Wrestlers in Asia

Venue in Malaysia

Wrestle Nell (21 )

2019-09-23 06:19

I am interested in matches, Subang is ok with me

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestlertoo (105)

2019-04-20 14:51

It will be good to meet you again ...I am hoping to return to Malaysia towards the end of 2019......
Find us a good venue for then, a matroom would be great! Lol
Cheers, jon

Fordítás magyarra

imthere (31)

2019-04-10 07:27

Anyone know places to meet for wrestling in Malaysia?

In Subang Jaya, I just know:

1. Best View Hotel;
RM 50 - 3 hours use (I forgot how much hours can use the room, this is just estimate)
- Room is small, mattress queen/king size.

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