It's a lot easier to realize and rationalize a desire for pain than it is to give it.
Think about it if you told someone random "I liked being punched" they would probably look at you funny but thats about it, if you say that you like hurting people you run the risk of being called a sociopath and locked up.
I know this isn't about bdsm per say but I have seen (and participated) in group chats talking about the guilt sadists feel. Even knowing their partner is totally into it and wants more, the guilt eats some of them alive. Where as I will feel 0 guilt because it was just all fun for me. It's not the same for the other side, looks are meaningless in that regard.
There's my two cents anyway.
I can enjoy both taking and giving, but I vastly prefer giving and giving HARD. I'm very much a heel. Getting to be brutal and dominant is hot and exhilarating.
I've never personally felt guilty about my desires, but, I would hardly admit them to anyone outside GP/fight fetish circles for exactly the reason you said: Telling most people that your biggest fantasies involve beating someone up is a recipe for misunderstanding.
To connect this to the earlier conversation: @punch wrote about the reasons why men who love men tend to be bottoms/subs, that is, because they are attracted to masculinity and thus want to be dominated. I mostly agree with this, but I just wanted to add my own perspective as a top/dom/heel/whatever word you wanna use.
I find masculinity incredibly attractive, but also I much prefer dominating than being dominating. I think this is explained by the fact that, when I get to heel, a large part of what gets me off is the fact that *I am being* hyper-masculine in that moment.
Like it's not about getting off on being dominated by a masculine guy, as much as it is getting off on embodying hyper-masculinity myself. (I mean that's not the only thing I find hot about it but it's part of it.) I hope I haven't outed myself as a narcissist by saying that but it's the honest truth haha
To be honest, as a GP giver/heel, my biggest problem is usually finding someone who wants to receive as hard and deep as I want to give.
I mostly enjoy jobbing with smaller guys. I like being punched and put in holds that force me to tap because I get a little bit of a high from pain. There are a few things I can no longer handle at my age, mostly involving leg holds. I am willing to dish out punched to bigger muscle guys but prefer losing to guys under 80 kg.
@tghsachris, wow, you made some terrific comments! I think it's not about pain but rather testing each other's limits. I'd rather meet with another opponent that also is about a 50/50 give/take participant. I don't get a guy that just wants to be punched only...but obviously several are out there. Each to his own, I guess. To be in a session where it's NOT give/take seems weird or out-of-balance. I wouldn't want to meet with a guy and be a giver only. Is he up to testing my limits. I'd miss that if I was a giver only. On the flip side, I'm a little wary of an opponent that's a giver only. Is he a sadist or why can't he take GPs? In fact, one veteran of this site urged caution before meeting any opponent the says "giver" only. There might be some exceptions. Maybe the guy has a medical condition that precludes the stress of taking punches. Maybe the guy has a hernia or had an abdominal surgery that makes it too risky for him to be punched. Obviously, there are legit exceptions. To sum up, being a receiver only comes across as being wimpy. You mean I'm going to be in a boxing match and just let my opponent whomp on me without fighting back?
Thats interesting , I dont think I've spoken to anyone with that persoective before. It's only fun for you if it is a near ecen contest? One or the other is off putting? Fair enough I suppose I nevered considered such a literal muddle ground
I think of two very recent college football games. There was UCLA and PITT. Both teams were great, but UCLA prevailed. We just had the Fiesta Bowl with TCU and Michigan. Again, we had another terrific game. The scores were relatively close, and both teams gave their fans plenty to cheer about. TCU won. If it's 63 to 0, it's not a game; it's a wipe-out. A give/take match is like a good football offense and defense. If the two opponents are relatively matched, it can be a good session. A giver only whomping on a receiver only is like the 63-0 wipe-out. There's no contest.
I suppose I just see belly punching differently. If we we're talking about boxing/kickboxing . I give it ny all, I don't care if I win or lose as much as having a good match. But belly punching is not a match, it's not a sport, I am not looking to test myself or "opponent" i just want to have fun with it.
That's probably the best reason I've heard, so far. When I meet up with a puncher, we test his punching velocity and how hard I can take the punches so that it's fun and I last a lot longer during the session without getting hurt. My body will tell me when I have had enough. Then, we can move to him pushing his fist deep into my belly and move it around with some occasional thrusts.
Now, someone who wants to be punched or kicked in the balls has some real issues. Just the thought of being hit there is pain enough. That's one fetish I could never comprehend.
"Now, someone who wants to be punched or kicked in the balls has some real issues."
