Hello Fighters,

As you may have read in our previous blog posts, we no longer recommend meetings of any sort while there is a pandemic out there. Doing so would be irresponsible and exacerbate a situation that is bad enough already. How long this will last, we cannot tell, but estimates tell us that we need to move forward. We asked you what you wanted most from us in these difficult times of isolation, and the overwhelming majority of you said you wanted food'.

So starting today and lasting until the end of the pandemic, as so declared by the World Health Organization, MeetFighters will be repurposed and rebranded as EatFighters. We will bring you Recipes (Check out our new "Recipes" section in the site menu). Our videos page will feature cooking shows and we will let you share you the latest tricks of the Kitchen in our very own news blog.

We are contracting Jamie Oliver to bring you the best equipment and are working on a deal with Amazon to get our members discounts on newly purchased cooking products. Whole Foods has already signed an exclusive EatFighters contract.


We have extended our Terms of Service with one additional point. By continuing to use the site you are implicitly accepting this:

We understand that change is hard, but in the name of the entire EatFighters team let us wish you:


Remember guys: it's always fun to go cook to cook and NO FOOD FIGHTING.

Best regards,
Chef (previously known as Admin)

Fordítás magyarra
Utoljára módosította Admin 2020-04-01 14:08-n



Hassan (0)

2020-04-01 06:31

Excelente muy buena propuesta

Fordítás magyarra

sayrob (29)

2020-04-01 15:35

(Válaszképp erre)

These food symbols are silly

Fordítás magyarra

luchador (63)

2020-04-01 19:23

(Válaszképp erre)

It is silly!
Why change our personal pics??!!!!! Nonsense. I want mine!

Fordítás magyarra

Hydro (5)

2020-04-01 20:40

(Válaszképp erre)

I agree! I don’t want to look at pictures of food

Fordítás magyarra

littleforbigg (3)

2020-04-02 04:01

(Válaszképp erre)

Chill, most of us need a laugh these days.

Fordítás magyarra

Kombat negro (0)

2020-04-23 22:42

(Válaszképp erre)

No me agrada eso no no

Fordítás magyarra

HitTaker (30)

2020-04-01 06:32

Haha. April fools.

Fordítás magyarra

Play Misty (0)

2020-04-01 12:11

(Válaszképp erre)

Not nececelery.

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:27

(Válaszképp erre)

Now if that isn't a losing proposition ...ill wrestle you nonetheless...guffaw!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

croydonscot (17)

2020-04-01 19:49

(Válaszképp erre)

They do love their April fool jokes, if I remember rightly wasn't it date fighters last year ?

Fordítás magyarra

redlandguy (199)

2020-04-01 06:33

Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti

Fordítás magyarra


2020-04-01 06:33

LOL Love it thanks guys it’s a masterpiece!

Fordítás magyarra

LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

2020-04-01 06:49

(Válaszképp erre)

Cub, will you be my appetizer or main course? LOL.

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:30

(Válaszképp erre)

IN the EVENT cub won't, I WILL be.

Fordítás magyarra

LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

2020-04-01 06:41

Yeah, there are lots of fighters here I'd like to get a taste of! LOL!

Fordítás magyarra

HardWorkinMan (9)

2020-04-01 06:42

Seriously though. When do we get profile pics back? I’ll be back then

Fordítás magyarra

YoungScot (38)

2020-04-01 09:28

(Válaszképp erre)

Probably after midday 😜😂

Fordítás magyarra


2020-04-01 13:10

(Válaszképp erre)

See you tomorrow :)

Fordítás magyarra

FresLuchador (88)

2020-04-01 06:44

You guys get me every year it seems!!

Fordítás magyarra

Glovefight (14)

2020-04-01 06:44

Hey everyone,

Here is a recipe I've been using to make amazing Red Velvet Cake. I do add a secret ingredient to make it perfectly dense and moist. If you want to know the secret ingredient, just message me, and maybe send me a hot pic in gear to trade?


Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:33

(Válaszképp erre)

DEEEEEELish...what's that sticky white substance on top? JUst sayin....

Fordítás magyarra

Mark uk (293)

2020-04-01 06:45

Funny. Well done guys

Fordítás magyarra

AgentPoseidon (32)

2020-04-01 06:46

Who doesn't love food? However, replacing everyone's with food pics? not cool.

Fordítás magyarra

Andi2 (3)

2020-04-01 07:04

(Válaszképp erre)

Thank you.

