My kinkiest fantasy would be being restrained by a burly hairy daddy and being trashtalked as he circles me. And then he starts pounding my flexed gut. I feel the pain almost cutting through me, not being able to breath but he doesnt stop. He then makes a break and caresses the tender bruised spot. He lets me catch a breath and strokes my cock, teezes my nipples to get me hard. He comes closer and sticks his armpit on my nose, has me sniff him.well. I relax, torture is over... But NO! he starts again pounding my ribs and navel catxhing me off guard. BASTARD! And torture goes on and on while he edges me and teezes me between the punches
I think I could do it for this 20 minuts:
5 mins of gut punching
5 mins of gut kicks
5 mins of gut stomps and trampling
5 mins of gut elbows and elbow drops randy savage style...
About the 100 frog splashes!!!
It's depend, how heavy the guy is, which high and maybe most important - what I'm laying on, soft bed / madras or hard floor !!!!!
my idea would be to have a gut punch contest. We would take turns with predetermined sets of punches. starting with jabs, with each set hitting harder, each opponent would start standing facing each other. Abs totally exposed from the pubic hair upward, any exposed area is open and fair game. After a few sets, then we would start changing positions. up against a wall. arms behind the back, arched backward stretching the abs tight. Over a knee. lying on the floor, braced over a bench. Punched while doing leg lifts, lifting weights or bands. and repeating this until one person gives up. Then the victor gets 5 minutes to totally destroy the abs of the defeated.
man lovea hard fought gut fight, can go for hours, always hard to find someone that can give and my level and beyond, ive had few and go harder everytime
I've imagined myself as a captured soldier and getting beat up and pummeled in the stomach. My fantasy goes like this:
As I get separated by my comrades in the midst of battle in a hot desert, I find myself retreating to a nearby abandoned outpost. I go inside a random building to recover and take off my shirt to let the sweat dry off. Then all of a sudden a group of muscular guys from the enemy's side arrive, and I try to escape. One of them notices and calls his friends to chase me, then fully surround me as one of them grabs me from behind, holding my arms back and another coming up to me and driving his hard fist into my unflexed stomach.
They take me back inside of the building where I hid and tied me to a chair and begin to torture me with a hard punch to my stomach every time they ask me a question. I couldn't answer due to the punches, and they just keep on punching me. After an hour of endless gut punching, they untie me and lift me up, tie me to a wall with my arms up. Blood starts dripping from my mouth from the previous torture. I'm half conscious at this point as they take turns giving me deep punches to my solar plexus. I thought I was going to puke. But secretly I was enjoying this.
Finally, the biggest guy in the group gives me one last knock out punch to the stomach. He grabs my hair and lifts up my head as he shoved his rock hard fist deep into my solar plexus. I spat out some blood and vomited, and cum at the same time. I fall unconscious shortly after as they left me there until my comrades came to save me and find me beaten to a pulp.
Looking back and reading what I wrote here, I thought I might've been too brutal and extreme with this, haha. It is a fantasy after all, it might be from all the movies I've watched. I do like the feeling of getting punched though and testing my limit and endurance.
There was a GP publication (has to be almost 30 years ago), that had a similar story about a captured and tortured soldier. He didn't far too well in that story. Most guys in hero torture scenarios usually don't.
But hey–its your fantasy...
Mine is find two guys with six pack and nice body. They would have to be in their 20's like me. We decide to make spontaneously a contest who of us last more punches in the abs. First we work out and then we start to punch each other. I get punched in the abs while standing and putting my arms on my head and the third of us is holding, blocking my hands. It's summer, it's very hot and we're outside. Anyone can see us and ours awesome sweaty bodies. Some girls wait and see who'll win..
From what I can tell, most of those Youtube videos are pretty lame or fake. Usually, the punch doesn't penetrate, and the punchee just kinda stands there quietly. Even the sound of impact isn't much, often sounding like a slice of pizza dropped sticky side down on the floor. I have seen a few good ones, and have them marked as favorites, but many of those have been deleted.
I'd love to make a Youtube video of me getting punched. I have a few up of self-punishment, but that's really not the same. I just don't have any opportunity to meet up with someone and record a session. If I made such a video, for damn sure you'd see fists sink in deep, and hear authentic grunts forced out of me. If the puncher was unable to sink a fist in, I'd let him use his knees or feet.
One of my fantasy scenes is me in the role of someone who pretty much anyone would enjoy working over. I explain it a bit more in my profile.
My Youtube channel has a few vids of self-punishment, also some sound effects. I get a kick out of mixing the sound effects with the sound of my gut being punched. For example, I have crowds cheering and clapping to the sound of being punched, cave-like sounds, monster sounds, jack-off sounds, groups of men and women laughing, rhythmic factory sounds, traffic sounds, violent rap songs, zombie sounds, and more, all mixed with the sounds of being punched. I also have some disgusting gooey sounds and grunting noises being forced out of me, as though someone's driving a cum soaked boot into my gut.
I tried uploading some of them, but it doesn't work out too well when there's no video. Either that or I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.
If anyone wants to Skype me to talk, watch me humiliate myself with self-gut punishment, do an interrogation scene, or have fun verbally abusing me, or anything else, my username is guy.ask
My biggest fantasy (which was sort of fulfilled couple of weeks ago) was to beat some nice, solid and defined 6 pack abs that could take some punches.
A few weeks ago I went to my friend's house to enjoy the sunny day at his swimming pool. We were having fun until his 19 y/o brother came and wanted to join us for a swim.
Let me tell you that i knew my friend and his lil bro since i was like 8, but i never saw the little guy without his shirt on and let me tell you, he had a gorgeous sweaty bod. I wanted to punch those glistening abs so bad.
My plan was to mess with him to provoque him a bit so i could have the excuse to fight him. So, there I was, trashtalking this guy while my friend was laughing his ass off. After a while, between laughs, he come up to me for a wrestle to shut me up. We wrestle for a bit, all slipery cos of the water. At one moment, my friend intervened saying "All right, play time's over" and grab him from behind in a full nelson. I couldnt expect for a better opportunity. So i went all in.
First with a couple of jabs at his navel, then a few straights to his mid section, slowly working him up to his solar plexus with some uppercuts. I almost got an erection when i grab him from the back of his head, showed him my fist and then punched him so hard that my fist sinked in there to which he answered back with the most erotic groan i've ever heard.
He lasted for a good 3 minutes until his bro was tired of holding him. He had the tightest abs i've ever tested. I'm hoping to get him again next time i visit them. See if he can take some more hehe
My fantasy is simple:
First one is exchanging punches in abs with boxing or mma gloves with another fighter until one of us gives up.
Second: standing near a wall, with my hands tied behind my back, being punched in abs (and maybe face also) by someone with MMA gloves. No giving up, no surrender, stopping only when the puncher decides so. A lot of pain for me and fun for both of us
My fantasy is being in a bar my ex comes in with her new man and I start taunting him. Im.much bigger and she is wearing a belly shirt. I tell her her abs look.great. he says hey she's with me now big guy. I laugh. He is small guy. I say get outta here man b4 i.hurt u. He turns ti.leave i.look at her and he turns and sinks a fist right in my pit. I double over making big grunt and air comes out. Oooooof he leaves it in.and pushes up. Lifting me off my toes. He takes his shirt off to reveal a perfect six pack.and I look at her smiling a d says how's that fell David. He then begins to.uppercut me in front of whole bar I fall to my knees a d lose my lunch. As he stands in front of me my face looking at his abs
I've imagined similar things, like a guy who doesn't look very physically fit, and a bit introverted and nerd-ish. Then I try to intimidate him, and he puts up with it for a little while, asking me to stop. I keep it up, then he stops me mid sentence by driving a really powerful punch into my gut. The sound is so loud it stops everyone's talking. Even the wait and kitchen staff stop and stare, as I'm doubled over, trying to get some air back into my lungs. Then everyone cheers and claps, yelling "do it again! it again!..." Then a couple of guys haul me back upright so he can hit me again and again... People continue to cheer, jeer and laugh. I sound like I'm trying to puke, but my stomach is totally empty, so all I can do is dry heaves. A hard right punch sinks into my gut in the middle of a dry heave. I hear someone say, "Wow! Cool!" The guy keeps pummeling me till he's all sweaty and breathing hard. Then he says "Okay, I'm done." Then the guys throw me out in the parking lot. I stagger around to the back and lay behind the dumpster. I'm embarrassed and aching. My pants are wet with cum, and I'm smiling a bit.
Once I recover, I'll keep coming back around to the bar till I see those guys there, then I'll again make an ass out of myself, to be sure I deserve another beating.
I finally lived out mine yesterday, when two guys paid a house call, (pre-arranged, of course), on the premise of my owing money I didn't have. Given that I couldn't pay, the boss had sent them round to "remind" me, which involved being jumped from behind and restrained by one, and beaten in the stomach by the other. Then they switched out. A bit sore this morning, but it was awesome. Not sure I'll ever pay up if I can settle it this way!
I don‘t have the one biggest fantasy. There are a lot of fantasies and the one I prefer changes from time to time. But actually I‘m fantasizing about being on a skiing trip with friends.
It‘s late in the evening and I just finished a shower. All I‘m wearing are my sweat pants and an open bathrobe. I‘m going into the common room or living room of our ski lodge where my friends already hanging out. As they see me they starting making jokes about my soft and slightly chubby belly. It doesn‘t take long until the first one pats my bare stomach with his flat hand. The second one comes over to me to poke my navel with his index finger and the others are joking.
Finally one of them gives me a strong uppercut to the belly and I double over, groaning loudly and long drawn-out while the guys are laughing. I do a few steps backwards and lean against the wall, moaning and rubbing my belly with both hands. My friends see my hard nipples and realize that I enjoyed the punch.
»Aawwwww«, says one of my friends. »Does your little tummy hurt, Koko? Shall we make it hurt even more?«
My heart beats fast and wild and I‘m unable to speak but I‘m nodding my head slightly.
They all are coming up to me. Two of them grab my arms and shoulders and pushing me against the wall so that I‘m completely helpless. And now the other guys working over my belly by turns with their hard fists. I‘m groaning in pain and my friends enjoying the torture they give to me.
After a quarter of an hour of continuous beating they allow me a short break because they are afraid I reached the limit. They back me and lay me down backwards on the dining table. I lean myself on my elbows and hold my head up to look at my naked belly. My friends are smiling and I start breathing like a woman in labour between two contractions.
»Haha, are you giving birth to a baby, Koko?«, one of my friends asks and the others burst out laughing.
»Oh yes, look at his chubby tummy… he is definitely pregnant.«
»How should have that happened?«, I ask.
