BamaJDon41's blog

Blog Thoughts

I've always found the almost complete unpredictability of blog responses highly interesting. Why do some blogs create a torrent of response while others get put in the corner of solitude. The theories of why are obvious. Some blogs are almost incomprehensible or cover subjects with highly limited appeal. Some blogs stray too close to the subject of other recent blogs and so members may avoid it based on its redundancy. While blogs written by members with many past opponents usually draw good response, that isn't always the case and some very good blogs are ignored perhaps because they've come too soon after another blog by that member. And some blogs are so wordy or so lengthy that its just too time consuming to read.

Members who rarely blog should have reason to expect some attention if they've written anything of popular interest. I can only suppose that most writers look for some response to their subject of choice. If no one ever responded, why would anyone blog? Some of us respond only to friends while others will respond to anyone if the blog inspires a response. While expressed thoughts do become common knowledge, does anyone really think that knowledge could be used maliciously?

Some blogs are a hit, some are a miss. Why do so few ever respond? I'd estimate that less than 10% of total membership respond to more than 1 blog per year. Is it because they don't want their name associated with that particular blog subject or that blog writer? Is it because they'd rather keep their thoughts private or shared only with a few or is it because most members have no interest in blogs.

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Utoljára módosította BamaJDon41 2023-11-17 04:35-n



Slim 66 (32)

2023-11-17 13:51

I agree. Some people are writer's shy.

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BamaJDon41 (10 )

2023-11-18 03:21

(Válaszképp erre)

That must be part of it. There're always hundreds of people on the site. Blogs could be read thousands of times.

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osakarob (94 )

2023-11-18 04:10

Thanks to the popularity of social media platforms, the average person is now far more skilled at 'skimming and scanning' than actually reading. So you might say that reading has fallen out of fashion so to speak. Few of us have the interest or attention to actually read anything longer than 2 paragraphs.

And I would guess that trend is even more pronounced for writing.

If someone can't be bothered to even write a detailed profile here, there's very little likelihood they'll write a blog.

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BamaJDon41 (10 )

2023-11-18 04:36

(Válaszképp erre)

One might say that blogs are an anachronism with diminishing appeal. Blending the older communication modes of the essay or a letter to the editor onto a platform where standard communication is done in 20 words or less.

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