Fordítás magyarra

Albertoalverez (17)

2020-04-01 07:52

(Válaszképp erre)

I agree. I won’t be on here for a while.

Fordítás magyarra

Play Misty (0)

2020-04-01 12:10

(Válaszképp erre)

Oh, lighten up!! Jeez.

Fordítás magyarra

Jimmy Elijah (76)

2020-04-03 14:08

(Válaszképp erre)

Which picture of a meal do you recommend to lighten up?

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:45

(Válaszképp erre)

Get a grip, BOY

Fordítás magyarra

hellcatedy (49)

2020-04-01 06:46

Bravo! Love the April Fool's joke! It brings your spirits up.

Fordítás magyarra

Tiger Cub (25 )

2020-04-01 06:47

OMG this is EPIC!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Steeleyes3 (51 )

2020-04-01 06:48

Got me. Humour conquers all

Fordítás magyarra

rowdybear (44 )

2020-04-01 06:48

That fish and salad does look pretty dang good tho

Fordítás magyarra

Angelo (121)

2020-04-01 06:50


Fordítás magyarra

ScottAndrews (0)

2020-04-01 06:57

I literally thought u guys were hacked!! So funny! Well done!

Fordítás magyarra

littleforbigg (3)

2020-04-01 06:58

I’ve always loved a good frottata session.
Yeah, u got me too—if not for Hit Takers comment above I wdve. had a wtfudge moment.

Fordítás magyarra

Hanjo (38)

2020-04-01 07:06

April fool's day:
So glad that you didn't lose your sense of humor in this hard times!
Greetings from Germany,

Fordítás magyarra

RhymeOrReason (0 )

2020-04-01 07:09

This is a super idea, thanks for injecting so good wholesome innocent fun !!!!! 🍭

Fordítás magyarra

Marcel82 (1)

2020-04-01 07:25

Do you really want to do this nonsense for 24 hours? It's not like you don't eat more than enough at this time, at least more than usual, but then you don't have to be reminded here! At least you could have done it on a voluntary basis! It is only April 1st, a day like any other.

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 07:36

(Válaszképp erre)

Stop moaning, it is only for one day, nice reminder this is supposed to be a fun day 👍

Fordítás magyarra

Glovefight (14)

2020-04-01 07:41

(Válaszképp erre)

Bro you aren't new to the site. Every year there is a hilarious April Fool's joke. Don't be such a punk.

Fordítás magyarra

RuffnNu (0)

2020-04-01 10:47

(Válaszképp erre)

Really? Adults find this kind of thing “hilarious” and “epic”? Epicly lame more like. The media try this shit every year and it is never funny. It is a shame to see this site feel the need to sucked in to this nonsense too. That said, I do admire the IT skills involved. I’m a numbskull in that area so suspect getting all those food pics programmed in took a bit of doing. Does everyone have a unique one, or are there repeats?

Fordítás magyarra

slpt (61)

2020-04-01 11:06

(Válaszképp erre)

You know we humans tend to project a lot on external agents, so maybe it isn't us and the media who are lame and never funny; maybe it's you. Or perhaps your sense of humour might be just too refined for us, but were you that smart, you'd know the world is but a multitude of perspectives. An example: I now find you a little lame (albeit in a different way), because having some IT skills I know that it would be extremely easy to replace all pics. Only lame people would find it difficult. Do you now understand a little better how sad it is to complain about other people having fun? It's the same as saying your taste is the only that matters. Epicly lame.

Fordítás magyarra

RuffnNu (0)

2020-04-01 12:30

(Válaszképp erre)

I’m just not as easily pathetically entertained, emotionally incontinent, or pseudo intellectual as you. Anyone who finds this hilarious or epic really has the mental age of an 8 yr old. Personally, I prefer to steer clear of this massive infantilisation of society. Whereas you encourage and promote it.

Fordítás magyarra

slpt (61)

2020-04-01 12:42

(Válaszképp erre)

Those are some pretty big words for what looks like a basket of veggie or fruit! Yeah, we can all tell how you prefer to steer clear of us incontinents by coming here to engage with the silliness of it all. What you want, my dear basket, is attention. And you want it from us, infantiles. What was the reaction you expected from your first message? For all of us to recognise how right you were, the admin to change back the name? To me, feeling that entitled is where true stupidity lies. If you're not happy with how stupid everyone here is, leave. You're not the only smart person in the world, you're just not smart enough yet to recognise how people are different in every way, including sense of humour. Next time you want people to admire you, maybe try being funnier than the admin because so far your banter is bone dry mate!