»I bet like this«, he answers and fingers my belly button vehemently. The guys making fun of me touching, petting and squeezing my belly for several minutes until they decide the break was long enough. Two or three of them grab me by the arms and legs to hold me down on the dining table and the others working over my exposed belly with their fists and elbows until I‘m completely done, begging for mercy.
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Hit save too soon. Local guys, under 50, and more than 2 would be fine too. The more the merrier, and the longer the soreness lasts! Everyone gets a turn :D
Is it possible to puke and cum at the same time? I make sure my stomach is empty, so I won't puke. Punches while dry heaving or about to do it, does it for me. That throaty, resonant aaaoooooooook sound triggers me in the right way.
Mhmm. I can only imagine how it was. You and your hot body all sweaty. Your gut red from punches. A fist deep in your gut, a tongue on your nipple as you shoot and puke.
Well guys ....some hot wrestling got me woree out and lost the match .... Now mu nips and abs andnavel are yours to destroy along withsome light creative cbt ....
my fantasy would be to be with two mature men who Amino hit and be hit in the stomach, each other, until both come, all three including myself. I would like to be the last to come, and I would like to be the last to come being stuck from behind by one, while the other prepares a strut that sinks 4-5 above the navel, in the middle of the stomach wall , and leave the fist submerged in the stomach for several seconds, hear it turn and turn slowly to the left and right, while with one hand, the man behind me masturbates me energetically, until you ejaculate me.
With me standing against a wall id love a big muscle guy to punch my navel lightly, then suddenly punch their hardest once to fold me over, then whilst holding me up against the wall continue to fire hard punches into my guts until i can no longer stand and collapse to the floor. Then they can reverse facesit me as they work over my stomach and my abbs give in.
Lots of comments. I have not read them all.
My idea is to have a gut punching last for several hours with only an occasional break with the concent of both guys involved. If one does not have a need for a break we just keep on going. I think I could take it but if it is longer than 3 hours I might be unable to walk.
My fantasy is 2 big dudes working my gut over with both arms tied over my head. One sitting on my chest and the other sitting on my thighs and taking turns trying to cave in my abs.
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I have a new preference for victims. Guy with lean muscle who act cocky but then gets surprised by a chloroform and sleeper tactic. I then tie up there hands so they don't cover the stomach then bombard them with knees, elbows, and punches. He is still in a dayz, but I still do a couple punches to the face to keep him dizzy. Then I throw down body scissors and bear claws to the chest and stomach. Hearing him groan in pain as I dig deep into his gut with no resistence from his muscles.
I would love for one day to be jumped in the room, slammed against a wall and worked over. Worked till I drop, then I be laid flat and my first would be removed. I'd suffer my hits and punishment on the ground and being forced up. This would be done by one or two people. If two, one would hold while other beats, then both would slam their fists into me at same time and one after the other.
Aftrr leaving me beaten, they pick me up and do it some more.
My number one gutpunching fantasy starts with me tied up and blindfolded so that I cannot see the punches coming. I want to be punched until I'm absolutely broken and can't resist at all any more. The whole time, whoever is gutpunching me (hopefully multiple people) keep taunting me, trash talking me for not being able to take it.
I’d love to walk into a dive bar by accident, still dressed for work in my slim fitting slacks and nice white neatly pressed Oxford shirt and shined Sperry loafers. I will order a gin and tonic with lemon, not lime, while guys dressed in their blue collar, grimy garments look on with disgust. When I turn to venture over to the other side of the bar where it is dark and secluded, a guy bumps into me- almost deliberately, and my drink splashes his flannel shirt. I offer an unapologetic apology and when I get to the other side of the bar, a few of the guys make their way to me to put me in my place. After a verbal exchange, my drink is grabbed out my hand by one of the guys who then uses his other hand to grab me by the front of my Brooks Brothers shirt. I am showered with the remnants of my cocktail which exposes some of my torso through my shirt. He then uses his grip on me to drag me to an even more secluded area of the bar where him and his buddies take turns teaching me a lesson…the result is my battered red abdomen and my tattered white shirt.
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My fantacy is it enter a remote bar with 4 or 5 hill billy type guys it's a hot day and I walk in line this . Thay look at each other then persuade me to go out side in to the woods then thay tie my hands behind a tree stump then take turns in punching my belly tell it's mushy
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Mine is find a guy with flat abs or a six pack, who will let me punch him as long, hard, and deep as I want...right in the mid gut, relaxed...Super straight forward yet to date, no takers. I would LOVE a guy who would put on a hood, relax their abs, and let me punch deep. Hang them from a harness and work them like a heavy bag.
restrain and blindfold me, perhaps strip me off no clothes , make me endure hours of unflexed belly punching torture and mix it with occasional deep belly massages
repeat the process on and on and on, that kind of play is my sex
My biggest fantasy is to have three people come over to my gigs and submit to me as my personal human punching bags. They would have to be in their 20's or early 30's with baby faces and specific builds. One must have a thin build with soft abs(maybe 2 pack). The second must have the build of a featherweight boxer(buff but slim). And the third must have a frame that matches mine. I would convince them to fight back with tackles, wrestling moves punches, and kicks. But their moves would be too weak to harm me. In the end each one would receive gut punches both when standing up or on the ground, knees to the gut, body slams to the gut, elbows to the gut, a few face punches, and to finish a long chest to chest bear hug to make them pass out.
Hard to say if this is a fantasy or not but I think I'd love to be punched by a guy who's much shorter than I am, like about 5'2, powerful fireplug build. At that height he could put all that power right to the navel area. and use me like a heavy bag till I drop.
One time I had a guy punch me just right.. Not terribly hard but in a rythrm. That punching lead me to shoot a load without any help except for the friend who was pounding me.
I have no problem trying it again.
One of my many fantasies takes place in more of a sci-fi setting, usually involving me as a muscular superhero who meets another superhero (or super villian). The scene starts of with the other guy landing a few punches to my shredded abs and seeing my throbbing supercock hardening in my suit (also plays to my lycra/speedo fetish). We get hot and horny and the other guy tops me, pounding my insides in and filling them up with tons of his seed (i'm talking gallons). He then delivers the final blow, causing my own meat to erupt, leaving me in a sweaty, cum-covered heap.
I would love to be tied up against a pole or boxing ring corner where two muscular guys take turns punching me nice and deep with boxing gloves. Then when they've had their fun one guy jerks me off while another punches me
You would have to be in tight whities though with your dick pressing up against the cotton as it is getting hard, cumming into the mouth of the twink boy that is sucking your dick.
To destroy hot abs way beyond the point that the victim wants. Most gp videos (mine included) end too soon.
Have the punchee's wrists tied so he can't protect himself.
If the punchee is standing or kneeling, kneeing is very hot to me. It's easier to deliver high impact with little bruising on the skin. The punchee's body will bounce up as his abs tense up. As the body starts to fall down, another knee hit will bring it back up.
If the punchee is on his back, knee drops and stomps are super hot. You'd see the victim trying to curl up. Witnessing the struggle is exhilarating.
When the victim is gasping for air vigorously, lighter punches when the victim can't flex would suffice.
About the preference of how things progress, I want the punchee starts out kind of cocky and proud of his abs, but turn into a crybaby in the end.
That's the summary of my fantasy 😉
I can be the punchee in my fantasy too (if only I had hot abs...)
Passing out or puking as a result of gp and/or trampling never happened to me. I'm not sure if I'll like that, but I'm willing to try.
Cumming as a result of pure gp and trampling also has never happened to me, nor do I feel that it's likely to happen. I don't know if that's a possibility at all, but if it is, it would be so hot.
Having someone stroke my dick as I'm taking punches could distract me and induce a more dramatic reaction to even lighter punches. That's another hot scenario.
your so damn sexy. What about a boy sucking your dick and another boy punching your stomach and sucking your nipples? Do you think you could puke AND/OR cum from that session?
Fuck i made a guy i met on dating site to do this to me once, punching my abs and strokin my dick after long edging session, came after 5 hard punches. The feeling of submitting your abdomen abd manhood at the same time is unbearably GOOD
that can easily happen and it doesnt take a hard blow .well it shouldnt be a hard punch i would say. The two times I passed out from solar shots the punches were not that hard but it was still more pain than i wanted. Something about the 'vagus nerve' I read somewhere. each time i saw black and stars and was out for a several seconds . I think the central nervous system wakes one back up.
One of my fantasies is to beat a slim mans stomach with his hands tied behind him. Using fists, elbows, and knees. Then I lay him on the ground, sit on him, and dig my fist in his gut. All while hearing his loud grunts and the air leaving his body.
I have a set of restraints over my head on my bench press that takes me a FULL MINUTE to get into. Usually have my set of Heavy Duty earplugs in from when I worked on 747 cargo jets. With a canvas bag over my head I relax my abs and wait for a good sucker punch. This photo was taken after 50 punches from a 240 lb biker. After the photo, it took him 110 more punches to finish me off. ALWAYS love a blindfolded sucker punch while tightly bound.
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I hope you guys allow me to offer two fantasies :)
1. Drag me into the woods on a hot summer day, tie me to a tree, my hands and arms behind my back. Tie my legs down too for good measure. Rip off my shirt. With sweat rolling down my chest and abs, you slug my stomach as much as you want, as hard as you want, destroy my abs after a few hours and leave me for dead!
2. Run a gauntlet of sorts. I stand against a wall, my hands handcuffed behind my back, and 5-6 guys take turns, 10 punches at a time, pounding my gut. Each guy gets to deliver 10 sets of punches to my stomach. So if there are five guys, each throwing 10 sets of 10 punches, that's a total of 500 punches, nonstop. Pound me hard, break down my abs. I have to take all 500 punches, no matter what!
I have dozens of fantasies, one of which is similar to yours, but in mine that involves woods, has me chased down, and punched repeatedly while I'm still out of breath from running, then tied to a tree, with arms outstretched, tied to limbs on either side of the trunk. Then tied to the trunk around the shoulders and knees, so I can't double over, nor can my legs give out from under me. Then much more punching, including several guys taking turns, accompanied by a group of guys cheering, jeering and taunting.
I've seen myself lashed to a wooden X frame, in front of a crowd, with someone reporting a list of reasons why I should be punished, while at the same time, delivering several deep punches as each reason is given. Meanwhile, the crowd is cheering as the punches are delivered, and screaming for more as he stops to read off additional reasons to punish me.
Then there are kidnapping scenes, where I end up in a warehouse, tied to the side of a steel cage, and left alone for an hour or two, so I all I can do is worry about what will happen to me. Then a bunch of guys walk in, each of whom has felt offended or victimized by me, and they take turns pummeling my gut.
Sometimes I see myself in a factory, with the sound of a huge punch press thumping, shaking the ground, in a steady cadence, and being backed against a wall, and receiving punches that correspond to the thumping of the machine. Of course, there are guys around who are enjoying watching.
