Southeast USA Grapplers

New Guys / No Opponents?

Just Dan (8)

2018-03-30 04:17

I know Spruce. He is exactly what he says he is. If you are new to wrestling he will teach you more in an hour than you'll learn from youtube videos in six months.

He's genuine, courteous and a gracious host.

For you more experienced guys he can be an animal on the mats. Check your ego at the door or you will be liable to leave without it.

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Spruceman (55 )

2017-12-14 16:51

Arlington VA – I like mentoring guys who have no or only a couple matches in their histories, as well as those on the site for several months and are hesitant to take anyone on. Get you started with some basics, most important safety info, have matroom with double-layer Dollamur mats on floor, wall mats to keep things safe.

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