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 13:51

(Válaszképp erre)

Right on brother right on...from a 72 year old infant...why can everyone just relax and in some instances just go fuck themselves...they'll probably be happier in that space.

Fordítás magyarra

littleforbigg (3)

2020-04-02 04:10

(Válaszképp erre)

As with all ur reccos, slpt, so very well expressed....just a tad shorter😉.
And he did take ur advice—he left site. Guess u don’t know the strength....of ur words.

Fordítás magyarra

slpt (61)

2020-04-02 11:25

(Válaszképp erre)

Ahahaha oops! 😁 On a serious note, I don't meant to bully anyone or make them feel uncomfortable in a community centered around something we all love. But he sure seemed to believe he was above us all... Maybe he'll have a think and come back with a SoftnNu attitude 🤣

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 11:35

(Válaszképp erre)

There's always gonna be a few grumpy twazzocks like you around, accept the fact that this happens every year and appreciate the thought, or go away and read the news, stop trying to steal everyone's thunder

Fordítás magyarra

Play Misty (0)

2020-04-01 12:15

(Válaszképp erre)

Absolutely! If you can't tale a daft joke for a third of one percent of a year, you need to consider chilling out a bit. It’s daft, it’s silly, it’s fine.

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:44

(Válaszképp erre)

Will you just RELAX for Chrissake?

Fordítás magyarra

username22 (1)

2020-04-01 07:40

I just donated money to this site, wrong day to do that I guess. i regret it.. For my donation, i get to see nothing! That's wrong.

Fordítás magyarra

Glovefight (14)

2020-04-01 07:44

(Válaszképp erre)

Maybe the next 364 days will be better. Don't be a little bitch over a joke.

Fordítás magyarra

username22 (1)

2020-04-01 07:48

(Válaszképp erre)

Yes sir, that's fair.. I got angry, after paying quite a bit of money.. sorry. Can't take that back. I just happen to have to renew today.

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:20

(Válaszképp erre)

Relax, stud, this too will pass....

Fordítás magyarra

ruffnhard (125)

2020-04-01 08:57

(Válaszképp erre)

Actually you can see everything in all its normal glory, the only pic that has changed for a bit of fun is the main profile avatar

Fordítás magyarra

Torrnado (130)

2020-04-01 12:43

(Válaszképp erre)

You DO get something Username22.. Your donation and that of others helps keep this wonderful site going and to be here when we all eventually come out of this.
Look at the long game, not short termism.

Fordítás magyarra

littleforbigg (3)

2020-04-02 04:15

(Válaszképp erre)

@username22: CHILL. Ur horrible day is almost over.

Fordítás magyarra

MysticWolf (14 )

2020-04-01 07:51

I appear to be a strawberry. I'm in.
April Fools. Stay safe everyfood.

Fordítás magyarra

vonsueno (8)

2020-04-01 07:53




Fordítás magyarra

boston kid (74)

2020-04-01 08:05

Haha brilliant!! 😆😆

Fordítás magyarra

pshawfocus (105 )

2020-04-01 08:13

The best yet. Keep up the good work guys.

Fordítás magyarra

surrey71 (21 )

2020-04-01 08:30

Certainly is better than last years effort, logged in and for a second I thought WTF?? Then I realised date and I was “yeah ok, epic!”

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestle101 (13)

2020-04-01 08:32

Let's cook then lol#AprilMop

Fordítás magyarra

Mancunian (19 )

2020-04-01 08:39

Awesome April fool 👍🏻👍🏻🤣
How about diet tips and you could call it 'fat fighters'

Fordítás magyarra

Glovefight (14)

2020-04-01 08:44

(Válaszképp erre)

I have so much baby spinach, broccoli, and root vegetables to get through, and like...too mcuh butter and pepper. I'm ready to be a fat fighter.

Fordítás magyarra

wslx ilbmg (68)

2020-04-01 08:45

Aha, now i gonna look for my favourate food here, Any delicious dish? 🤣🤣🤣

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestleme (18)

2020-04-01 08:58

April fool!

Fordítás magyarra

ikf (24 )

2020-04-01 09:08

I like my new profile photo! May I keep it?

In fact I'd rather like to have a config option in profile settings to keep the site as it is now.

