Gutpunching give/take/trade

what objects do you use while gut punching?

Strong Abs (0)

2022-09-25 01:38

Heavy weihgts. Medball

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Softbellyj (1)

2022-09-24 21:00

I use 1 of those folding chairs like in wrestling ram that top part in some gut. Some brass knuckles will do. Maybe roundhouse a horse shoe to the side gut. And of course the knee up the gut. That's 1 of my best. Then rub my gut in the face while the punished is slumped over, or on his or her knees. Gasping.

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ikf (24 )

2022-09-24 02:10

for heavy impact training (think emulating knee strikes from kickboxing/thaiboxing/MMA) few things beat a 20 kg (44 lbs) macebell repeatedly swung as a powerful sledgehammer into the abs.

this is the macebell:

be VERY VERY careful about proper aim however, to avoid hitting any bones.

you can (and should) adapt the impact force to the capabilities of the particular fighter by varying from how far and how powerfully you swing the bell. start lighter, and with the fighter standing freely (nothing blocking them from geting propelled back by the impact of the hit). once they are advanced, you can progress to gradually harder hits, and for extreme conditioning have the fighter stand against a solid wall when receiving the blows so that their body is supported from behind solidly and can't move back, therefore absorbing the whole impact of the blow.

you might mix it up with smaller weight/size macebells (say 5 kg, 10 kg) to emulate the sharper impact of kicks and punches, and aim to cover the whole muscled area during each set of macebell blows.

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GutclawerHunter (3)

2022-09-23 23:19

if given a chance,i will use a crowbar, and push it slowly down in his navel,while sinking he will feel the thrusting pain,so he can moan and easily submit in less than a minute. just like what they did to my navel. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.

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mikey3458 (25 )

2022-09-09 10:49

I have a used bowling 🎳 pin, i love working over abs and balls

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slimp (0)

2022-09-09 06:50

Heavy shoes, broomstick, broomstick in a tennis shoe, for a two handed thrust, ten pound dumbbell, sledge hammer, five pound free weights, river rocks, and plenty of other things over the years.

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DemolitionBoy (15 )

2022-09-07 05:49

I like to swing or drop a heavy punch bag onto my gut. Or drop a medicine ball

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GPNavelPuncher (0)

2022-09-03 07:19

'Just my hard, deep, bare knuckled FISTS...YUM! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 I love the feeling of it beating my subject's stomach skin, watching his skin (flesh?) gradually turn red, as my gut slugs continue relentlessly. That is especially HOT🔥 when his arms are tied to the wall behind him in restraints/bondage. Keep the slugs coming, listen to his moans & groans of pain & (deep) pleasure! YUM!💥🥵

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big belly art (0)

2022-09-03 10:02

(Válaszképp erre)

love for you to do that to me !

Fordítás magyarra

Doublemeover (0)

2022-09-02 17:15

A boom or broom stick.pressed in deep. I'm hoping to find a guy to do that toe ad I lay on floor

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ruinurabs (42 )

2022-09-02 07:23

All sorts of things for the guys that can handle it. Medicine ball. Baseball bat. Brass knuckles. Dumbbells. etc.

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GPNavelPuncher (0)

2022-09-03 07:24

(Válaszképp erre)

'Love all those things! Watch his stomach skin turn RED, as you continue pounding...faster, harder, deeper! Wear him down! 🥵

Fordítás magyarra

big belly art (0)

2022-09-01 15:53

my favorite is the cement ball I bade it's about the size of a bowling ball weights around 35 pounds

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TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2022-09-01 15:07

When I was like 13-17, I used to use a hammer after getting my ab sore from exercising and pound them with that. But I was doing that because I thought it would strengthen my abs. I sent the vid of the drew guy do it.

Today on occasions, I'll do the hollow hold and I'll drop my 50lb slam ball (like my favorite exercise thing now) on my stomach. That's about it though.

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marquis419 (0)

2022-09-01 20:35

(Válaszképp erre)

"When I was like 13-17, I used to use a hammer"

🎵 If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning 🎵

Fordítás magyarra

big belly art (0)

2022-09-01 12:32

As for me I have done this along time and have used all sorts of objects when gut punching,
i've used----bowling ball
baseball bat
medicine ball
even made a round cement ball I use

what objects do you use ???????

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