Vegas rassler's blog

Back in Action

Hello fellow wrestlers working my way back!!! Thank you All for messages and well wishes I am humbled by your concern. Didn't realize what a friend and fan base I have. I am blessed. With that being said I purchased another title belt. This will be a traveling Belt meaning It is up for grabs by a wrestler he/she wins it it's there for that wrestler to take it back home they are the Champion. ALSO They MUST take on all challengers for the title. The New champion whom ever it is must defend the title as much as possible. Will Not be fair for one person to hold it and not defend it!! And I would like to have pictures taken of the belt where ever it travels to kind picture story of it's travels. Be fun to track everyone's journey with this Belt. Please any feed back suggestions are welcome. That's have a blast with this fellow wrestlers!!! THANK YOU ALL again for your support.

Fordítás magyarra
Utoljára módosította Vegas rassler 2024-04-27 18:47-n



bushchub (38)

2024-04-27 20:11

Great to see you back in your wrestling trunks big man.
Love a return match with you.

Fordítás magyarra

Barraboy (13)

2024-04-27 21:13

Great to see you back in Wrestling attire, sir.
NOW let's see if Stumpy has the balls to take you on for that long awaited rematch.

Fordítás magyarra

BillC (5)

2024-04-28 09:09

What a great idea about the belt sir.
So glad to hear you back in the ring. Go Vegas Go. Welcome back buddy

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestle Nell (21 )

2024-04-28 11:05

Good to hear you are back

Fordítás magyarra


2024-04-28 14:46

good to have you back baby. ... now bring that belt here and be ready to surrender it [and more] to me!!!

Fordítás magyarra

Jorgeler (10 )

2024-04-29 22:04

Great, we have a fight pending... ;)

Fordítás magyarra