Fordítás magyarra

ruffnhard (125)

2020-04-01 09:12

(Válaszképp erre)

I like mine too... I have no problem with being a big slab of beef! ;)

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestleboyjoey (139)

2020-04-01 09:51

(Válaszképp erre)

But you are a bug slab of beef! 😈

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 13:59

(Válaszképp erre)

And I for one am glad his is.....uber woof!!!

Fordítás magyarra

barcoded (8 )

2020-04-01 09:12


Well done

Fordítás magyarra

HalfGuard (59)

2020-04-01 09:23


In all seriousness, thanks for a bit of silliness!

Fordítás magyarra

samuray (29)

2020-04-01 09:23

I can‘t agree more with the sentence: it‘s always fun to go cook to cook.... If you know what I mean ;)

Fordítás magyarra

LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

2020-04-01 09:31

(Válaszképp erre)

I'll put my cook up against yours anyday!

Fordítás magyarra

slpt (61)

2020-04-01 09:32

Ahahahahahahaaaaaa this is brilliant, fair play Chef!! I've become a very artsy blueberry, so not complaining in the slightest. Come get that omega-3 bitch. P.s. this is gonna be the best page of the day to read through, as comments from whiny little jobbers (I mean, cooks) pile up 🤣 chop that onion and cryyyy babies, cry!

Fordítás magyarra

YoungScot (38)

2020-04-01 09:46

(Válaszképp erre)

I hear blueberries go well with pancakes 😉😂

Fordítás magyarra

LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

2020-04-01 09:35

Of course slpt is the Omega-3 alpha male pic. LOL. Who will be chopped?

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestleboyjoey (139)

2020-04-01 09:49

Hopefully this is just for April Fools' Day

Fordítás magyarra

DraigGoch (12 )

2020-04-01 09:51

...I know you said 'No Food Fights', but right now I could take on a large Pizza...!
...but replacing my pic with Garlic...is someone trying to say something...! 🧅


Fordítás magyarra

Wrestlertoo (107)

2020-04-01 09:55

Awe.....you mean its NOT for real?!! Damn!

Fordítás magyarra

ikf (24 )

2020-04-01 10:09

(Válaszképp erre)

I know, right?!

Fordítás magyarra

Tigerrific (129)

2020-04-01 10:20

Bring on the fresh meat, ARRRRRRR

Fordítás magyarra

ruffnhard (125)

2020-04-01 10:51

(Válaszképp erre)

Ready and willing! ;)

Fordítás magyarra

Johnny Clutcher (29)

2020-04-01 10:23

Sad. So sad. Next time tell us when to laugh.

Fordítás magyarra

lakelandjobber (23)

2020-04-01 10:23

I agree we need to learn to cook and share food. I am ready to eat a wrestler

Fordítás magyarra

BigJobberStewie (0)

2020-04-01 10:24

I am happy with my picture. I love blueberries I thought they were grapes at first.

Fordítás magyarra

Sparrhawk (8)

2020-04-01 10:25

LOL This had me!

Fordítás magyarra

wrestlerdu (68 )

2020-04-01 10:29

Das kann nur ein Aprilscherz...April, April, April. 😀

Fordítás magyarra

AntMan (1)

2020-04-01 10:31

Ha, ha, ha ! Thanks for the smile ! :)

Fordítás magyarra

Shadow Knight (76 )

2020-04-01 10:35


Fordítás magyarra

Steeleyes3 (51 )

2020-04-01 10:36

Thanks for the 2 raised glasses. I dont drink but I raise mine to Imtiaz Ali, for all his efforts. Due to injuries in our car crash, he can no longer wrestle,for the foreseeable future

Fordítás magyarra

Steeleyes3 (51 )

2020-04-02 12:15

(Válaszképp erre)

Imtiaz Ali, has reprimanded me,for my comment and intends to wrestle as soon as he is able

Fordítás magyarra

1try2pinme8 (56)

2020-04-01 10:51

LOL - nice try ... :)

Fordítás magyarra

H16111960 (14)

2020-04-01 10:53

Hey guys,
1st of april, right???

Fordítás magyarra

LusoBlack (7)

2020-04-01 10:58

The world is my oyster 🦪!!!

Things like this make me like this community more and more. You admins do a fantastic job in giving joy to your users!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart from dedicating your time building this community.

To those complaining, if you can’t go 1 day without seeing profile thumbnails and complain about this amazing, donation based platform then you must really look inside and check on your entitlement.