Well i feel personally attacked 🫠 not surprised we get that a lot XD but hey thanks for proving my point. This is why people don't talk about or get into it lol (it being whatever fetish)
Well, you can feel attacked all you want, but it's definitely not safe to have done to you. Then again, either is getting punched in the stomach. :) At least with GPing, there is either abs or fat and abs to give some protection.
Protection from what? XD What an odd comment. I want the pain and know the risks, what do I need "protection" from? I understand it's not your fetish but it's a bit silly
Uh, duh! Both fetishes are dangerous...that's why you do it carefully. It takes a decent punch in the stomach to feel it, but we all know that just grazing one's nuts is going to leave someone in a world of relentless pain.
I avoided my sadistic desires for years because of feelings of guilt. I love gut punching and have learned to deal with these feelings. However, it is still very important for me to know my punchee absolutely wants to get punched, no matter how much he seems to be suffering
I prefer getting gutpunched by guys under 80 kg. I will trade gutpunches with them if they punch more than I do. I also love punching muscle guys over 80 kg.
Is Just like there are way more bottoms or vers/b than tops. As a top and heel i appreciate that to be honest. Can´t tell the reason but has been this way always.
About the takers having more weigth is actually the best, cuz you can dish way more punishemt compare to people of the same weigth most of the times.
I see your point. As I already mentioned in other responses, I don't have sex with men, so top/bottom doesn't appeal to me...I just enjoy receiving the punches and humiliation. Since I have a gut, I last better with uppercuts better than I do with straight jabs. I never could understand why a giver wants to hit a leaner guy with abs instead of a gut with a gut he could really sink his punch into. I understand it's all about preference. My ideal session is a dominant, lean-muscularly-built guy going to town on a more vulnerable, out-of-shape gut and having a cocky, humiliating attitude while punching.
Personally I like to beat on anyone...I'd prefer a big belly but that's just because I like fat guys. OTOH I like to dominate...and there's something really fun about destroying a guy who's probably stronger than me, or at least in better shape. Punching that slab of meat is satisfying because I want to overcome and dominate him, and also I want to feel like I can still beat up a younger man.
I don't think all guys are one way or another. My deal with kink is I won't do anything to a guy I wouldn't want done to me twice. I'm largely dom but I like a guy who can switch and make ms sub sometimes; probably 70/30.
there can be a very erotic/satisfying feeling to the right punch, deep.
I enjoy both, but push comes to shove (sp to speak) I'm into being gut punched. Its also a test of strength much more than ,anding punches (which I can do quite well, thanks, evil grin)
As a total Heel, I am glad that there are more Receivers. I enjoy testing a Jobber's limits...they seem to enjoy the test! The best method is to have Jobber against a wall, arms outstretched, his wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints. Then, "go to work" on his ABS!!! 👊🏻💥🥵
As a gut-punch receiver, I've always wondered why receivers outweigh givers? I see a lot of muscular, toned, and athletically-built guys on here who would be the perfect heels in a gut-punch session, but they turn out to be the ones wanting to be punched. The way I've always looked at gut-punching is it should be something of dominance on the puncher's part, and the puncher should look the part of someone who could kick someone's ass, so to speak. He should be the one who pummels the more vulnerable guy, as it would be in a real fight. I've seen many videos where a fat guy is working over the gut of a toned-muscular guy when in reality, it should be the other way around. The guy with the vulnerable gut is the one that should get worked over. I guess I just see it differently. The perfect scenario for me is doing a stand-up, struggling scene where I'm trying to overpower the puncher, and then out of nowhere an uppercut comes in and wrecks those plans. As I try to recover, another one makes its way into my gut and weakens me even more to the point that I'm totally submissive. Verbal humiliation and having the puncher show off his muscles in between punches add to the recipe for an exciting session.
Are there really any fit to muscular guys that like hitting bigger and more vulnerable guts or do they just mainly stick to those of the same build as they are?
A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
I think it depends on the person. I like fighting with another dominant man just to see who comes out on top...I like the idea of a cocky, domineering guy ending up begging on the bottom. It's more the thrill of rolling the dice and laying it all on the line with everything hanging out. That said, I also like to go a few rounds with a punching bag if it's the kind of guy I like. It's also fun to trade shots if there's stakes on the line where the last man standing wins.
Male escort. He's into all sorts of things. I found him on Craigslist personals before they removed them and it just so happened that he knew what gut-punching was.
