, we never find each other in the MF apps.
With a bigger and stockier body than mine, it's not easy to bring him down at all. He might be much younger than me, but not in skill and experience.
Calm, chill, and mature in his fighting style, yet strong and powerful at the same time. Which I like it. I would love to rematch again for sure..☕
stormwrestler-t ajánlja BroWrestling (2024-11-05)
He’s a great, strong, and an aggressive wrestler. I enjoy his company and great personality to be around with. We had lots of fun, and we had a great time together.
Paris75-t ajánlja Paul Vincent (2024-11-05)
Adversaire solide, il gagne à être connu pour sa culture et combattu pour son physique...
punchingjoe-t ajánlja g6fighter (2024-11-05)
Sind schon seit einiger Zeit im Kontakt, und nun hat ein Treffen endlich geklappt. Sehr zuverlässig, superpünktlich. Hatte es ja schon geahnt. Drahtig, athletisch schlanker Fight Body, kein Gramm Fett! Beneidenswert. Hatten nicht viel Platz im Hotelzimmer, aber wir kamen doch bald beim Kräftemessen ins Schwitzen, und Du hast Kraft, hat mir echt Spaß gemacht mit dir zu raufen.
Und auch außerhalb der Matte, kann man sich mit dir sehr gut unterhalten, bist ein sympathischer Kerl.
Kann dich nur empfehlen.
Subzero-t ajánlja Earth (2024-11-05)
Subzero was a lot of fun. He has incredible strength, power, and endurance, and you can see how he enjoys demonstrating them. He can take hard gut punches for a long time, and after a quick recovery, you can continue again!
Excelent experience! :)
ROULE44-t ajánlja Samael (2024-11-05)
Un excellent match avec un lutteur technique et en forme, respectueux de son adversaire et passionné de sports de combat ! À rencontrer et à renouveler sans modération, il ne vous décevra pas un instant même s’il est très bavard 😝 Au plaisir de te recroiser sur les tapis !
helloitsdnyc-t ajánlja mno (2024-11-05)
Sexy guy, all muscle, can hold his own. Can’t wait for the rematch
J TKD-t ajánlja BroWrestling (2024-11-05)
He’s a great wrestler and very competitive. He’s strong wrestler and great guy to wrestle. We had a great and lots of fun wrestling each other. I enjoy his company.