Fordítás magyarra

Ringwrestler (35)

2020-04-01 15:10

(Válaszképp erre)

Well done !!!
Or raw, I should say- the way I like my oysters!

Fordítás magyarra

Nonofight (59 )

2020-04-01 11:00

Hello le staff
Bien joué le 1er avril
Je suis impatient de me battre avec tous ces fruits et légumes et d'en faire une bonne ratatouille
🥕🥒🥔🍅🥬🧄🥝🍇 💪 🤣

Fordítás magyarra

LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

2020-04-01 11:01

Totally agree! Keep it out there.

Fordítás magyarra

Jorgefighter (247)

2020-04-01 11:08

Great one, Chef. One of the best so far.

There were talks to make some training on line, I guess the most appropiate today is someone to teach us how to perform a banana split and a grapewine.



Fordítás magyarra

olderguy (12)

2020-04-01 11:08

Well done - with a smile on my face, adam

Fordítás magyarra

notcom (22 )

2020-04-01 11:09

I LOVE my banana...Hahaha 😉😁

Fordítás magyarra

ardeeboy (1)

2020-04-01 11:10

Haha food for thought

Fordítás magyarra

notcom (22 )

2020-04-01 11:14

Now I have my cherries back. All plucked! ROFL her. Brilliant jokes to help us all through. THANKS!!

Fordítás magyarra

Funfightingneil (19)

2020-04-01 11:21

hey why am I a doughnut? that's not fair ---- I want to be a big steak

Fordítás magyarra

ruffnhard (125)

2020-04-01 11:23

(Válaszképp erre)

I am THE big steak!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Funfightingneil (19)

2020-04-01 11:26

wow ruffnhard – you really are !! but I am still not happy at being a doughnut

Fordítás magyarra

ruffnhard (125)

2020-04-01 11:27

(Válaszképp erre)

Thanks... you are sweet! ;)

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 11:38

(Válaszképp erre)

Would you rather be an onion bhaji on a bed of cottage cheese??? 😂

Fordítás magyarra

Play Misty (0)

2020-04-01 12:17

(Válaszképp erre)

Everyone's looking at your hole. Do you feel kinda vulnerable?

Fordítás magyarra

TheUnknown1230 (16 )

2020-04-01 11:28

Is it just me who finds these April’s fool jokes not funny and actually quite annoying? Ffs, take this BS down please and bring this site to normal.

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 11:39

(Válaszképp erre)

Read above comments about grumpy twazzocks

Fordítás magyarra

TheUnknown1230 (16 )

2020-04-01 11:45

(Válaszképp erre)

Couldn’t care less. Still not funny.

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 11:48

(Válaszképp erre)

Doesn't make you any cleverer or posher 😝 keep your negative opinions to yourself, too much of it in the world as it is.

Fordítás magyarra

littleforbigg (3)

2020-04-02 04:23

(Válaszképp erre)

@TheUnknown1230: Ur likely asleep as of my posting this (GMT -5) but ur back to normal so to quote ur fellow countryman—“All’s well that ends Well”.

Fordítás magyarra

Cet03 (58)

2020-04-01 11:29

😂😂😂😂😂😂You eatfighters guys are the best, but Damn... I am Italian.... I should be a pizza not a rainbow donut :)))
Thanks for such responsible approach and keep safe

Fordítás magyarra

boston kid (74)

2020-04-01 11:30

I would have loved to have been a crab but I’m happy with what I’ve got. Hopefully crabs will be delivered to me in the future !! 😉😉
Great fun. Thanks !

Fordítás magyarra

wanna roll (3)

2020-04-01 11:37

Glad to have been given what I need for both activities - mussels!

Fordítás magyarra

GrappleViking (115 )

2020-04-01 11:45

Hahaha. Well played! 👏🏼👏🏼😂😂

Can’t believe how some people don’t get the joke.. 🙈

Fordítás magyarra

SileX (219)

2020-04-01 11:56

Lighten up guys. Get a laugh out of this if you find it amusing, grumble if you don't, but let's not be fighting over a joke. Under the present circumstances in the world, this site is a nice distraction, let's try and keep it that way.

Fordítás magyarra

H16111960 (14)

2020-04-01 14:07

(Válaszképp erre)

Absolutely right!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

edscissors (30 )

2020-04-01 12:00

I toast you, Admin-Chef. You are, as ever, the "creme de la creme". Personally, I won't mince my words: I have no beef with this at all and, indeed, am a trifle sad to see some people wine and grouse about a good, saucy joke! It really takes the biscuit. Now: who'd like a fight - with steaks, of course? Come on: don't chicken out!

