Talking trash

Confident verbal real or phone match

GuyMN1983 (16)

2018-04-11 23:18

Come on guys! Who's up for some nasty fuckin phone trash talk!

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:44

(Válaszképp erre)

I’m down with it bro hit me up

Fordítás magyarra

slimp (0)

2018-03-14 03:17

I'm not much for dishing out verbal abuse, but I'll take as much as you dish out. On Skype, you can express extreme and satisfying contempt toward me as you order me to punish my gut while you watch.

Skype username = Guy.ask

Fordítás magyarra

BigBeast (21)

2018-03-12 02:10

If any of you still want it and or man enough message me pussies

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:45

(Válaszképp erre)

Bring it on punk I’ll get down with u bitch!!

Fordítás magyarra

GuyMN1983 (16)

2017-10-27 17:46

Who wants a hot nasty phone fuckfight? Taking all cummers, bitches!

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:46

(Válaszképp erre)

Here I am bro bring it on

Fordítás magyarra

TCK (12)

2018-04-11 23:23

(Válaszképp erre)

Ready to step in the ring for that nasty phone fuck fight?

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:46

(Válaszképp erre)

I will finish u man

Fordítás magyarra

FullNelson2U (26)

2017-10-17 12:40

Need a nasty phone sex fight... rough and raunchy.

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:46

(Válaszképp erre)

Fuck yea bro

Fordítás magyarra

Marcwrestleruk4 (4)

2018-03-12 17:35

(Válaszképp erre)

Fucking love it mate

Fordítás magyarra

SeattleFight (511)

2017-10-17 15:58

(Válaszképp erre)

I'm ready for you fker

Fordítás magyarra

Glovefight (14)

2017-10-16 00:27

I really enjoy a talking trash and jerking off on the phone. Talk about boxing gear, mma gloves, fist fighting, spit, bloody mouths, and hot fucking. Love a good roleplay scenario, like a schoolboy fist fight after school in the locker room or a guy's garage or bedroom.

Fordítás magyarra

FullNelson2U (26)

2017-10-14 18:47

bring it on.... let's chat rasslin and bust our nuts together on the phone.

Fordítás magyarra

Tank (8)

2017-10-16 13:09

(Válaszképp erre)

We are all different and have our likes and dislikes. Some put trash talk down cause it's not their thing and just prefer your to keep quiet and wrestle/fight. Some also take offense to it. I do like to wrestle/fight (safe and sane) but for me there is a big difference when you stare someone down get into their face flex and pose and say I'm the best wrestler/fighter here and u are going down f'er and go at .Win or lose it get's my wrestling blood pumping .For me there is a BIG difference when trash talk is involved. ..Taking the above into consideration which one of u effen punks is first in line to get your ass kicked..??..Let me know when in are ready NC ..!!!!Cat for your effen tongue ROFLOL

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:48

(Válaszképp erre)

I’ll fuckin fight u bro!!!

Fordítás magyarra

bowolverine (130 )

2017-10-14 23:13

(Válaszképp erre)

Fuck man let's do it. Wanna fight you bad

Fordítás magyarra


2018-02-10 06:39

(Válaszképp erre)

I need to speak with you sir. Big strong guy, aren't you.?

Fordítás magyarra

austrianguy (4 )

2017-10-15 05:25

(Válaszképp erre)

and i also really wanna grab your hot, big balls soft and also really hard then from beind, between your legs.

^^ ;-))))

Fordítás magyarra

law306 (83 )

2017-04-18 14:14

Always like a good NHB phone fight. Trash talk before and after, fight to fuck or any other stakes. Flex pose and fight.

Fordítás magyarra

Bamafight (0 )

2018-03-13 00:18

(Válaszképp erre)

I’m ready any time you are stud! Love busting my juice on the phone during a hot fight!

Fordítás magyarra

dfwfighter (5)

2018-03-14 01:58

(Válaszképp erre)

Phone cockfight with you if interested. Trade pics of weapons prior to calling. PM me if interested.

Fordítás magyarra

Slim Goody39 (3 )

2018-05-17 01:48

(Válaszképp erre)

Right here bro

Fordítás magyarra

SeattleFight (511)

2017-04-19 05:26

(Válaszképp erre)

Ready for ya punk

Fordítás magyarra

soxaholic (5)

2017-04-19 19:18

(Válaszképp erre)

Real interested in the phone aspect discussed....match my imagination and trash talk with any of you guys......

Fordítás magyarra

bowolverine (130 )

2017-03-18 20:42

Looking for a nasty sweat Fuck phone fight

Fordítás magyarra

SeattleFight (511)

2017-04-19 05:22

(Válaszképp erre)

Fuck yeah let's fight

Fordítás magyarra

law306 (83 )

2017-04-18 14:12

(Válaszképp erre)

Bring it on fucker! Fight for fuck rights! NHB here!!

Fordítás magyarra

bmorerassler (2)

2017-04-24 16:32

(Válaszképp erre)

Kick your pussyass cuntboy then ride u like the bitchboy you are.

Fordítás magyarra

Andrews (0)

2016-04-14 04:52

Hey TCK....Id win the match..cause IM the MAIN MAN..I'm a stud..I'm the boss and I know how to wrestle in my very skimpy red nylon speedos.....who's y'a daddy TCK ?

Fordítás magyarra

soxaholic (5)

2016-04-12 04:11

I'm out of town this week, but I'm your man. Nobody loves to trash like I do and love phone trash talks.....let me know if you are interested.

Fordítás magyarra

Andrews (0)

2016-04-14 04:54

(Válaszképp erre)

What's with the square cuts wrestling soxahlic?..real men wear skimpy red speedos or coloured real brief be the MAIN MAN that is...........

Fordítás magyarra

soxaholic (5)

2016-04-14 11:27

(Válaszképp erre)

Those speeds would be shortlived. Real men rassle naked and college boys wrestle in speedos.

Fordítás magyarra

Andrews (0)

2016-04-14 12:10

(Válaszképp erre)

so..why are your photos wrestling in square cuts? like you need to see real men like me before they make comments..after all I am the best..wrestle the best...look the best and know I am the square cut SO BIG I WRESTLE NAKED...(yawn...) wheres the photos of you in speedos or naked....I hear you running away from here.....

Fordítás magyarra

TCK (12)

2016-04-10 14:44

Cocky confident and verbal wrestler into talking shit before, during and after the match. Two guys taunting and trashing each other up on the ring only makes them fight harder. Looking for real time and phone matches.

Fordítás magyarra

law306 (83 )

2017-04-18 14:13

(Válaszképp erre)

Bring it man!!

Fordítás magyarra

bowolverine (130 )

2016-10-27 16:38

(Válaszképp erre)

Let's fight

Fordítás magyarra

Whatzup777 (0)

2016-10-27 20:17

(Válaszképp erre)

So your ready to be pinned!!

Fordítás magyarra

thunder64boxer (8)

2016-04-12 12:36

(Válaszképp erre)

When...let's go!

Fordítás magyarra
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