I also imagine myriad scenes in bars or night clubs where I get sucker punched. The sound of the punch and the loud grunt it forces out of me causes everyone to stop and stare, while others laugh in mild amusement.
I've seen myself in a mid evil scene, strapped to a huge table, and people just randomly driving their fist into my gut, or staked to the floor at the entrance, and everyone entering, steps into my gut.
That's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my fantasies.
My fantasy is finding someone local whos real about gutpunching, Young or old, thin or fat, no difference. I'm in the third largest city in the country and I can't find anyone who's willing.
My fantasy is I would be scolding a young fit teen at my job for not doing his job, and I'm laying into him trying to scare and intimidate him, being a jack ass,all the while I'm stuffing my face with some cream filled glazed donut. But its not working cuz unbeknownst to me my big round jelly belly and fat tits bounce around as I am pretty animated as I am yelling. So he isn't taking me seriously which is making me even madder.
Finally he gets tired of me and dose something to distract me like grab one of my big tits and squeezes it. Me being dumb I am awe struck and completely dumb struck. Mean while as I stop suddenly my back arches poking out my jiggling belly even more making it more of a target. But I'm too stupid to realize it.
Then before I could do anything he socks me one deep in my soft doughy underbelly. 'FLAP' and I make a " uh-hrr!!?" Sound ending in a high girly pitch.
As I make the sound my curvy jiggle body crumbles and folds as my eyes roll up and my big fat African lips quiver and shake as I fall like a big over fed building. first on my big round turkey butt then my on my back, belly an tits up with my big fat thighs wide open not realizing it and ko'ed.
I’m a scientist and I have a machine with a strong magnetic pull that I can focus and direct. My machine allows me to place objects on my subject’s stomach and, using the magnetic control, press or punch as deep or as shallowly as I want; to pull their belly button straight to their spine, simulate a tire rolling over them or replicate an upper cut under their ribs.
I work for a crime boss/super villain (with an implied stomach fetish) who wants me to use my machine to interrogate super heroes, spies and other sources. The chief wanted an unobstructed view of the action, so I have plumbs of various sizes and shapes to work the belly without getting in the way..
We place the subject’s body in between the mag field generator and these plumbs with ferrous cores; we calibrate the machine and can then extract whatever information our adversaries have. Short, hard punches; sustained squeezing; slow, focused pressure points or pleasurable exploitation of the abdomen. It doesn’t matter if the subject has a soft weak belly or the sculpted abs of Adonis, eventually, my machine finds a way to work them and to make them spill their guts no matter how well they were trained not to.
But, after a few “unfortunate accidents” during interrogations, I have decided I need to do more research so I can better understand the variation in individual anatomy and neurology.
So, I need subjects who want to submit to my machine and let me test it on them.
This can be done by a combination of items. Rare earth magnets on one end of the rod with the ends matched so you have repulsion to create the punch. On the other end of the rod you'd have opposite poles. By changing the location of the matching pole behind the back you'd have continuing acceleration driving the punch into different areas of the body. If the rod is either greased or on bearings this would make for one heck of a gutpunching device. One merely turns the crank to draw back the rod to punch.
Thin can be done using a larger version of one of those pin sculpture toys with metal spheres on the ends and a powerful electromagnet on the opposite side of the body
My Fantasy would be with a bunch of guys (including Boxers) that come together to test our guts against each other. Go one on one with each other in front of the group until the last two are left to fight for the Championship. Also have the whole event filmed to watch later.
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That's what I call a hot group
Punch. It's just a matter of getting that many guys together to do it, who are all on the same page.
I once paid two Huslters to take turns punching me in the alley. Then they simultaneously punched me together. It was one of the hottest sessions I ever had.
I was once walking shirtless with my dog along a fire trail that forked off in another direction. 4 young guys were coming from the other direction well ahead of me and turned onto my path in front of me. They weren't that far away, but one of them I'm pretty sure took a liking to my shirtless looks. He walked ahead of his friends so he could keep looking back at them pretending to be part of their conversation, but I could see him checking me out at every chance he could get. Had his friends not have been there, I'm sure he would have wanted to start a conversation. I just dream of all sorts of fantasies that could be imagined with the 4 of them wanting to get stuck into me. It was kind of nice though getting that sort of attention purely because my shirt was off.
Such a thing as compassionate gut pounding or empty for someone In severe pain.. U
I as a bottom and usually getting some pain do understand that compassion and understanding do help n the a true pain pig won't care about anything but his own sell centered existence. So many ways to get each other over the big hill and the Jake break kicks in and we glide to a stop.. It should be that easy bu we so make stuff more complex than need be
Mine already happened twice: doing a give and take with a bigger bald bear and after a while he pins me against the wall and take his time and uses his head as a fist into my gut...wanna do this again.
As simple as it is a 2 on 1. It's hard enough finding one guy who does vs talks so 2 seems impossible. Ideally, if I could plan it, we would all take turns and keep going until 2 out of the 3 quit.
Would like to be out walking late at night and be dragged into an alley by three or four cops and have them bend me over a stair or railing so my belly stretched and exposed then hit me in my belly button with their nightsticks and all take turns punching me in my belly.......have my belly button poked and prodded deep and hard in between punches.....even have them put their cigarettes out in my belly button then make me get on my knees and have them all kick me in my belly while they make me give them all blowjobs
Want to be gut punched right in the belly button. Until I can't control my bowel any more and the next big punch makes me either puke up or shit myself. Then I really love the gut to finish by sticking a knife right through my belly button into my gut. Just leave me in a pool of blood and shit in agony...
1st part is nice. I vomited on a guys white carpet once and he threw me out lol. also had a real fistfight with a Mexican dude in army basic training. when we got done I had you know what in my shorts after he rearranged my guts for me..
I feel like 'Sophia ' from golden girls lol. 'Picture this' : it was in Fort Jackson SC during basic training. It was with a little short chubby dude i didn't get along with. we were housed in a big two story barracks with the latrine at the end (open showers sure were fun but the toliets were just a row of commodes with no stalls). anyway there were about a dozen guys in the barracks at the time and me and chunky butt got in some dispute, i got in his face and i threw the first punch and he basically took it from there by throwing a barrage of fists my way. it lasted a long time and i just wanted it to end but the guys loved it cheering and screaming . no one stopped it , he just beat me on and off the bunks and on the floor. He punched me in the face and head and body while i was against a wall and in the head and back when i was face down on the floor. Back then a winning fighter would has the loser if he'd had enough or do you want some more. I'd had enough. We got in trouble when the drill sgt saw face cause i had one black eye, busted lips and a gash in my head that came from something. Had to pull extra kitchen patrol and rake around the barracks but the teasing from the other troops was worse. Still a very memorable fight and all worth it!
To be pinned against a wall, with my guts totally empty, and some really strong puncher, punching right in the sweet spot, directly between the navel and pubic bone, until my intestines growl
To be alone in a gang shower with a guy into gutpunching and play in the hot soapy water as we explore each others guts with massage, punching, and trampling.
My fantasy is to be lured into the empty trailer of a semi by a a couple of big burly truckers. Once I am in there he and his buddy work over my gut big time, taking turns punching my gut. One is holding me with my arms behind my back and the other is punching, they take turns doing this with fists, knees and elbows. Then they each grab an arm and pin me to the trailer wall and both punch me at the same time. When they finally release me I fall to me knees and they knee and kick me in the gut until I can;t stand up at all.
I totally agree with this scene. I love two on one. I think it would be best if they take turns maybe while I'm strapped up or hung like a punching bag. THEN have one holding me up for the other after my abs have gone totally soft. This may sound more cruel but I think it would also be more fun for all three of us.
I always wanted to be in a boxing match with Nitro from American Gladiators. He and I are in tight briefs; his red, mine green. He misses all his shots as I duck and move, and clobber his tight stomach. Slowly it grows red and hot, and he tires, slowing down.
I get him to the corner and pound away, my gloves sinking into his flesh so deply his eyes bulge and his mouthguard drips from his lips.
One final hammering blow makes him grip himself, stagger forward and collapse to the mat.
many years ago a coworker caught me screwing his wife and beat me up right on the spot all face and head punches . I ran outside naked to get away from him. I've always wished and fantasized he had visciously punched me in the stomach instead . His landlord evicted them but we later became friends and had several 3 ways :)
My fantasy is to enter a house under construction and a brown bricklayer gives me strong blows on the shirtless belly button. On the wall and tied up arms and I get a good hard hits and listen as I get the air. And beat me until my stomach is red like tomato and I leave very soft the navel and his fist tattoos on my belly button..
Nphil (0)
2019-06-22 00:09My kinkiest fantasy would be being restrained by a burly hairy daddy and being trashtalked as he circles me. And then he starts pounding my flexed gut. I feel the pain almost cutting through me, not being able to breath but he doesnt stop. He then makes a break and caresses the tender bruised spot. He lets me catch a breath and strokes my cock, teezes my nipples to get me hard. He comes closer and sticks his armpit on my nose, has me sniff him.well. I relax, torture is over... But NO! he starts again pounding my ribs and navel catxhing me off guard. BASTARD! And torture goes on and on while he edges me and teezes me between the punches
DrkMusclCat (21)
2019-06-01 14:23Meeting someone just like me, same condition, size, skills, talents and experience, in a toe to toe challenge. And then, go from there...
Magneto (13)
2019-06-01 23:03(Válaszképp erre)
Would be hot to see!
commandertc (75)
2019-04-17 16:42Xpain, check out my frog splash challenge blog... I will do that to you sexy
Andrew (0)
2019-05-05 06:20(Válaszképp erre)
Ohhh nice man
Ktmcrosser (3)
2019-04-17 17:35(Válaszképp erre)
I think I could do it for this 20 minuts:
5 mins of gut punching
5 mins of gut kicks
5 mins of gut stomps and trampling
5 mins of gut elbows and elbow drops randy savage style...
About the 100 frog splashes!!!
It's depend, how heavy the guy is, which high and maybe most important - what I'm laying on, soft bed / madras or hard floor !!!!!