Any more cheesy puns? Excuse me a moment while I go and take a leek ...

Fordítás magyarra

Tanker (206)

2020-04-01 12:04

Lol you fooled me again!!!
Was just mulling over which recipe to share, then the penny dropped!🤭
My favourite was the year you said you had been taken over by another site whose name escapes me for the moment. Nearly cried!🙀
When was that 2016 or 17?

Fordítás magyarra

edscissors (30 )

2020-04-01 12:13

Peas and light to you all!

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:22

(Válaszképp erre)

I'm sure you sId THAT tongue in cheek...

Fordítás magyarra

Churd (78 )

2020-04-01 12:14

Fantastic! Well done.

Fordítás magyarra

Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2020-04-01 12:16

Let's all TAKE A BIG BITE out of Corona...tremendous April Fools, men!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Will Bring It (2)

2020-04-01 12:22

A lot of effort has gone into this, I guess you are working from home...

Just remember if it's still there by midday the joke is on you... LOL...

Fordítás magyarra

Clin10 (5 )

2020-04-01 12:25

I just got an email from a PM and I legit thought my phone had a typo! Great joke!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Torrnado (130)

2020-04-01 12:29

Food for thought.......Raspberry Fool perhaps?

Fordítás magyarra

edscissors (30 )

2020-04-01 12:35

Nothing quite like the delighted giggles of a gaggle of eight-year-olds! Grape stuff, everyone!

Fordítás magyarra

toxic (13)

2020-04-01 12:36

Even no pie fights?

Fordítás magyarra

Promission wrestling (2)

2020-04-01 12:39

Meat fighters!

Fordítás magyarra

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2020-04-01 12:45

Hilarious. Thanks for a good laugh in trying and unusual times.

Its nice that normal pics are still unaltered in your, and others, profiles. Its just the default avatar.

Either way its making me a bit hungry and its only 7am.

Fordítás magyarra

Fighterfufu (36 )

2020-04-01 12:51

Bonjour a toute l'équipe
Bien joué pour ces photos pour le 1er avril.
Juste une chose à ajouter : commencez à vous battre j'arrive et attention à vous car je peux vous transformer en compote.
Joyeux 1er avril à tous.

Fordítás magyarra

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2020-04-01 12:52

People just need to get their panties unbunched... and I'm not kink shaming. You still have to go to someone profile to see their photos... you can still do that.

Fordítás magyarra

HarborFighter (53 )

2020-04-01 12:53

Bravo! Thanks for the great sense of humor and for a much needed light touch for these times!


Fordítás magyarra

heralduk (27 )

2020-04-01 12:53

Jamie Oliver? Oh please

Good one guys

Fordítás magyarra

Yan (7)

2020-04-01 12:55

Wellllllll ... taking me on is always a peice of cake, but perhaps fruit would be better than millelfeuri

Fordítás magyarra

stormbear (0)

2020-04-01 12:55

lol whats this strange food item in my profile picture that's not chocolate,the only food i know

Fordítás magyarra

Tanker (206)

2020-04-01 13:09

Well this has certainly got everyone talking or shouting!
Bet you feel better for being able to vent your spleen RuffnNU?

Fordítás magyarra

m2434 (20 )

2020-04-01 13:21

I dont understand what is the purpose of changing all the fighters pic to food pic because of the pandemic
And changing this site to a food site
This is not why i donated money for and not why i register to this site.
Terrible idea.!!!!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Yan (7)

2020-04-01 13:45

(Válaszképp erre)

@M2434, Looks like your muscles were well chosen, in France we call it poisson d'avril (April Fish) in English speaking countries it's April Fool.

It may not have taken long to swap the pics, but getting them must have taken some time.

Fordítás magyarra

DCJobber (82 )

2020-04-01 13:35

Why the hell is anybody complaining?!?!? If we have pictures (plural) all the pictures are still there. You complainers should be more upset at the guys that don't have any pics at all. Then again you should be more angry at the guys whose pictures are so close up of a body part, but you can't even tell what the heck it is!! Or even worse than that is the clowns with sideways and/or upside down pics. I would rather look at a fruit tart or a chicken breast, then turning my head to the right and my phone to the left to try to see what somebody looks like because they're too stupid to orient the picture themselves. I hope eatfighters removes all sideways pictures on April 2nd !!