Oh, sorry. Back then, he charged $100/hr. It's been 5 years so I don't know what he charges now. Since it's hard to find athletic to muscularly-built punchers, you sometimes have to pay for it.
probably the same reason as why there are more bottoms than tops: because gays are basically attracted to guys/masculinity. their own looks have nothing to do with it and won't change what they prefer - for example if your body became muscular right now, would u suddenly stop liking to receive?
it does and i answered it - there are more receivers than givers (just like there are more bottoms than tops) because gays are basically attracted to masculinity - receivers and bottoms both prefer to be dominated.
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-29 13:09It's a lot easier to realize and rationalize a desire for pain than it is to give it.
Think about it if you told someone random "I liked being punched" they would probably look at you funny but thats about it, if you say that you like hurting people you run the risk of being called a sociopath and locked up.
I know this isn't about bdsm per say but I have seen (and participated) in group chats talking about the guilt sadists feel. Even knowing their partner is totally into it and wants more, the guilt eats some of them alive. Where as I will feel 0 guilt because it was just all fun for me. It's not the same for the other side, looks are meaningless in that regard.
There's my two cents anyway.
BrianBeat (11)
2023-01-10 08:40(Válaszképp erre)
Definitely agree with a lot of this.
I can enjoy both taking and giving, but I vastly prefer giving and giving HARD. I'm very much a heel. Getting to be brutal and dominant is hot and exhilarating.
I've never personally felt guilty about my desires, but, I would hardly admit them to anyone outside GP/fight fetish circles for exactly the reason you said: Telling most people that your biggest fantasies involve beating someone up is a recipe for misunderstanding.
To connect this to the earlier conversation: @punch wrote about the reasons why men who love men tend to be bottoms/subs, that is, because they are attracted to masculinity and thus want to be dominated. I mostly agree with this, but I just wanted to add my own perspective as a top/dom/heel/whatever word you wanna use.
I find masculinity incredibly attractive, but also I much prefer dominating than being dominating. I think this is explained by the fact that, when I get to heel, a large part of what gets me off is the fact that *I am being* hyper-masculine in that moment.
Like it's not about getting off on being dominated by a masculine guy, as much as it is getting off on embodying hyper-masculinity myself. (I mean that's not the only thing I find hot about it but it's part of it.) I hope I haven't outed myself as a narcissist by saying that but it's the honest truth haha
To be honest, as a GP giver/heel, my biggest problem is usually finding someone who wants to receive as hard and deep as I want to give.
Solidbelly64 (0)
2023-01-11 04:12(Válaszképp erre)
Damn! And you have to be all the way in Seattle. :(
Grizzledjobber (2)
2023-01-10 08:51(Válaszképp erre)
I mostly enjoy jobbing with smaller guys. I like being punched and put in holds that force me to tap because I get a little bit of a high from pain. There are a few things I can no longer handle at my age, mostly involving leg holds. I am willing to dish out punched to bigger muscle guys but prefer losing to guys under 80 kg.
NorthwestGPer (2)
2022-12-31 08:32(Válaszképp erre)
@tghsachris, wow, you made some terrific comments! I think it's not about pain but rather testing each other's limits. I'd rather meet with another opponent that also is about a 50/50 give/take participant. I don't get a guy that just wants to be punched only...but obviously several are out there. Each to his own, I guess. To be in a session where it's NOT give/take seems weird or out-of-balance. I wouldn't want to meet with a guy and be a giver only. Is he up to testing my limits. I'd miss that if I was a giver only. On the flip side, I'm a little wary of an opponent that's a giver only. Is he a sadist or why can't he take GPs? In fact, one veteran of this site urged caution before meeting any opponent the says "giver" only. There might be some exceptions. Maybe the guy has a medical condition that precludes the stress of taking punches. Maybe the guy has a hernia or had an abdominal surgery that makes it too risky for him to be punched. Obviously, there are legit exceptions. To sum up, being a receiver only comes across as being wimpy. You mean I'm going to be in a boxing match and just let my opponent whomp on me without fighting back?
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-31 11:43(Válaszképp erre)
Thats interesting , I dont think I've spoken to anyone with that persoective before. It's only fun for you if it is a near ecen contest? One or the other is off putting? Fair enough I suppose I nevered considered such a literal muddle ground
NorthwestGPer (2)
2023-01-01 07:57(Válaszképp erre)
I think of two very recent college football games. There was UCLA and PITT. Both teams were great, but UCLA prevailed. We just had the Fiesta Bowl with TCU and Michigan. Again, we had another terrific game. The scores were relatively close, and both teams gave their fans plenty to cheer about. TCU won. If it's 63 to 0, it's not a game; it's a wipe-out. A give/take match is like a good football offense and defense. If the two opponents are relatively matched, it can be a good session. A giver only whomping on a receiver only is like the 63-0 wipe-out. There's no contest.
tghsachris (5)
2023-01-01 11:52(Válaszképp erre)
I suppose I just see belly punching differently. If we we're talking about boxing/kickboxing . I give it ny all, I don't care if I win or lose as much as having a good match. But belly punching is not a match, it's not a sport, I am not looking to test myself or "opponent" i just want to have fun with it.
