MeetFighters News
12th Birthday - Update
Today we launch some smaller improvements across some parts of the site: Donations, Chat, Messages. opened on 26th November 2008. Our 12th birthday is rapidly approaching. To get everyone in a happy celebrating mood (quite a challenge in 2020...), we gift every verified member 30 days donation status — starting Now. If you verify during November, you receive the 30 days too. (As always, members with an already active donation (and verification) will receive 30 days on top of their existing one.)
Click here to start your verification, and get one month donor status.
Donation Update:
As of today, we extended our payment options for donations.
Additional to PayPal, we now accept bank transfer, and in the next days, we will add even more payment options. This was quite a regular request from the community, and I'm happy to provide it now.
The price for donations does not change (same price since years!):
20USD (15EUR or 14GBP) (+VAT) For a full year, no automatic renew.
All our benefits can be found on the donation page
Chat Update:
Apart from some background improvements in the chat, you can now play Rock paper scissors!
Type: "!rockpaperscissors @MemberName" in the chat.
(or in short: "!rps @MemberName" to start the game.) Happy battling!
Notification Update:
Thank you for all your critic and ideas for our new Mail system. During the last weeks, we added many of your suggestions and other improvements to the Message system. Today we activate a new feature: "Offline Notifications" If you turn it on in your browser and OS, you will receive a notification of new messages even when is closed. (It does work on MAC, Windows, Android. It is not available on iPhone/iPad.)
On your settings page, turn on "Enable offline notifications"
The US election: PLEASE VOTE
In the coming week, the US election takes place. Because of COVID-19 the dates got adjusted to accommodate social distance. For your convenience, here are the updated dates:
Voting for Joe Biden Tuesday, 3rd November 2020
Voting for Donald Trump Wednesday, 4th November 2020.
Source: (1) (2)
I'm aware I'm breaking my own rules when it comes to political discussions. But that's the advantage of being the owner. Please VOTE.
Please stay polite and respectful in the comments.
Best Regards and stay safe,
Jvallee8 (0)
2020-10-31 20:50Thanks for new payment options...I look forward to seeing new method to donate.. good job guys..!
ocmuscle (108)
2020-10-31 20:55Thanks for all you do!
Senior Bear (4)
2020-10-31 21:01Who is the owner?
2020-10-31 21:13(Válaszképp erre)
Me. You can contact me over our site support, and ask that your request gets escalated to Admin.
luttefrance (36)
2020-10-31 21:18Brilliant as ever! I'm especially glad you got offline notifications working. Your innovation and dedication - and that of all the volunteers - is what makes this the best online wrestling community anytime, anywhere, and gives any social media a run for their money.
2020-10-31 21:35(Válaszképp erre)
I can only join, a BIG THANKS to our volunteering supporters and translators!
Disclaimer, the news above is only reflecting my personal view, it is not connected in any way or form to our volunteering supports. That's the main reason I did not mention our Team in this news post.
Musclpa (10)
2020-11-01 07:44(Válaszképp erre)
I'm voting Trump. Biden voted against gay marriage 3 times and be Trump hired more women in government and has a gay man in his cabinet. Yes he's abrasive but I like his policies. I was never crazy about Biden
latinman31 (65)
2020-10-31 21:20Thanks for all you do for us! Also, thanks for the reminder to vote!
NJWoodbridge (143)
2020-10-31 21:29LOL (on when to vote).
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
2020-10-31 21:55Can we donate using Bitcoin? Would be more discreet, I guess.
And If you are looking for someone to improve the pt-br localization, count on me.
2020-10-31 22:05(Válaszképp erre)
Portuguese translation is at 81% and currently only done by one person, I'm sure he would appreciate more help. Please open a support ticket, to get the ball rolling :)
Danny Boy 83 (1)
2020-10-31 22:20Great site, made a few friends, keep safe everyone no matter where you are !
The Face (11)
2020-10-31 22:46Thank you for breaking your rule regarding political discussions and all that you do. My vote for Biden has been cast and counted.
warhorse573 (0)
2020-11-01 04:02(Válaszképp erre)
As has mine for Trump. I just hope Trump supporters are welcome here...
daedalus statue (26)
2020-10-31 23:04I am not American but truly appreciate you bringing up voting. Very proud of the leadership behind this site. Sending much gratitude your way! E
maineagle93 (159 )
2020-11-01 01:36Admin, you're the best ❤️
LA Stocky Wrestler (18)
2020-11-01 05:37You made a mistake with the voting dates. You got it reversed!
bigchicago (68)
2020-11-01 06:53I'm about as progressive as they come. But that's pretty fucked up that you posted misinformation about the voting dates.
Honestly, one of the biggest issues with this election is misinformation. And democrats have largely been innocent of this. It's really shitty that you posted something like this because you gave the right wing an example that they can push. Honestly, reassess your priorities and come to a better understanding.