Fordítás magyarra

The Kestrel (47 )

2020-04-01 13:42

1) It is April fools Day, you should expect some light hearted behaviour.

2) With the world as it is, different things like this is a novelty, embrace it

3) Comments above about attention seeking are relevant, what other benefit do you gain from being one of a minority to try and show how mature you are by scoffing at a once in a year giggle?

Enjoy your day at work 👍

Fordítás magyarra

readyforit (96)

2020-04-01 13:58

Great fun! You start with a salutary reminder we must not wrestle while the virus is about and follow up with your humorous April’s fool message. ThatPink you for making us laugh. We need mirth.

Fordítás magyarra

maw1667 (25)

2020-04-01 14:08

Hahaha. Great idea. Love it. Are there categories for types of food

Fordítás magyarra


2020-04-01 14:15


Fordítás magyarra

bobster (34)

2020-04-01 14:27

I'm going to be an old goat and simply say enough of the fucking nonsense. GROW UP!!

Fordítás magyarra

wresnipgym (31)

2020-04-01 14:38

Thanks Admin. We need humour now Made me smile

Fordítás magyarra

notcom (22 )

2020-04-01 14:44

Last thing I am going to say on this non-issue.

1) Brilliant, fun idea. Well done!! Am delighted that I had a banana pic first, now got my cherry back...

2) To all the people who want serious or life or death, just turn the news on. You will get more than enough serious and life or death than most people can handle. It will be there long enough and you can watch the news instead of enjoying a silly, fun idea that brings some joy to people's lives.

3) Maybe, when all said and done, all people particularly the vociferous critics, might be better using the righteous indignation energy to volunteer while they are sat in front of keyboards. I am calling people as a volunteer, in three languages, to reassure vulnerable people that there are people out there who care. Many volunteer jobs are available. If people care so much about right and wrong, please consider volunteering.

Enough said.

Vive le Poisson d'avril.
Long live April fools.

Fordítás magyarra

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2020-04-01 14:49

We all must give kudos to Ruck who actually submitted food pics for review.

Fordítás magyarra

Crusher13 (5)

2020-04-01 15:04

This is really good! 😊

Fordítás magyarra

Ringwrestler (35)

2020-04-01 15:17

Genius !!!

Thanks for the laugh !!!

Fordítás magyarra

Powerhouse Bull (4)

2020-04-01 15:38

Great and here I am trying to Battle the Virus - 20 lbs gain that is happening to me without the gym and matches. And why the "F" am I a Donut are you trying to tell me something?!? LOL

Fordítás magyarra

LeoWrestler1 (11)

2020-04-01 15:40

You totally got me...

This is awesome!!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Wattman (1)

2020-04-01 15:54

Hahahahaha, very good! :D

Fordítás magyarra

Rock Hard Pete (41)

2020-04-01 15:59

Forgot it was April 1st until I saw this!
All the best,
Rock Cake Pete!

Fordítás magyarra

jwickha1 (5)

2020-04-01 16:11

Haha this is great, thanks for making me crack up!

Fordítás magyarra

Lumberjack (42 )

2020-04-01 16:35

Can somebody recommend a good wine to go with Salmon? THanks!

Fordítás magyarra

Maddening (16)

2020-04-01 16:40

LOL. I've been a vegetarian for 33 years and I get a burger. :) Feels like my luck lately.

Fordítás magyarra

skweezhard (8 )

2020-04-01 16:58

This is wonderful ... I'm made out of pastry ... YUm, YUM!

Fordítás magyarra

matwork21 (14)

2020-04-01 16:59

The no food fighting rule could be hard to swallow...

Fordítás magyarra

the123champ (27)

2020-04-01 17:04

Oh... it's April's Fools Day! I get it

Fordítás magyarra

Franc8112 (9 )

2020-04-01 17:15

Pues como broma supongo esta bien, pero espero no se mantenga.

Fordítás magyarra

CY-football (6 )

2020-04-01 17:19

I dont usually comment on the blog posts, but for this one I'm going to.
I've noticed alot of guys in the chat especially who bitch and moan (no im not going to sugar coat my words. You guys are supposed to be fighters, so deal with it princesses) about the pics.
I can only imagine how much effort went into having a bit of harmless fun, which given the day, will only be a temporary thing.
Thank you to the admin for making the site a bit of fun today, to take our minds off the current affairs in the world.
Dont listen to the haters, they can fuck right off.