Challenge3 (49)
2019-04-17 22:50(Válaszképp erre)
my idea would be to have a gut punch contest. We would take turns with predetermined sets of punches. starting with jabs, with each set hitting harder, each opponent would start standing facing each other. Abs totally exposed from the pubic hair upward, any exposed area is open and fair game. After a few sets, then we would start changing positions. up against a wall. arms behind the back, arched backward stretching the abs tight. Over a knee. lying on the floor, braced over a bench. Punched while doing leg lifts, lifting weights or bands. and repeating this until one person gives up. Then the victor gets 5 minutes to totally destroy the abs of the defeated.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-05-31 15:12(Válaszképp erre)
man lovea hard fought gut fight, can go for hours, always hard to find someone that can give and my level and beyond, ive had few and go harder everytime
xPain (0)
2019-04-16 22:31I've imagined myself as a captured soldier and getting beat up and pummeled in the stomach. My fantasy goes like this:
As I get separated by my comrades in the midst of battle in a hot desert, I find myself retreating to a nearby abandoned outpost. I go inside a random building to recover and take off my shirt to let the sweat dry off. Then all of a sudden a group of muscular guys from the enemy's side arrive, and I try to escape. One of them notices and calls his friends to chase me, then fully surround me as one of them grabs me from behind, holding my arms back and another coming up to me and driving his hard fist into my unflexed stomach.
They take me back inside of the building where I hid and tied me to a chair and begin to torture me with a hard punch to my stomach every time they ask me a question. I couldn't answer due to the punches, and they just keep on punching me. After an hour of endless gut punching, they untie me and lift me up, tie me to a wall with my arms up. Blood starts dripping from my mouth from the previous torture. I'm half conscious at this point as they take turns giving me deep punches to my solar plexus. I thought I was going to puke. But secretly I was enjoying this.
Finally, the biggest guy in the group gives me one last knock out punch to the stomach. He grabs my hair and lifts up my head as he shoved his rock hard fist deep into my solar plexus. I spat out some blood and vomited, and cum at the same time. I fall unconscious shortly after as they left me there until my comrades came to save me and find me beaten to a pulp.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-05-18 14:15(Válaszképp erre)
thats hot, love to be in that scene man
muscldestrctn (2)
2019-05-19 00:35(Válaszképp erre)
Jake Fighter... as a giver, or a taker?
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-05-19 15:32(Válaszképp erre)
Taker for sure man
muscldestrctn (2)
2019-05-20 01:07(Válaszképp erre)
Would be awesome to see your hot body PULVERIZED! 😲🤪
Rocket (3 )
2019-04-23 02:18(Válaszképp erre)
Would a cabin in the Maine woods be ok. Isolation you can screem no one wiil hear
mibarrigaestuya (1 )
2019-07-02 06:58(Válaszképp erre)
Excelente idea manos atadas golpes fuertes
slimp (0)
2019-04-23 04:35(Válaszképp erre)
One of my fondest fantasies.
xPain (0)
2019-04-17 16:26(Válaszképp erre)
Looking back and reading what I wrote here, I thought I might've been too brutal and extreme with this, haha. It is a fantasy after all, it might be from all the movies I've watched. I do like the feeling of getting punched though and testing my limit and endurance.
muscldestrctn (2)
2019-04-18 07:04(Válaszképp erre)
Not too brutal... hot, man!
DrkMusclCat (21)
2019-04-17 13:30(Válaszképp erre)
There was a GP publication (has to be almost 30 years ago), that had a similar story about a captured and tortured soldier. He didn't far too well in that story. Most guys in hero torture scenarios usually don't.
But hey–its your fantasy...
BlackFighter27 (5)
2019-04-17 05:00(Válaszképp erre)
Belly Punch (3)
2019-04-16 22:50(Válaszképp erre)
WOW! Hot Story!
bellypunchee52 (0)
2019-04-16 05:23To get dropped with a hard hit below the belly button
gymfreakJC (1 )
2019-04-15 23:35Mine is find two guys with six pack and nice body. They would have to be in their 20's like me. We decide to make spontaneously a contest who of us last more punches in the abs. First we work out and then we start to punch each other. I get punched in the abs while standing and putting my arms on my head and the third of us is holding, blocking my hands. It's summer, it's very hot and we're outside. Anyone can see us and ours awesome sweaty bodies. Some girls wait and see who'll win..
DrkMusclCat (21)
2019-04-17 13:32(Válaszképp erre)
In this day and age, that should no longer be a fantasy. There are exhibition GP sessions all over YouTube. Everybody is doing it.
slimp (0)
2019-04-18 03:59(Válaszképp erre)
From what I can tell, most of those Youtube videos are pretty lame or fake. Usually, the punch doesn't penetrate, and the punchee just kinda stands there quietly. Even the sound of impact isn't much, often sounding like a slice of pizza dropped sticky side down on the floor. I have seen a few good ones, and have them marked as favorites, but many of those have been deleted.
I'd love to make a Youtube video of me getting punched. I have a few up of self-punishment, but that's really not the same. I just don't have any opportunity to meet up with someone and record a session. If I made such a video, for damn sure you'd see fists sink in deep, and hear authentic grunts forced out of me. If the puncher was unable to sink a fist in, I'd let him use his knees or feet.
One of my fantasy scenes is me in the role of someone who pretty much anyone would enjoy working over. I explain it a bit more in my profile.
My Youtube channel has a few vids of self-punishment, also some sound effects. I get a kick out of mixing the sound effects with the sound of my gut being punched. For example, I have crowds cheering and clapping to the sound of being punched, cave-like sounds, monster sounds, jack-off sounds, groups of men and women laughing, rhythmic factory sounds, traffic sounds, violent rap songs, zombie sounds, and more, all mixed with the sounds of being punched. I also have some disgusting gooey sounds and grunting noises being forced out of me, as though someone's driving a cum soaked boot into my gut.
I tried uploading some of them, but it doesn't work out too well when there's no video. Either that or I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.
If anyone wants to Skype me to talk, watch me humiliate myself with self-gut punishment, do an interrogation scene, or have fun verbally abusing me, or anything else, my username is guy.ask
gutpunchlover78 (0 )
2019-04-11 05:08My biggest fantasy (which was sort of fulfilled couple of weeks ago) was to beat some nice, solid and defined 6 pack abs that could take some punches.
A few weeks ago I went to my friend's house to enjoy the sunny day at his swimming pool. We were having fun until his 19 y/o brother came and wanted to join us for a swim.
Let me tell you that i knew my friend and his lil bro since i was like 8, but i never saw the little guy without his shirt on and let me tell you, he had a gorgeous sweaty bod. I wanted to punch those glistening abs so bad.
My plan was to mess with him to provoque him a bit so i could have the excuse to fight him. So, there I was, trashtalking this guy while my friend was laughing his ass off. After a while, between laughs, he come up to me for a wrestle to shut me up. We wrestle for a bit, all slipery cos of the water. At one moment, my friend intervened saying "All right, play time's over" and grab him from behind in a full nelson. I couldnt expect for a better opportunity. So i went all in.
First with a couple of jabs at his navel, then a few straights to his mid section, slowly working him up to his solar plexus with some uppercuts. I almost got an erection when i grab him from the back of his head, showed him my fist and then punched him so hard that my fist sinked in there to which he answered back with the most erotic groan i've ever heard.
He lasted for a good 3 minutes until his bro was tired of holding him. He had the tightest abs i've ever tested. I'm hoping to get him again next time i visit them. See if he can take some more hehe
muscldestrctn (2)
2019-04-11 16:38(Válaszképp erre)
Very hot, man! I’d love to watch that action!
Belly Punch (3)
2019-04-16 15:00(Válaszképp erre)
Awesome encounter!
OrlJockwrestler (5)
2019-04-12 12:29(Válaszképp erre)
oh yeah... I wish I was in that pool watching too
Polish Boxer (1)
2019-04-08 14:34My fantasy is simple:
First one is exchanging punches in abs with boxing or mma gloves with another fighter until one of us gives up.
Second: standing near a wall, with my hands tied behind my back, being punched in abs (and maybe face also) by someone with MMA gloves. No giving up, no surrender, stopping only when the puncher decides so. A lot of pain for me and fun for both of us
BlackFighter27 (5)
2019-04-13 07:05(Válaszképp erre)
I would so love to do the second scenario with you.
Magneto (13)
2019-04-09 15:05(Válaszképp erre)
I’d love to join in on either scenario!😉
Gutpunchmeplz (0)
2019-04-10 05:41(Válaszképp erre)
My fantasy is being in a bar my ex comes in with her new man and I start taunting him. Im.much bigger and she is wearing a belly shirt. I tell her her abs look.great. he says hey she's with me now big guy. I laugh. He is small guy. I say get outta here man b4 i.hurt u. He turns ti.leave i.look at her and he turns and sinks a fist right in my pit. I double over making big grunt and air comes out. Oooooof he leaves it in.and pushes up. Lifting me off my toes. He takes his shirt off to reveal a perfect six pack.and I look at her smiling a d says how's that fell David. He then begins to.uppercut me in front of whole bar I fall to my knees a d lose my lunch. As he stands in front of me my face looking at his abs
polo arredondo (1)
2019-04-15 10:30(Válaszképp erre)
Woww! Very hot related!
slimp (0)
2019-04-11 05:24(Válaszképp erre)
I've imagined similar things, like a guy who doesn't look very physically fit, and a bit introverted and nerd-ish. Then I try to intimidate him, and he puts up with it for a little while, asking me to stop. I keep it up, then he stops me mid sentence by driving a really powerful punch into my gut. The sound is so loud it stops everyone's talking. Even the wait and kitchen staff stop and stare, as I'm doubled over, trying to get some air back into my lungs. Then everyone cheers and claps, yelling "do it again! it again!..." Then a couple of guys haul me back upright so he can hit me again and again... People continue to cheer, jeer and laugh. I sound like I'm trying to puke, but my stomach is totally empty, so all I can do is dry heaves. A hard right punch sinks into my gut in the middle of a dry heave. I hear someone say, "Wow! Cool!" The guy keeps pummeling me till he's all sweaty and breathing hard. Then he says "Okay, I'm done." Then the guys throw me out in the parking lot. I stagger around to the back and lay behind the dumpster. I'm embarrassed and aching. My pants are wet with cum, and I'm smiling a bit.
Once I recover, I'll keep coming back around to the bar till I see those guys there, then I'll again make an ass out of myself, to be sure I deserve another beating.
Gutpunchmeplz (0)
2019-04-11 17:00(Válaszképp erre)
Very hot man u and I think alike
muscldestrctn (2)
2019-04-10 07:35(Válaszképp erre)
hot scene, man
lustgp (9)
2019-04-09 13:00(Válaszképp erre)
Let's do this! :-D :-D
gymfreakJC (1 )
2019-04-10 21:19(Válaszképp erre)
I'm totally in!
Ktmcrosser (3)
2019-04-09 13:39(Válaszképp erre)
I would like to join you guys ;P
Polish Boxer (1)
2019-04-09 14:44(Válaszképp erre)
We will meet soon, don't worry :P
Only distance is the problem here
lustgp (9)
2019-04-09 15:36(Válaszképp erre)
Yes. I know. We need to figure something out :-]
Gutboxer (48)
2019-04-09 16:20(Válaszképp erre)
Yes always wanted a Gutpunching Gathering but so difficult to make it happen.