StrikeFighter (82 )
2022-12-30 10:15(Válaszképp erre)
Interesting two cents there tghsachris! Hadn't thought of that.
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-29 20:47(Válaszképp erre)
That's probably the best reason I've heard, so far. When I meet up with a puncher, we test his punching velocity and how hard I can take the punches so that it's fun and I last a lot longer during the session without getting hurt. My body will tell me when I have had enough. Then, we can move to him pushing his fist deep into my belly and move it around with some occasional thrusts.
Now, someone who wants to be punched or kicked in the balls has some real issues. Just the thought of being hit there is pain enough. That's one fetish I could never comprehend.
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-29 20:57(Válaszképp erre)
"Now, someone who wants to be punched or kicked in the balls has some real issues."
Well i feel personally attacked 🫠 not surprised we get that a lot XD but hey thanks for proving my point. This is why people don't talk about or get into it lol (it being whatever fetish)
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-29 21:03(Válaszképp erre)
Well, you can feel attacked all you want, but it's definitely not safe to have done to you. Then again, either is getting punched in the stomach. :) At least with GPing, there is either abs or fat and abs to give some protection.
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-29 21:05(Válaszképp erre)
Protection from what? XD What an odd comment. I want the pain and know the risks, what do I need "protection" from? I understand it's not your fetish but it's a bit silly
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-29 21:09(Válaszképp erre)
Well, to each his own. Definitely, not my cup of tea.
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-29 21:14(Válaszképp erre)
Omg he actually went out to get a website. This is just funny 😁,the%20spleen%2C%20and%20the%20pancreas
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-30 08:59(Válaszképp erre)
Uh, duh! Both fetishes are dangerous...that's why you do it carefully. It takes a decent punch in the stomach to feel it, but we all know that just grazing one's nuts is going to leave someone in a world of relentless pain.
tghsachris (5)
2022-12-30 11:38(Válaszképp erre)
It does it if you hate it LOL not so much for me, I would explain more but this is super off topic at this point so screw it.
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-30 20:32(Válaszképp erre)
Start a new thread and school us about ballbusting. I'm sure curious minds would like to know. ;)
expat (6 )
2022-12-29 15:41(Válaszképp erre)
I avoided my sadistic desires for years because of feelings of guilt. I love gut punching and have learned to deal with these feelings. However, it is still very important for me to know my punchee absolutely wants to get punched, no matter how much he seems to be suffering
2022-12-29 16:26(Válaszképp erre)
I agree to your statement
Grizzledjobber (2)
2022-12-28 07:53I prefer getting gutpunched by guys under 80 kg. I will trade gutpunches with them if they punch more than I do. I also love punching muscle guys over 80 kg.
val86 (1 )
2022-12-27 13:56Is Just like there are way more bottoms or vers/b than tops. As a top and heel i appreciate that to be honest. Can´t tell the reason but has been this way always.
About the takers having more weigth is actually the best, cuz you can dish way more punishemt compare to people of the same weigth most of the times.
2022-12-28 05:58(Válaszképp erre)
100% TOTAL AGGRESSIVE TOP but when I wrestle I don’t always get my way-a match is a match back n forth all good sweat!
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-27 20:31(Válaszképp erre)
I see your point. As I already mentioned in other responses, I don't have sex with men, so top/bottom doesn't appeal to me...I just enjoy receiving the punches and humiliation. Since I have a gut, I last better with uppercuts better than I do with straight jabs. I never could understand why a giver wants to hit a leaner guy with abs instead of a gut with a gut he could really sink his punch into. I understand it's all about preference. My ideal session is a dominant, lean-muscularly-built guy going to town on a more vulnerable, out-of-shape gut and having a cocky, humiliating attitude while punching.
wa rassler (5)
2022-12-28 07:22(Válaszképp erre)
Personally I like to beat on anyone...I'd prefer a big belly but that's just because I like fat guys. OTOH I like to dominate...and there's something really fun about destroying a guy who's probably stronger than me, or at least in better shape. Punching that slab of meat is satisfying because I want to overcome and dominate him, and also I want to feel like I can still beat up a younger man.
StrikeFighter (82 )
2022-12-27 10:40I think @punch and @Kureitondesu have said it all.