Fordítás magyarra

matwork21 (14)

2020-04-01 17:29

(Válaszképp erre)

At least in my case its a motivator....My chat avatar was switched to a pear....need to get more diligent about my home workouts during quarantine so I don't start resembling my avatar...

Fordítás magyarra

mectlse (66 )

2020-04-01 17:24

I am not crazy about the idea but I guess it won’t kill me for a day. The idea of guys exchanging recipes is a major turnoff for me though...

Fordítás magyarra

Enforme (29)

2020-04-01 17:28

Find the idea "schnaps" but I really like it! is it planned only for today or for the whole pandemia? also wondering whether one of you was depicted as a pint of beer (am only carrots. lol). Take care

Fordítás magyarra

legflexxxer (31 )

2020-04-01 17:46

Very good fun april fool! Good web devs!

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestler 59 (52)

2020-04-01 17:50

Hallo there
I like good food
I don't like all the profile main pics are gone.
Please put them back!!!

Fordítás magyarra

heterosp (113)

2020-04-01 17:53

You will eat your words before the day is out

Fordítás magyarra

SeattleFight (511)

2020-04-01 18:11

The videos will all be of men in wrestling gear cooking. They might even smear a little olive oil on their bare chests for the camera...

Fordítás magyarra

wrestleclaw (82)

2020-04-01 18:22

Totally stupid idea we are all adults and should follow the guidelines set by our governments. Who are you to dictate anything, absolutely the most idiotic idea I have heard so far!!

Fordítás magyarra

slpt (61)

2020-04-01 18:25


Fordítás magyarra

hereit is (8)

2020-04-01 18:25

I like sausages cooked with lots of oil! I also like whipped cream in the right places.

Fordítás magyarra

SeattleFight (511)

2020-04-01 18:26

And then have a cookfight!
{Bravo Admin!}

Fordítás magyarra

craigtoronto (0)

2020-04-01 19:25

very funny! I love my new wok!

Fordítás magyarra

RuffTouch (36 )

2020-04-01 19:50

This is lame. I hope it's April fool's, but I can't tell because it's not funny.

Fordítás magyarra

Ondy (6 )

2020-04-01 20:20

You got me so hard. Now i know im so gullible 😂
This is amazing April Fools Day Joke. Nice job 👍

Fordítás magyarra

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2020-04-01 20:27

Whats sad is that there are folks in chat that thinks this whole thing is permanent. So dense.

Fordítás magyarra

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2020-04-01 21:26

I will say... this morning was probably the best time I've had on Chat in YEARS and I wish I was able to get a chat log. There were numerous points where my fellow chatters made it so I couldnt stop laughing. Everyone was having a good time making jokes and it was good to forget for a bit that this world stinks right now with this virus shit...

... then the dusty woke up a few hours ago and just completely ruined the mood.

So thanks Admin for something that is supposed to be harmless and gave around 100 of us in Chat this morning something to laugh about. Too bad the dusty had to come in and ruin it like they do with everything else.

Fordítás magyarra


2020-04-01 21:34

did I miss something and women/broads took over this site?

Fordítás magyarra


2020-04-01 21:35

I think this is SUPERB.. best piece of advice I ever got about this fighting/boxing/sexing shit.. was DONT TAKE IT TOO SERIOUS..

and you guys did it..



Fordítás magyarra

chicagocroix (16)

2020-04-01 21:41

I like that the food symbols are silly. I think this whole idea is cheerful and silly. Silly is good.
Three thumbs up

Fordítás magyarra

Iwreslinca (31 )

2020-04-01 21:45

LOVE IT - and what a GREAT April Fool's post....

(btw - I love mashing up baked potatoes)

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestlstev (80 )

2020-04-02 03:17

Thank you for a much needed laugh during these scary times. Eatfighters. Right.

Fordítás magyarra

bodycontactau (1)

2020-04-02 10:57

Thing is, many on here have no taste....

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestlertoo (107)

2020-04-02 11:41

Great fun yesterday and well worth it......
I hope the one or two detractors have by now realised that they have been April Fooled....No?.... oh well maybe its just because they don't share our (very strange) British humor (hint in the spelling!).
Thanks Admin ...I have always maintained that MF is more like a club than a website....you proved the point once again.

Fordítás magyarra

ikf (24 )

2020-04-21 15:05

Fight for steaks!

Fordítás magyarra