Nude Oil Wrestling

Staying hard during wrestling?

WRSTL1wpa (4)

2024-03-05 13:49

Just the thought of wrestling makes me hard, and to make sure I have a lot of fun - we take 20 mg cialis and choke up our cocks in leather cock rings.

Fordítás magyarra

Robie1976Netherland (0)

2023-09-21 21:46

Oh yes Mmmm

Fordítás magyarra

Rach61 (0)

2023-09-20 06:15

Bien huilé avec possibilité de prise de balle, attaché son adversaire......tu restes dur

Fordítás magyarra

lanefour97 (33)

2023-09-20 04:19

Yes cockrings make u last all during the match, ask my past opp. woof

Fordítás magyarra

wreslteoil (0)

2023-09-21 04:04

(Válaszképp erre)

Love cockrings!

Fordítás magyarra

kevinshtoo (0)

2023-09-24 00:48

(Válaszképp erre)

cockrings are definitely a good option my rival and I wear one often enough.

Fordítás magyarra

westsydwrestler (17)

2023-09-12 07:54

If we’re jeans and bare chest I get hard immediately but also blow quickly, it’s just something about denim and skin🔥.
Same can happen if oiled up but i still enjoy the experience. Happy to stretch it out for another round and see if we can get things happening again.

Fordítás magyarra

LeighLadtoWrestle (0)

2023-09-11 16:07

I am hard til I cum. The thought of wrestling gets me hard, competetive wrestling keeps me hard, erotic wrestling keeps me hard. As for oil wrestling, just the thought of it gets me hard

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-12 00:48

(Válaszképp erre)

So let’s be clear u DO get hard?? 😜

Fordítás magyarra

Mancunian (19 )

2023-09-07 10:20

I think age maybe a factor also ?

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-20 05:46

(Válaszképp erre)

Not necessarily-I am 74 192lbs 6’2” GAY
If match is not too competitive I AM HARD FROM GET GO! (Especially oil)
Nude for all matches!

Fordítás magyarra

banone4fun (4)

2023-04-16 19:11

If it’s a slower paced match I can stay hard but once it gets competitive my focus switches more to the fight and then it’s much tougher to remain hard.

Fordítás magyarra

mochablk (21)

2023-04-16 16:04

If it is competitive, I would find it hard (all puns) to stay hard. Hence, I only wrestle give and take matches lol. Then I stay hard.

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-18 05:58

(Válaszképp erre)

Indeed!! Only easy going matches ROCK HARD ( some men grab it-I know but it’s cool)

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-11 13:08

(Válaszképp erre)

I got something to ‘give’ you AND to take! 😅🌈🙏🏻🌺❤️🌸🥰

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-10 14:45

(Válaszképp erre)

Exactly the right answer!!

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-07 13:55

(Válaszképp erre)

Yes I agree now let’s battle! 👀🤣😇🌸

Fordítás magyarra


2023-09-06 05:11

(Válaszképp erre)

U WILL stay hard then as do I!

Fordítás magyarra


2023-04-16 16:12

(Válaszképp erre)

I agree 100%

Fordítás magyarra


2023-04-17 04:23

(Válaszképp erre)

It is fun for me so back n forth it is! HARD till finish!

Fordítás magyarra

DarkFighter001 (0)

2023-04-15 06:08

I have stayed hard while wrestling my roommate in the army...I was still a virgin at that time...he knew what he was doing as he had me pinned down in a full body pin grapevine feeling his cock on my abs but he never did took it that far with that time I didn't know about frotting or erotic wrestling.

Fordítás magyarra


2023-04-15 16:58

(Válaszképp erre)

Not a problem!! As long as wrestling /grappling etc continues AM HARD TILL PIN!

Fordítás magyarra

Chokestud (1)

2023-04-11 07:34

When I choked in strangled, especially by means of manual strangulation, I can stay hard, the whole match, especially if I’m choked out and twitching

Fordítás magyarra


2023-04-11 05:50

If it’s an easygoing match-CONCRETE HARD

Fordítás magyarra

Propin (0)

2023-04-11 05:28

Usually hard from start to finish. And you’re totally right about the oil wrestling and staying hard .

Fordítás magyarra

SmoothNmuscled (7)

2023-04-10 05:55

Is it me or does everyone lose their hard on/boner during wrestling? I’m hard as rock during the face off but lose it while fighting. It’s like all the blood goes to my muscles instead? Just me? 😂

Fordítás magyarra

Houstonpro (32)

2023-10-29 13:22

(Válaszképp erre)

Nah is normal especially if doing competitive freestyle or submission as the blood goes elsewhere when exerting your other muscles. But once I get the pin or sub it comes back in raging form....its the alph dom of controlling the other stud. But oil or back and forth type bouts.....are another matter :)

Fordítás magyarra

Viking Warrior (10)

2023-04-11 18:30

(Válaszképp erre)

Usually I have noticed that I go in the opposite direction. Hard from the start, till the end. No matter the type of match. I can say most guys I have met feel the same. Sometimes it's an individual thing.

Fordítás magyarra

hellman34 (13)

2023-04-11 03:29

(Válaszképp erre)

During oil matches, I’m hard the whole time but my opponents either never get hard lose theirs quickly.

Fordítás magyarra

SmoothNmuscled (7)

2023-04-11 04:24

(Válaszképp erre)

I can see the oil matches helping stay hard especially if it’s slow and has a lot of

Fordítás magyarra

kevinshtoo (0)

2023-04-10 21:09

(Válaszképp erre)

Sometimes, try wearing a cockring it can really help.

Fordítás magyarra

SmoothNmuscled (7)

2023-04-10 21:33

(Válaszképp erre)

Never tried. I’m just assuming all my blood is rushing to my muscles to fight. Actually don’t need to be hard during a fight. Just an observation

Fordítás magyarra

NewYorkMud (43)

2024-03-04 05:34

(Válaszképp erre)

This is how those straight Can-Am guys from the 90s who did Nude Oil matches kept their third round erections. Notice how few were hard in rounds 1 and 2.

But I'm with you, no need on my part, always boned, before, during, after.

Life and the body changes though... never presume it won't.

Fordítás magyarra
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