Ktmcrosser (3)
2019-04-09 06:26(Válaszképp erre)
I am ready to do your imagination reality together with you as soon as you get the time
britiassaurus (3)
2019-04-06 13:54I finally lived out mine yesterday, when two guys paid a house call, (pre-arranged, of course), on the premise of my owing money I didn't have. Given that I couldn't pay, the boss had sent them round to "remind" me, which involved being jumped from behind and restrained by one, and beaten in the stomach by the other. Then they switched out. A bit sore this morning, but it was awesome. Not sure I'll ever pay up if I can settle it this way!
pbalestra (5)
2019-04-07 21:25(Válaszképp erre)
So hot man, would love same thing!
Koko85 (0)
2019-01-18 19:06I don‘t have the one biggest fantasy. There are a lot of fantasies and the one I prefer changes from time to time. But actually I‘m fantasizing about being on a skiing trip with friends.
It‘s late in the evening and I just finished a shower. All I‘m wearing are my sweat pants and an open bathrobe. I‘m going into the common room or living room of our ski lodge where my friends already hanging out. As they see me they starting making jokes about my soft and slightly chubby belly. It doesn‘t take long until the first one pats my bare stomach with his flat hand. The second one comes over to me to poke my navel with his index finger and the others are joking.
Finally one of them gives me a strong uppercut to the belly and I double over, groaning loudly and long drawn-out while the guys are laughing. I do a few steps backwards and lean against the wall, moaning and rubbing my belly with both hands. My friends see my hard nipples and realize that I enjoyed the punch.
»Aawwwww«, says one of my friends. »Does your little tummy hurt, Koko? Shall we make it hurt even more?«
My heart beats fast and wild and I‘m unable to speak but I‘m nodding my head slightly.
They all are coming up to me. Two of them grab my arms and shoulders and pushing me against the wall so that I‘m completely helpless. And now the other guys working over my belly by turns with their hard fists. I‘m groaning in pain and my friends enjoying the torture they give to me.
After a quarter of an hour of continuous beating they allow me a short break because they are afraid I reached the limit. They back me and lay me down backwards on the dining table. I lean myself on my elbows and hold my head up to look at my naked belly. My friends are smiling and I start breathing like a woman in labour between two contractions.
»Haha, are you giving birth to a baby, Koko?«, one of my friends asks and the others burst out laughing.
»Oh yes, look at his chubby tummy… he is definitely pregnant.«
»How should have that happened?«, I ask.
»I bet like this«, he answers and fingers my belly button vehemently. The guys making fun of me touching, petting and squeezing my belly for several minutes until they decide the break was long enough. Two or three of them grab me by the arms and legs to hold me down on the dining table and the others working over my exposed belly with their fists and elbows until I‘m completely done, begging for mercy. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
saleppo (9)
2019-04-09 06:31(Válaszképp erre)
Wow wow wow. Hot. 🥊
Koko85 (0)
2019-04-10 19:27(Válaszképp erre)
Thank you. ;-)
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-12-31 20:43Mine is simple. 2 on 1. Difficult enough to get one guy into actual meets in one place much less two. 2019, prove me wrong! Bring it!
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-12-31 20:59(Válaszképp erre)
Hit save too soon. Local guys, under 50, and more than 2 would be fine too. The more the merrier, and the longer the soreness lasts! Everyone gets a turn :D
hitme (1)
2018-12-31 14:59Ths could be a challenge where every fighter hits the other until one of them gives up, or an after match punishment
Gutboxer (48)
2019-03-31 19:39(Válaszképp erre)
Wish there was an event we could get together and do this.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2019-04-08 15:33(Válaszképp erre)
Chicago hosts IML every year. Could be done then
Gutboxer (48)
2019-04-08 16:09(Válaszképp erre)
Tried IML twice with no results. Most guys there want to be dogs.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2019-04-09 18:16(Válaszképp erre)
You and I could get together anytime. I keep asking.
Gutboxer (48)
2019-04-10 17:33(Válaszképp erre)
Just working so much makes it difficult and where?
slimp (0)
2019-04-10 05:29(Válaszképp erre)
I wish there were a bar or something like that where guys with this interest could meet.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-03-31 10:16(Válaszképp erre)
love doing this
gymfreakJC (1 )
2019-01-17 14:09(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah, that's perfect idea !!
commandertc (75)
2019-01-17 14:12(Válaszképp erre)
Those abs and pecs will he my play ground jobber
Rock gut (2)
2019-01-01 06:53(Válaszképp erre)
That is one HOT photo !!!
Gutstrike (4)
2019-01-01 06:30(Válaszképp erre)
Excellent photo and excellent idea with the addition of the Puking and/or Cumming.
slimp (0)
2019-01-08 03:47(Válaszképp erre)
Is it possible to puke and cum at the same time? I make sure my stomach is empty, so I won't puke. Punches while dry heaving or about to do it, does it for me. That throaty, resonant aaaoooooooook sound triggers me in the right way.
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-12-31 22:22(Válaszképp erre)
or Puking and/or Cumming is the ultimate submission.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-03-30 16:08(Válaszképp erre)
thats my kinda gut punch session DGP, would be interesting to see who could outlast who man
mackabs (0)
2018-12-31 22:46(Válaszképp erre)
Oh yeah. I love your thinking. Puking and cumming would be the ultimate submission. So fucking hot.
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-12-31 23:13(Válaszképp erre)
Thank you hot boy. It would. I have been there 1 time before.
mackabs (0)
2018-12-31 23:16(Válaszképp erre)
Mhmm. I can only imagine how it was. You and your hot body all sweaty. Your gut red from punches. A fist deep in your gut, a tongue on your nipple as you shoot and puke.
musclepunch (3)
2019-01-08 17:49(Válaszképp erre)
Wooof love the idea of gut punching till puking/cumming. Really into cyber matches if either of you are (or anybody else on here). Hit me up! ;)
commandertc (75)
2019-01-17 14:11(Válaszképp erre)
I will destroy you as my jobber
rammygut2 (4)
2018-12-31 19:57(Válaszképp erre)
Nice target guy !
hardabs1 (22)
2018-12-31 16:33(Válaszképp erre)
I would love to participate in such a challenge! HOT!
Gutboxer (48)
2018-12-31 16:33(Válaszképp erre)
I could go for that!
rammygut2 (4)
2018-12-30 17:58Well guys ....some hot wrestling got me woree out and lost the match .... Now mu nips and abs andnavel are yours to destroy along withsome light creative cbt ....
stomachpunch (5)
2018-12-28 14:46my fantasy would be to be with two mature men who Amino hit and be hit in the stomach, each other, until both come, all three including myself. I would like to be the last to come, and I would like to be the last to come being stuck from behind by one, while the other prepares a strut that sinks 4-5 above the navel, in the middle of the stomach wall , and leave the fist submerged in the stomach for several seconds, hear it turn and turn slowly to the left and right, while with one hand, the man behind me masturbates me energetically, until you ejaculate me.
spuds86 (3 )
2018-12-25 18:27With me standing against a wall id love a big muscle guy to punch my navel lightly, then suddenly punch their hardest once to fold me over, then whilst holding me up against the wall continue to fire hard punches into my guts until i can no longer stand and collapse to the floor. Then they can reverse facesit me as they work over my stomach and my abbs give in.
Gutboxer (48)
2018-12-25 18:38(Válaszképp erre)
I'd like to punch that nice round big belly!
Rocket (3 )
2018-12-23 00:17Lots of comments. I have not read them all.
My idea is to have a gut punching last for several hours with only an occasional break with the concent of both guys involved. If one does not have a need for a break we just keep on going. I think I could take it but if it is longer than 3 hours I might be unable to walk.
Rock gut (2)
2018-10-31 15:21My fantasy is 2 big dudes working my gut over with both arms tied over my head. One sitting on my chest and the other sitting on my thighs and taking turns trying to cave in my abs. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
DrkMusclCat (21)
2019-04-03 18:19(Válaszképp erre)
With me, you'd only need one...
Magneto (13)
2019-04-03 18:26(Válaszképp erre)
You aren’t kidding - damn, come at me sometime :)
BlackFighter27 (5)
2018-10-24 23:52I have a new preference for victims. Guy with lean muscle who act cocky but then gets surprised by a chloroform and sleeper tactic. I then tie up there hands so they don't cover the stomach then bombard them with knees, elbows, and punches. He is still in a dayz, but I still do a couple punches to the face to keep him dizzy. Then I throw down body scissors and bear claws to the chest and stomach. Hearing him groan in pain as I dig deep into his gut with no resistence from his muscles.
IzzoR (1)
2018-10-29 10:55(Válaszképp erre)
I'd enjoy that.
CelticFire (26 )
2018-09-29 18:10Hmmmmm,
I would love for one day to be jumped in the room, slammed against a wall and worked over. Worked till I drop, then I be laid flat and my first would be removed. I'd suffer my hits and punishment on the ground and being forced up. This would be done by one or two people. If two, one would hold while other beats, then both would slam their fists into me at same time and one after the other.
Aftrr leaving me beaten, they pick me up and do it some more.
It would end with a massage for my chest and abs.
2018-12-23 19:13(Válaszképp erre)
I get out that way sometimes, if interested, let me know. I travel the states a lot for work.
Challenge3 (49)
2018-10-25 12:18(Válaszképp erre)
We can do this, your not to far.
BlackFighter27 (5)
2018-10-25 01:12(Válaszképp erre)
CelticFire (26 )
2018-10-25 02:33(Válaszképp erre)
If only you were close.
Magneto (13)
2018-12-22 13:58(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot!
YouAreOnIt (0)
2018-09-28 03:31Wow you all are giving me some great ideas.
My number one gutpunching fantasy starts with me tied up and blindfolded so that I cannot see the punches coming. I want to be punched until I'm absolutely broken and can't resist at all any more. The whole time, whoever is gutpunching me (hopefully multiple people) keep taunting me, trash talking me for not being able to take it.
CelticFire (26 )
2018-09-29 18:06(Válaszképp erre)
Heh, I'm game to do this.
Rocket (3 )
2018-09-28 04:26(Válaszképp erre)
I have also done this with punching my nuts.
YouAreOnIt (0)
2018-09-28 04:34(Válaszképp erre)
Again, y'all are giving me great ideas.
Belly Punch (3)
2018-09-28 04:03(Válaszképp erre)
I would love to participate in Gut punching you as you describe!
Punked Preppy (1 )
2018-09-29 09:00(Válaszképp erre)
Right on...always up for an ego adjuster and my abs worked over raw..while losing my shirt in the process.