This isn't funny. It's disgusting.
tezza2 (0)
2020-11-01 08:05(Válaszképp erre)
I would leave the group/site if I was you!!!
Celticmuscle (110)
2020-11-01 10:14(Válaszképp erre)
I was censored for merely registering a protest about the admin using this site for political ends. Very worrying trend.
Ventrest (13)
2020-11-05 14:33(Válaszképp erre)
I think everyone in the US and most worldwide knew the election dates. Call it satire.
The Face (11)
2020-11-06 02:50(Válaszképp erre)
Exactly, I could not agree more.
Musclpa (10)
2020-11-01 07:49I'm voting Trump because Biden voted against gay marriage 3 times. Look it up. Trump's abrasive but he's sharp. He hired more women and has a gay man in his cabinet. I'm a life long Democrat but all the with all the lawlessness and Bidens corruption I had to switch.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2020-11-02 00:55(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah. Tough choice. Vote for Biden who voted against legalizing gay marriage 14 years ago and has been frequently accused of corruption by political opportunists. Or vote for the man who's made a career of corruption and who called the pandemic a hoax when he knew that it wasn't a hoax causing millions to believe it was a hoax. Yeah, real tough choice.
SargeKO (0)
2020-11-01 07:56You goofed up the dates. Joe sleeps in on Tuesdays.
Musclpa (10)
2020-11-01 08:00
madrid90 (12)
2020-11-01 09:53Thanks MF staff
Celticmuscle (110)
2020-11-01 10:01And so the site now goes from a wrestling site to a FB political discussion page. Please admin, take down your political notification and delete this entire comments stream. You’ve already deleted my initial comment on this stream where I protested against this political direction. Now we can see how the comments are degenerating into tribal political fights, something that should be completely u acceptable on here. Admin, you started this,please finish it before it goes too far and return us to a wrestling site!!
phil rouen (4)
2020-11-01 10:10Dommage plus de traducteur sur les messages entre amis
SileX (218)
2020-11-01 10:46(Válaszképp erre)
You can click the "triple dot" button at the bottom right of a message bubble. You will find translation there.
Smoothgrapple (9)
2020-11-01 10:48Thank you!!!
Watcher68 (0)
2020-11-01 11:43Not cool. Not cool at all. If you're shooting for losing members and supporters of your site then you're on the right track. Yeah it's your site but it has no business here. Period.
surrey71 (21 )
2020-11-01 15:10I’m having to agree with some posts here... Admin, breaking your own rule isn’t right and had started a political mudslinging.... please take down the political posts and let’s return to what you said before.... no Covid conspiracy, no political posts and no hate speech!
NJWoodbridge (143)
2020-11-01 15:19Ok. This gives me an opportunity to disagree with how the new messenger set up. My "unread" box now shows 2 dozen messages making referral to this message thread. I have no desire to read extended comments of a political nature - especially from all of these poor, aggrieved, whining Trumpanzees who don't know how to take a joke. But to delete all of these messages (and another 6 have arrived since I started writing this), I have to open up every message and go through multiple clicks to delete each one individually. Under the old interface, I could just click a box on the messages list next to each message and delete them un masse. Of course, my website skills being as poor as they are, perhaps there is a way of doing it un masse, in which case I would appreciate being directed how.
Many thanks.
SileX (218)
2020-11-01 15:23(Válaszképp erre)
You get these because you indicated that you want to subscribe when you posted your previous comment. (There is a checkbox; default is to get follow-ups, I guess the rationale for that is if you care enough to post to the thread then you care enough to read other people's opinions too.)
You can click the "Unsubscribe" button near the top of the comments here, or head to to remove stuff that you are not really interested in.
GrandOwl (0 )
2020-11-06 20:19(Válaszképp erre)
Trumpanzees??? That's not very nice at all.
NJWoodbridge (143)
2020-11-01 15:27Thanks, Sile. I realize I can do that. But I wanted to read the commentary on the site improvements from members that I know and respect (like you). Under the old interface I could do that easily. Now, not so much.
barcoded (8 )
2020-11-01 21:19Thanks for the update
headscissors victim (11 )
2020-11-01 22:56I really love your election advice and I´ll hope that all Trump voters will consider the date or drink disinfectant.
Musclpa (10)
2020-11-01 23:45(Válaszképp erre)
Merkle really made a mess of Germany
chicagowrestbox (24 )
2020-11-02 01:45Musclpa what the hell are you talking about when you say Merkel (spell it right) made a mess of Germany?
playtime72 (0 )
2020-11-02 05:40Quickly loosing interest in this site. This sorry excuse for election misinformation (lying) is pathetic and just another example of how the socialist/communist left operates. Congratulations on showing your back side.
GrandOwl (0 )
2020-11-06 20:21(Válaszképp erre)
For real for real.
BeardedVillain (75)
2020-11-03 12:36- deleted, found it.
wanttowrestle (44 )
2020-11-13 18:56Fyi: I voted on Nov 3rd!