Percentage-wise, I'm a 'switch' myself: 49% giver, 51% receiver.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-12-26 07:00I don't think all guys are one way or another. My deal with kink is I won't do anything to a guy I wouldn't want done to me twice. I'm largely dom but I like a guy who can switch and make ms sub sometimes; probably 70/30.
NorthwestGPer (2)
2022-12-26 07:17(Válaszképp erre)
I think 50/50 is just about right. I like receiving, but dishing it out is also very good. Any GPers in the Spokane area? Merry Christmas to everyone!
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-12-26 08:33(Válaszképp erre)
I mean I get why some folks like all one or the other but why limit yourself? Try it all!
gymrat (40)
2022-12-19 21:56there can be a very erotic/satisfying feeling to the right punch, deep.
I enjoy both, but push comes to shove (sp to speak) I'm into being gut punched. Its also a test of strength much more than ,anding punches (which I can do quite well, thanks, evil grin)
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2022-12-22 05:36(Válaszképp erre)
As a total Heel, I am glad that there are more Receivers. I enjoy testing a Jobber's limits...they seem to enjoy the test! The best method is to have Jobber against a wall, arms outstretched, his wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints. Then, "go to work" on his ABS!!! 👊🏻💥🥵
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-23 01:40(Válaszképp erre)
You're a rare breed. :)
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-18 19:48As a gut-punch receiver, I've always wondered why receivers outweigh givers? I see a lot of muscular, toned, and athletically-built guys on here who would be the perfect heels in a gut-punch session, but they turn out to be the ones wanting to be punched. The way I've always looked at gut-punching is it should be something of dominance on the puncher's part, and the puncher should look the part of someone who could kick someone's ass, so to speak. He should be the one who pummels the more vulnerable guy, as it would be in a real fight. I've seen many videos where a fat guy is working over the gut of a toned-muscular guy when in reality, it should be the other way around. The guy with the vulnerable gut is the one that should get worked over. I guess I just see it differently. The perfect scenario for me is doing a stand-up, struggling scene where I'm trying to overpower the puncher, and then out of nowhere an uppercut comes in and wrecks those plans. As I try to recover, another one makes its way into my gut and weakens me even more to the point that I'm totally submissive. Verbal humiliation and having the puncher show off his muscles in between punches add to the recipe for an exciting session.
Are there really any fit to muscular guys that like hitting bigger and more vulnerable guts or do they just mainly stick to those of the same build as they are? A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
wa rassler (5)
2022-12-28 07:33(Válaszképp erre)
I think it depends on the person. I like fighting with another dominant man just to see who comes out on top...I like the idea of a cocky, domineering guy ending up begging on the bottom. It's more the thrill of rolling the dice and laying it all on the line with everything hanging out. That said, I also like to go a few rounds with a punching bag if it's the kind of guy I like. It's also fun to trade shots if there's stakes on the line where the last man standing wins.
Gutboxer (48)
2022-12-19 15:28(Válaszképp erre)
I agree what you’re saying.
Love that picture!
Yes like to have a muscular puncher/boxer work over my big gut!
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-20 22:12(Válaszképp erre)
I would, too, but he's in California and charges to gut punch. He's good and knows where to land the most satisfying punches.
gutpunchme (0)
2022-12-21 13:21(Válaszképp erre)
What does he charge for a punching session?
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-21 19:02(Válaszképp erre)
Male escort. He's into all sorts of things. I found him on Craigslist personals before they removed them and it just so happened that he knew what gut-punching was.
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-21 19:04(Válaszképp erre)
Oh, sorry. Back then, he charged $100/hr. It's been 5 years so I don't know what he charges now. Since it's hard to find athletic to muscularly-built punchers, you sometimes have to pay for it.
punch (8)
2022-12-19 04:07(Válaszképp erre)
probably the same reason as why there are more bottoms than tops: because gays are basically attracted to guys/masculinity. their own looks have nothing to do with it and won't change what they prefer - for example if your body became muscular right now, would u suddenly stop liking to receive?
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-20 22:13(Válaszképp erre)
I see your point but that doesn't really answer my question. Why are there more receivers than givers?
punch (8)
2022-12-21 08:50(Válaszképp erre)
it does and i answered it - there are more receivers than givers (just like there are more bottoms than tops) because gays are basically attracted to masculinity - receivers and bottoms both prefer to be dominated.
Solidbelly64 (0)
2022-12-23 01:38(Válaszképp erre)
Well, ding, dong, golly! I guess you did. I don't have sex with guys, so I'm not sure about the bottom/top thing.