Punked Preppy (1 )
2018-09-27 06:10I’d love to walk into a dive bar by accident, still dressed for work in my slim fitting slacks and nice white neatly pressed Oxford shirt and shined Sperry loafers. I will order a gin and tonic with lemon, not lime, while guys dressed in their blue collar, grimy garments look on with disgust. When I turn to venture over to the other side of the bar where it is dark and secluded, a guy bumps into me- almost deliberately, and my drink splashes his flannel shirt. I offer an unapologetic apology and when I get to the other side of the bar, a few of the guys make their way to me to put me in my place. After a verbal exchange, my drink is grabbed out my hand by one of the guys who then uses his other hand to grab me by the front of my Brooks Brothers shirt. I am showered with the remnants of my cocktail which exposes some of my torso through my shirt. He then uses his grip on me to drag me to an even more secluded area of the bar where him and his buddies take turns teaching me a lesson…the result is my battered red abdomen and my tattered white shirt. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
2018-12-23 19:14(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah, talk but no show.
Punked Preppy (1 )
2019-01-07 10:53(Válaszképp erre)
When was this?
Magneto (13)
2018-12-22 14:02(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot. I’d love to be the one working you over
Punked Preppy (1 )
2018-12-24 16:08(Válaszképp erre)
I'm down with that.
OrlJockwrestler (5)
2018-09-27 12:26(Válaszképp erre)
that's a hot scene for sure
Rocket (3 )
2018-09-25 20:24I want to be gut punched until I shoot a load. It can be done and I can take it.
Punked Preppy (1 )
2018-09-29 09:01(Válaszképp erre)
Definitely can be's happened to me..totally hot
Bellypunching (0)
2018-09-23 19:59My fantacy is it enter a remote bar with 4 or 5 hill billy type guys it's a hot day and I walk in line this . Thay look at each other then persuade me to go out side in to the woods then thay tie my hands behind a tree stump then take turns in punching my belly tell it's mushy A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
slimp (0)
2018-09-25 03:55(Válaszképp erre)
You'd walk into a bar with no pants on?
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 17:52Mine is find a guy with flat abs or a six pack, who will let me punch him as long, hard, and deep as I want...right in the mid gut, relaxed...Super straight forward yet to date, no takers. I would LOVE a guy who would put on a hood, relax their abs, and let me punch deep. Hang them from a harness and work them like a heavy bag.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2019-05-18 15:36(Válaszképp erre)
damn man i wish
nikosaars2 (0)
2018-12-23 16:33(Válaszképp erre)
The simplicity of your fantasy. The plain way you described it just got me hard
Jake Fighter (4 )
2018-11-05 11:34(Válaszképp erre)
love to man
Bellydemon (0)
2018-09-24 19:35(Válaszképp erre)
I'd love you to do that to me.
Belly Punch (3)
2018-09-23 00:26(Válaszképp erre)
I don’t have a six pack but blindfold me and punch my gut!
mackabs (0)
2018-09-22 23:47(Válaszképp erre)
Mhmm🤤😌. You know I'm still on. Lol
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-23 00:04(Válaszképp erre)
yea man...You're the living embodiment of my dream session!
bellykarma108 (3)
2018-09-22 22:21(Válaszképp erre)
restrain and blindfold me, perhaps strip me off no clothes , make me endure hours of unflexed belly punching torture and mix it with occasional deep belly massages
repeat the process on and on and on, that kind of play is my sex
Rock gut (2)
2018-12-21 09:15(Válaszképp erre)
Already got ya.
hardabs1 (22)
2018-12-20 18:32(Válaszképp erre)
Sounds good to me too :)
Belly Punch (3)
2018-12-20 15:35(Válaszképp erre)
Love that!
Rock gut (2)
2018-09-23 19:30(Válaszképp erre)
Nice ! 30 minutes or more.
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 22:47(Válaszképp erre)
that would be a good time!
Gutpunchme100 (11)
2018-09-22 17:57(Válaszképp erre)
If you were closer man I would love to be your punching bag
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 18:01(Válaszképp erre)
damn yea! you'd be the guy to make that dream come true!! you've got the perfect body for a punching bag!
Rock gut (2)
2018-11-05 14:59(Válaszképp erre)
I've worked bellykarma over- he has hard abs.
BlackFighter27 (5)
2018-09-20 02:10My biggest fantasy is to have three people come over to my gigs and submit to me as my personal human punching bags. They would have to be in their 20's or early 30's with baby faces and specific builds. One must have a thin build with soft abs(maybe 2 pack). The second must have the build of a featherweight boxer(buff but slim). And the third must have a frame that matches mine. I would convince them to fight back with tackles, wrestling moves punches, and kicks. But their moves would be too weak to harm me. In the end each one would receive gut punches both when standing up or on the ground, knees to the gut, body slams to the gut, elbows to the gut, a few face punches, and to finish a long chest to chest bear hug to make them pass out.
Squishy (0 )
2019-04-07 00:48(Válaszképp erre)
Damn, can I be punching bag 1?
spuds86 (3 )
2018-12-25 18:32(Válaszképp erre)
I love the idea of knees and elbows to the gut. Butt drops and stomps on the gut is also a fantasy of mine
Gutpunchme100 (11)
2018-09-22 05:14(Válaszképp erre)
I would gladly be one of those taking the punishment
BlackFighter27 (5)
2018-12-20 20:26(Válaszképp erre)
Good to know. I would be glad to demolish u
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-09-19 12:16Hard to say if this is a fantasy or not but I think I'd love to be punched by a guy who's much shorter than I am, like about 5'2, powerful fireplug build. At that height he could put all that power right to the navel area. and use me like a heavy bag till I drop.
Rocket (3 )
2018-08-30 06:34One time I had a guy punch me just right.. Not terribly hard but in a rythrm. That punching lead me to shoot a load without any help except for the friend who was pounding me.
I have no problem trying it again.
musclepunch (3)
2018-08-07 17:11One of my many fantasies takes place in more of a sci-fi setting, usually involving me as a muscular superhero who meets another superhero (or super villian). The scene starts of with the other guy landing a few punches to my shredded abs and seeing my throbbing supercock hardening in my suit (also plays to my lycra/speedo fetish). We get hot and horny and the other guy tops me, pounding my insides in and filling them up with tons of his seed (i'm talking gallons). He then delivers the final blow, causing my own meat to erupt, leaving me in a sweaty, cum-covered heap.
JktDxbPuncher (0)
2018-09-02 15:19(Válaszképp erre)
Man.. i wish we were closer! That's hot!
SammyBoy (18 )
2018-08-08 06:03(Válaszképp erre)
Also one of my favorite scenes/fantasies. I think it was scenes like this that showed me I had the fetish.
ausjock28 (22 )
2018-08-08 05:54(Válaszképp erre)
Love to be the villain working your abs over and pounding you bro grrr
Jake Fighter (4 )
2018-08-15 06:18(Válaszképp erre)
yeah same here .
JktDxbPuncher (0)
2018-09-03 21:38(Válaszképp erre)
Jake fighter, looks like you can take crazy whole lots of punches there ya mate! Smokin hot abs!
muscldestrctn (2)
2018-08-16 04:21(Válaszképp erre)
I’d love to watch, provide commentary and encouragement.
Bellydemon (0)
2018-08-12 17:16(Válaszképp erre)
Nice bod there;-)
musclepunch (3)
2018-08-14 16:56(Válaszképp erre)
Thanks! :)
lsm1966 (6 )
2018-08-08 05:26(Válaszképp erre)
Hey man, you should be making a good living writing–that's great!
musclepunch (3)
2018-08-08 19:40(Válaszképp erre)
Haha thank you!
mibarrigaestuya (1 )
2018-08-08 05:19(Válaszképp erre)
my fantasy is to be tied in the basement ande receive punches in my belly button yes
JktDxbPuncher (0)
2018-09-02 15:22(Válaszképp erre)
Dude we have common liking!
Punchee1300 (6)
2018-08-01 19:27I would love to be tied up against a pole or boxing ring corner where two muscular guys take turns punching me nice and deep with boxing gloves. Then when they've had their fun one guy jerks me off while another punches me
Bellypunching (0)
2018-07-16 18:49Taken in a prison sell then stripped naked tie to the sell bars late at night then gut punchrd by 2 prisson gards
Belly Punch (3)
2018-07-17 03:44(Válaszképp erre)
Yes! Right in your gut!
Bellypunching (0)
2018-07-09 14:43I love to be walking through a woods naked and come across one or more guys tie me to a tree and take turns punching my guts
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-07-16 19:20(Válaszképp erre)
You would have to be in tight whities though with your dick pressing up against the cotton as it is getting hard, cumming into the mouth of the twink boy that is sucking your dick.
Secret Crusher (43)
2019-04-08 05:37(Válaszképp erre)
Gutpunching in Tighty whities - super hot. I once had a session exactly like that - we were both wearing them and super hard
Punchpacks (10)
2018-07-20 07:41(Válaszképp erre)
Hot scene punched my gut and let me shoot my hot cum into their young mouth and throat
commandertc (75)
2018-07-16 19:26(Válaszképp erre)
sounds great! lets do this
Gut Challenge (2)
2018-07-09 15:43(Válaszképp erre)
I dream that ALL THE TIME - except I'm sunbathing in the raw on a deserted beach.
scrasher (14)
2018-07-08 06:50To destroy hot abs way beyond the point that the victim wants. Most gp videos (mine included) end too soon.
Have the punchee's wrists tied so he can't protect himself.
If the punchee is standing or kneeling, kneeing is very hot to me. It's easier to deliver high impact with little bruising on the skin. The punchee's body will bounce up as his abs tense up. As the body starts to fall down, another knee hit will bring it back up.
If the punchee is on his back, knee drops and stomps are super hot. You'd see the victim trying to curl up. Witnessing the struggle is exhilarating.
When the victim is gasping for air vigorously, lighter punches when the victim can't flex would suffice.
About the preference of how things progress, I want the punchee starts out kind of cocky and proud of his abs, but turn into a crybaby in the end.
That's the summary of my fantasy 😉
I can be the punchee in my fantasy too (if only I had hot abs...)
Passing out or puking as a result of gp and/or trampling never happened to me. I'm not sure if I'll like that, but I'm willing to try.
Cumming as a result of pure gp and trampling also has never happened to me, nor do I feel that it's likely to happen. I don't know if that's a possibility at all, but if it is, it would be so hot.
Having someone stroke my dick as I'm taking punches could distract me and induce a more dramatic reaction to even lighter punches. That's another hot scenario.
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 17:58(Válaszképp erre)
I want a guy who will let me do this to him!! This is a perfect gutpunch session!
Andrew (0)
2019-05-05 05:39(Válaszképp erre)
Destroy me A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
commandertc (75)
2019-05-05 06:18(Válaszképp erre)
I tried but you never showed stud
Rock gut (2)
2018-09-02 17:40(Válaszképp erre)
Wish you were closer. 60 punches would be a good warm-up. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
ausjock28 (22 )
2018-08-15 05:54(Válaszképp erre)
I’m big on gutpunching whilst tugging his cock or chopping his pecs grr
Jake Fighter (4 )
2018-08-15 06:19(Válaszképp erre)
love to go head to head in a mutual session with you ausjock
Jake Fighter (4 )
2018-08-14 16:12(Válaszképp erre)
so fkn perfectly hot. take or give im good for both
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-07-13 05:24(Válaszképp erre)
your so damn sexy. What about a boy sucking your dick and another boy punching your stomach and sucking your nipples? Do you think you could puke AND/OR cum from that session?
JktDxbPuncher (0)
2018-09-03 21:48(Válaszképp erre)
Fuck i made a guy i met on dating site to do this to me once, punching my abs and strokin my dick after long edging session, came after 5 hard punches. The feeling of submitting your abdomen abd manhood at the same time is unbearably GOOD
commandertc (75)
2018-07-16 18:11(Válaszképp erre)
Cum hard!!!After a ton of punching and frog splashes
hardabs1 (22)
2018-07-13 05:29(Válaszképp erre)
That would be a dream come true for me!
Gutboxer (48)
2018-07-14 16:30(Válaszképp erre)
Like that idea as well, but maybe an additional boy to suck the other nipple as well.
Framateur (12)
2018-07-11 22:00(Válaszképp erre)
Very interesting way to be destroyed !
lukebel (8)
2018-07-10 21:37(Válaszképp erre)
Hey Steve ! Always ready and in the mood to gutpunch you !
ausjock28 (22 )
2018-07-08 07:58(Válaszképp erre)
I’d definitely enjoy dominating your abs and try make you cum from it rr
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-07-07 19:19i want a skinny, fit young guy to cum in my mouth after I and a friend destroy his sixpack abs.
Punchpacks (10)
2018-07-10 09:41(Válaszképp erre)
Yes I would love your idea
scrasher (14)
2018-07-08 06:28(Válaszképp erre)
I'd be your victim, be I'm not a fit young guy 😛
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 18:01(Válaszképp erre)
punching your abs would be a dream for sure!!
deepgutpunched (0)
2018-07-13 05:25(Válaszképp erre)
yes, your perfect and your sixpack is like granite.
ausjock28 (22 )
2018-07-08 05:09(Válaszképp erre)
Happy to be the friend to help gutpunch :-)
Gutboxer (48)
2018-07-07 16:34I want to take on a Muscle man or boy and see who's gut could take the MOST.
Matt Teo (1)
2018-07-06 14:07Being knocked totally unconscious with a single punch to the solar plexus.
dave1701 (4)
2018-07-09 22:06(Válaszképp erre)
i would love that as well or long as it takes
halndallas (6)
2018-07-07 21:33(Válaszképp erre)
that can easily happen and it doesnt take a hard blow .well it shouldnt be a hard punch i would say. The two times I passed out from solar shots the punches were not that hard but it was still more pain than i wanted. Something about the 'vagus nerve' I read somewhere. each time i saw black and stars and was out for a several seconds . I think the central nervous system wakes one back up.
Gut Challenge (2)
2018-07-06 17:58(Válaszképp erre)
I can do that for you easily A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
Rock gut (2)
2018-09-19 13:25(Válaszképp erre)
I am now back on this site as Rock gut. Welcome any and all to work my gut over - you will give before I will. 2 on 1 is even better. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
Matt Teo (1)
2018-07-12 11:10(Válaszképp erre)
Unfortunately we live far away from each other.
Pillowbelly (0)
2018-07-06 15:03(Válaszképp erre)
That would be so humiliating.
BlackFighter27 (5)
2018-07-02 18:49One of my fantasies is to beat a slim mans stomach with his hands tied behind him. Using fists, elbows, and knees. Then I lay him on the ground, sit on him, and dig my fist in his gut. All while hearing his loud grunts and the air leaving his body.
Jake Fighter (4 )
2018-08-10 07:50(Válaszképp erre)
thats hot man
DavidW (0)
2018-08-06 22:44(Válaszképp erre)
I like the way your mind works.
Haarek (1)
2018-07-03 05:18(Válaszképp erre)
Volunteer for this. My stomach would be ready for you
slimp (0)
2018-07-03 04:22(Válaszképp erre)
Fits perfectly with my fantasies.
gutpunchmehard (18)
2018-07-02 21:16(Válaszképp erre)
wowww. would love to be your victim!!!
Gutpunch4321 (0)
2018-06-30 05:50That's easy mine is to trade punches with another fat hairy man til we both explode with super loads of CUM
Gut Challenge (2)
2018-06-23 13:02I have a set of restraints over my head on my bench press that takes me a FULL MINUTE to get into. Usually have my set of Heavy Duty earplugs in from when I worked on 747 cargo jets. With a canvas bag over my head I relax my abs and wait for a good sucker punch. This photo was taken after 50 punches from a 240 lb biker. After the photo, it took him 110 more punches to finish me off. ALWAYS love a blindfolded sucker punch while tightly bound. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
hardabs1 (22)
2018-06-21 06:07I hope you guys allow me to offer two fantasies :)
1. Drag me into the woods on a hot summer day, tie me to a tree, my hands and arms behind my back. Tie my legs down too for good measure. Rip off my shirt. With sweat rolling down my chest and abs, you slug my stomach as much as you want, as hard as you want, destroy my abs after a few hours and leave me for dead!
2. Run a gauntlet of sorts. I stand against a wall, my hands handcuffed behind my back, and 5-6 guys take turns, 10 punches at a time, pounding my gut. Each guy gets to deliver 10 sets of punches to my stomach. So if there are five guys, each throwing 10 sets of 10 punches, that's a total of 500 punches, nonstop. Pound me hard, break down my abs. I have to take all 500 punches, no matter what!
slimp (0)
2018-06-22 04:17(Válaszképp erre)
I have dozens of fantasies, one of which is similar to yours, but in mine that involves woods, has me chased down, and punched repeatedly while I'm still out of breath from running, then tied to a tree, with arms outstretched, tied to limbs on either side of the trunk. Then tied to the trunk around the shoulders and knees, so I can't double over, nor can my legs give out from under me. Then much more punching, including several guys taking turns, accompanied by a group of guys cheering, jeering and taunting.
I've seen myself lashed to a wooden X frame, in front of a crowd, with someone reporting a list of reasons why I should be punished, while at the same time, delivering several deep punches as each reason is given. Meanwhile, the crowd is cheering as the punches are delivered, and screaming for more as he stops to read off additional reasons to punish me.
Then there are kidnapping scenes, where I end up in a warehouse, tied to the side of a steel cage, and left alone for an hour or two, so I all I can do is worry about what will happen to me. Then a bunch of guys walk in, each of whom has felt offended or victimized by me, and they take turns pummeling my gut.
Sometimes I see myself in a factory, with the sound of a huge punch press thumping, shaking the ground, in a steady cadence, and being backed against a wall, and receiving punches that correspond to the thumping of the machine. Of course, there are guys around who are enjoying watching.
I also imagine myriad scenes in bars or night clubs where I get sucker punched. The sound of the punch and the loud grunt it forces out of me causes everyone to stop and stare, while others laugh in mild amusement.
I've seen myself in a mid evil scene, strapped to a huge table, and people just randomly driving their fist into my gut, or staked to the floor at the entrance, and everyone entering, steps into my gut.
That's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my fantasies.
Taren23 (0 )
2018-06-22 05:14(Válaszképp erre)
What other fantasies have you got?
Wiesel 65xxx (2)
2018-06-22 06:45(Válaszképp erre)
Finding a guy like him to gutpunch all days:
Haarek (1)
2018-07-01 09:46(Válaszképp erre)
Then we should meet😁
Belly Punch (3)
2018-06-30 16:50(Válaszképp erre)
Right in his gut!
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-06-03 12:59My fantasy is finding someone local whos real about gutpunching, Young or old, thin or fat, no difference. I'm in the third largest city in the country and I can't find anyone who's willing.
Pillowbelly (0)
2018-06-03 10:07My fantasy is I would be scolding a young fit teen at my job for not doing his job, and I'm laying into him trying to scare and intimidate him, being a jack ass,all the while I'm stuffing my face with some cream filled glazed donut. But its not working cuz unbeknownst to me my big round jelly belly and fat tits bounce around as I am pretty animated as I am yelling. So he isn't taking me seriously which is making me even madder.
Finally he gets tired of me and dose something to distract me like grab one of my big tits and squeezes it. Me being dumb I am awe struck and completely dumb struck. Mean while as I stop suddenly my back arches poking out my jiggling belly even more making it more of a target. But I'm too stupid to realize it.
Then before I could do anything he socks me one deep in my soft doughy underbelly. 'FLAP' and I make a " uh-hrr!!?" Sound ending in a high girly pitch.
As I make the sound my curvy jiggle body crumbles and folds as my eyes roll up and my big fat African lips quiver and shake as I fall like a big over fed building. first on my big round turkey butt then my on my back, belly an tits up with my big fat thighs wide open not realizing it and ko'ed.
Hexkey (0)
2018-04-05 05:17I’m a scientist and I have a machine with a strong magnetic pull that I can focus and direct. My machine allows me to place objects on my subject’s stomach and, using the magnetic control, press or punch as deep or as shallowly as I want; to pull their belly button straight to their spine, simulate a tire rolling over them or replicate an upper cut under their ribs.
I work for a crime boss/super villain (with an implied stomach fetish) who wants me to use my machine to interrogate super heroes, spies and other sources. The chief wanted an unobstructed view of the action, so I have plumbs of various sizes and shapes to work the belly without getting in the way..
We place the subject’s body in between the mag field generator and these plumbs with ferrous cores; we calibrate the machine and can then extract whatever information our adversaries have. Short, hard punches; sustained squeezing; slow, focused pressure points or pleasurable exploitation of the abdomen. It doesn’t matter if the subject has a soft weak belly or the sculpted abs of Adonis, eventually, my machine finds a way to work them and to make them spill their guts no matter how well they were trained not to.
But, after a few “unfortunate accidents” during interrogations, I have decided I need to do more research so I can better understand the variation in individual anatomy and neurology.
So, I need subjects who want to submit to my machine and let me test it on them.
GruntOutLoud (0)
2018-07-08 08:31(Válaszképp erre)
Sign me up! ;o)
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-06-20 13:35(Válaszképp erre)
This can be done by a combination of items. Rare earth magnets on one end of the rod with the ends matched so you have repulsion to create the punch. On the other end of the rod you'd have opposite poles. By changing the location of the matching pole behind the back you'd have continuing acceleration driving the punch into different areas of the body. If the rod is either greased or on bearings this would make for one heck of a gutpunching device. One merely turns the crank to draw back the rod to punch.
Gut Challenge (2)
2018-06-23 12:40(Válaszképp erre)
Open to being on the receiving end of that ANYTIME. My hard gut against a tireless machine. That would be AWESOME.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-06-03 13:02(Válaszképp erre)
Thin can be done using a larger version of one of those pin sculpture toys with metal spheres on the ends and a powerful electromagnet on the opposite side of the body
cougarman67 (0)
2018-04-13 21:40(Válaszképp erre)
I wish you were near me. I would vokunteer
Hexkey (0)
2018-04-14 02:49(Válaszképp erre)
That’s the fun thing about RP fantasy. Only thing you need to be close to is a keyboard.
Rpmark (0 )
2018-04-09 20:30(Válaszképp erre)
I'll let you squash my guts. Have the magnet dig as deep as you want. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
CelticFire (26 )
2018-06-30 19:02(Válaszképp erre)
My fists will gladly do that.
AbPuncher2 (1 )
2018-04-09 05:18(Válaszképp erre)
I've always dreamed of such a machine and I would gladly volunteer.
gutpunchmehard (18)
2018-04-06 21:27(Válaszképp erre)
my gut is yours, use it... we must make a perfect device!
albyboxfight (41 )
2018-03-10 16:06a good beating during a long and tough pro wrestling match
privattepri (0)
2018-04-02 12:14(Válaszképp erre)
When I beat you? ;-)
albyboxfight (41 )
2018-04-02 15:10(Válaszképp erre)
Let's fight
privattepri (0)
2018-04-02 22:12(Válaszképp erre)
I'm still waiting you to beat your six pack.. or 8 pack hehe
ausjock28 (22 )
2018-04-02 20:36(Válaszképp erre)
Make It a three way with you, me and privattepri :-)
albyboxfight (41 )
2018-04-02 20:54(Válaszképp erre)
for me it's good!
Gutboxer (48)
2018-02-15 16:48My Fantasy would be with a bunch of guys (including Boxers) that come together to test our guts against each other. Go one on one with each other in front of the group until the last two are left to fight for the Championship. Also have the whole event filmed to watch later. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-03-31 16:18(Válaszképp erre)
I'm all for this. If you decide on a date and place, let me know.
Andi2 (3)
2018-03-09 05:47(Válaszképp erre)
That's what I call a hot group
Punch. It's just a matter of getting that many guys together to do it, who are all on the same page.
I once paid two Huslters to take turns punching me in the alley. Then they simultaneously punched me together. It was one of the hottest sessions I ever had.
Maximus Abdominus (3)
2018-02-15 06:54I was once walking shirtless with my dog along a fire trail that forked off in another direction. 4 young guys were coming from the other direction well ahead of me and turned onto my path in front of me. They weren't that far away, but one of them I'm pretty sure took a liking to my shirtless looks. He walked ahead of his friends so he could keep looking back at them pretending to be part of their conversation, but I could see him checking me out at every chance he could get. Had his friends not have been there, I'm sure he would have wanted to start a conversation. I just dream of all sorts of fantasies that could be imagined with the 4 of them wanting to get stuck into me. It was kind of nice though getting that sort of attention purely because my shirt was off.
halndallas (6)
2018-03-09 12:05(Válaszképp erre)
personally I don't think you should ever wear a shirt Maximus, just sayin.
Rocket (3 )
2017-12-23 08:22Such a thing as compassionate gut pounding or empty for someone In severe pain.. U
I as a bottom and usually getting some pain do understand that compassion and understanding do help n the a true pain pig won't care about anything but his own sell centered existence. So many ways to get each other over the big hill and the Jake break kicks in and we glide to a stop.. It should be that easy bu we so make stuff more complex than need be
Rocket (3 )
2017-12-23 07:01Either cum or puke. If you don't mind I certainly would not.
youngboxer (17 )
2017-12-23 06:15Ko'ed by punches to the gut only. Me or the guy I'm punching.
BigScorpio55 (5 )
2017-12-22 21:59Mine already happened twice: doing a give and take with a bigger bald bear and after a while he pins me against the wall and take his time and uses his head as a fist into my gut...wanna do this again.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2017-12-21 22:49As simple as it is a 2 on 1. It's hard enough finding one guy who does vs talks so 2 seems impossible. Ideally, if I could plan it, we would all take turns and keep going until 2 out of the 3 quit.
pbalestra (5)
2018-03-10 20:21(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah, 2 on 1 is great, arms held back while the other one works over the guts at will
thomthumb 2002 (0)
2017-10-19 04:38this would be hot....
OrlJockwrestler (5)
2017-12-22 12:23(Válaszképp erre)
yeah....that would be really hot!!
cougarman67 (0)
2017-10-17 21:43Would like to be out walking late at night and be dragged into an alley by three or four cops and have them bend me over a stair or railing so my belly stretched and exposed then hit me in my belly button with their nightsticks and all take turns punching me in my belly.......have my belly button poked and prodded deep and hard in between punches.....even have them put their cigarettes out in my belly button then make me get on my knees and have them all kick me in my belly while they make me give them all blowjobs
OrlJockwrestler (5)
2017-12-22 12:23(Válaszképp erre)
now that's a hot scene. nightsticks right in the bellybutton grrrr
lived eht (3)
2017-10-17 11:09Want to be gut punched right in the belly button. Until I can't control my bowel any more and the next big punch makes me either puke up or shit myself. Then I really love the gut to finish by sticking a knife right through my belly button into my gut. Just leave me in a pool of blood and shit in agony...
Fameux (0)
2017-12-23 07:33(Válaszképp erre)
I have the same !
Rocket (3 )
2017-12-23 08:10(Válaszképp erre)
All we can do is imagine.. I want to see and feel it grab your camera I an not shy I will help other people to experience the most I'd what the have.
halndallas (6)
2017-10-17 12:32(Válaszképp erre)
1st part is nice. I vomited on a guys white carpet once and he threw me out lol. also had a real fistfight with a Mexican dude in army basic training. when we got done I had you know what in my shorts after he rearranged my guts for me..
malegutpunching (13 )
2018-03-09 05:07(Válaszképp erre)
halndallas...give more details about the fistfight with the Mexican dude and how he rearranged your guts.
halndallas (6)
2018-03-09 12:00(Válaszképp erre)
I feel like 'Sophia ' from golden girls lol. 'Picture this' : it was in Fort Jackson SC during basic training. It was with a little short chubby dude i didn't get along with. we were housed in a big two story barracks with the latrine at the end (open showers sure were fun but the toliets were just a row of commodes with no stalls). anyway there were about a dozen guys in the barracks at the time and me and chunky butt got in some dispute, i got in his face and i threw the first punch and he basically took it from there by throwing a barrage of fists my way. it lasted a long time and i just wanted it to end but the guys loved it cheering and screaming . no one stopped it , he just beat me on and off the bunks and on the floor. He punched me in the face and head and body while i was against a wall and in the head and back when i was face down on the floor. Back then a winning fighter would has the loser if he'd had enough or do you want some more. I'd had enough. We got in trouble when the drill sgt saw face cause i had one black eye, busted lips and a gash in my head that came from something. Had to pull extra kitchen patrol and rake around the barracks but the teasing from the other troops was worse. Still a very memorable fight and all worth it!
mackabs (0)
2017-10-17 05:14To be beat un the belly until i vomit. Punches only to my sweet spot. Above the navel.😍
halndallas (6)
2018-03-09 11:44(Válaszképp erre)
u will nvr puke from ab shots , gotta be in stomach where food is. any matter in the intestines will come out the other end if at all .
mackabs (0)
2018-04-02 17:39(Válaszképp erre)
Well that would also be fine. Anywhere above the bellybutton is my sweet spot. That's what I meant.
guts4sluggin (1)
2017-10-18 22:50(Válaszképp erre)
I'd do that
ausjock28 (22 )
2017-10-18 07:20(Válaszképp erre)
Be cool to work your abs over man ;-)
physicist665 (0)
2017-10-16 17:47To be pinned against a wall, with my guts totally empty, and some really strong puncher, punching right in the sweet spot, directly between the navel and pubic bone, until my intestines growl
greggutpunch (2 )
2018-09-22 17:55(Válaszképp erre)
I can do that!! That's the sweet spot for sure!!
guts4sluggin (1)
2017-10-13 21:20To be alone in a gang shower with a guy into gutpunching and play in the hot soapy water as we explore each others guts with massage, punching, and trampling.
GoForTheGut (2 )
2017-10-13 06:00My fantasy is to be lured into the empty trailer of a semi by a a couple of big burly truckers. Once I am in there he and his buddy work over my gut big time, taking turns punching my gut. One is holding me with my arms behind my back and the other is punching, they take turns doing this with fists, knees and elbows. Then they each grab an arm and pin me to the trailer wall and both punch me at the same time. When they finally release me I fall to me knees and they knee and kick me in the gut until I can;t stand up at all.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2018-03-31 16:18(Válaszképp erre)
I totally agree with this scene. I love two on one. I think it would be best if they take turns maybe while I'm strapped up or hung like a punching bag. THEN have one holding me up for the other after my abs have gone totally soft. This may sound more cruel but I think it would also be more fun for all three of us.
Dvillee (0)
2017-10-13 05:16I always wanted to be in a boxing match with Nitro from American Gladiators. He and I are in tight briefs; his red, mine green. He misses all his shots as I duck and move, and clobber his tight stomach. Slowly it grows red and hot, and he tires, slowing down.
I get him to the corner and pound away, my gloves sinking into his flesh so deply his eyes bulge and his mouthguard drips from his lips.
One final hammering blow makes him grip himself, stagger forward and collapse to the mat.
muscldestrctn (2)
2017-10-18 05:58(Válaszképp erre)
I like your fantasy best. A big muscle stud pummeled mercilessly!
Dvillee (0)
2018-03-09 02:36(Válaszképp erre)
Fuck yeah big man!
halndallas (6)
2017-10-12 12:33many years ago a coworker caught me screwing his wife and beat me up right on the spot all face and head punches . I ran outside naked to get away from him. I've always wished and fantasized he had visciously punched me in the stomach instead . His landlord evicted them but we later became friends and had several 3 ways :)
luis2083 (1)
2017-10-12 00:42My fantasy is to enter a house under construction and a brown bricklayer gives me strong blows on the shirtless belly button. On the wall and tied up arms and I get a good hard hits and listen as I get the air. And beat me until my stomach is red like tomato and I leave very soft the navel and his fist tattoos on my belly button..