Gutpunching give/take/trade

Weak to the gut?

slimp (0)

2024-06-11 04:23

I'm glad for the variety in tastes regarding what kind of gut is preferred. I like taking a lot of punches and every one sinking in deep. If the puncher likes hearing loud grunts forced out, he'd like me. If a puncher likes to double a guy over repeatedly, he'd like me.

Fordítás magyarra


2024-06-10 13:51

All good posts, but I still think there are "genetics" in play, I know being fit with muscled abs has to be a positive, but i have seen, and worked on guys with a big gut that never seem phased by blows to the belly, and brag about it. When you find your opponent isnt phased from your punches, maybe your head realizes your likely gonna take a beating, and your confidence , or lack of it at that point, goes away and your rival knows your gonna be defeated. I also find, and have been told, I groan a lot when punched, very loud, and very involuntary. I still feel this seems to be tied to the lack of ability to keep belly muscles flexed when your rival is working on you.

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Challenge3 (49)

2024-06-08 12:53

I'd love to do some trading in such a situation. Jabs and combinations to each others abs till failure.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-10 07:00

(Válaszképp erre)

This has been a terrific thread. Yep, if I could sum it all up, having well-toned abs is manly and masculine. The doesn't necessarily mean Joe 6 or 8 pack, although there's nothing at all wrong with that. Why would any man NOT want to have well-toned abs? That's means he's NOT going to have WEAK abs.

Let's go one step further. Having excess body fat (I've had my struggles with this issue) is not masculine at all. Excess body fat produces estrogen. Oops, that's not so good for a guy. What masculine guy with a great self-esteem wants to be feminized?

I gets worse. Many pharmaceutical drugs ruin your manhood, meaning killing your libido. Statin drugs (supposedly for lowering cholesterol) are one of the most flagrant examples. I was talking to one guy about this issue, and he retorted back to me, "You got that right!"

If you care about yourself and are proud of being a man, perforce you'll have a STRONG mid-section;.

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expat (6 )

2024-06-07 06:55

Seeing a guy who looks really fit and tough, doubled over by a little job to the gut, is heavenly! That's the best jobber there is

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-08 07:06

(Válaszképp erre)

Would a guy who looks fit and tough (assuming that he really IS FIT and TOUGH) be doubled over by a "little jab?" I'd be more impressed by a tough dude that could take the onslaught and stay standing tall.

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NewRassler (0)

2024-06-08 15:28

(Válaszképp erre)

My thoughts exactly and if you double up, how fast you can straighten up, tight ready for more , really turns me on. I love seeing how fast i can straiggten up. Being conditioned to be hit makes that possible

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-10 18:12

(Válaszképp erre)

Could not have said it better myself.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-09 06:42

(Válaszképp erre)

What a spot on comment! Love it!

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-10 18:13

(Válaszképp erre)

I feel the exact same way as NewRassler towards the activity. Although there are others with the opposite perspective. I don't understand it, but I do acknowledge that it exists, and support their right to have it.

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MarkosA (0)

2024-06-07 14:56

(Válaszképp erre)

It's a rather hard one than just a "little" jab that folds me over but yeah.

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NewRassler (0)

2024-06-05 20:45

We are all physicaly different. We are all wired different. All I have to go on is my
Owne experience. I have been working my body hard since a young teeb fighting 4 brothers as the middle child. I worked on a cattle ranch the three wildfire seasons as a wildland firefighter ( extremely physical and dangerous ) 34 yrs as aFederal Park Ranger cop. Beng in top shape was a priority I was then and I am now. That said. If im sucker punched my abs will involuntarilu tighten on impact get very gard. I will not be damaged Might hurt a little. I believe the tougher your body is the more punishment you can take. I like pec and gut punishment. Flexed or not my body can take it. Its all about being in shape to take

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-06 02:16

(Válaszképp erre)

We are all physically different. We are all wired different.

Well said, I might add that "wired different" could indicate different expectations and movements towards specific outcomes (sometimes dramatically) from a match. For example, some like to dole out the punishment while others get their satisfaction as the receiver. In either case, an erotic element is not always indicated.

I believe the tougher your body is the more punishment you can take. I like pec and gut punishment. Flexed or not my body can take it. Its all about being in shape...

I share many elements of this view. Specifically, I interpret GP as a demonstration of conditioning, physical toughness, endurance, stamina, strength, and masculinity.

For example, I remember growing up and watching guys in punching sessions where they'd stand toe-to-toe and just dish out punches in staggered or rapid succession to the mid-section, chest, arms, and shoulders until their opponent couldn't take the punishment any longer and gave in.

For some reason I found this display of primal behavior (a genetic trait?) extremely appealing, and that's why I continue to participate in it today. I think its the "wiring" that allows people to come to know a thing, and interpret those behaviors and activities so differently, which is true for many experiences, physical and otherwise.

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ruffguystuff (1)

2024-06-06 15:11

(Válaszképp erre)

well put - couldn't express it better

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-06 07:28

(Válaszképp erre)

I really like @juggernaut's post. Everything he says spot on.

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slimp (0)

2024-06-03 04:32

I stopped ab exercises long ago. Prior to that, I didn't feel much from a punch except for on the surface. Being "weak to the gut" is my choice because I like to feel fists sinking in. Now my choice is irrelevant because punches will sink in, despite my reflexive attempt to flex.

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BobL1957 (18)

2024-06-05 14:15

(Válaszképp erre)

I like a man who puts up an attitude. Expressing confidence. Trying to make the Heel (Puncher) feel as though his efforts will be useless. But after a while, you start hearing Slimp exhale as each punch takes his gut. The fists sink in a little deeper, the sounds from Slimp get louder. His knees slowly start to buckle. To avoid dropping to the floor, the veteran puts his arms over my shoulders to stay up. He makes one last attempt to stay standing. But I keep enjoying myself by pounding on that red, damaged, HOT gut. Fists sinking in deeper and deeper, until slowly the Jobber drops to his knees in defeat.

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gutpunchleb (1)

2024-06-02 06:36

When you receive an unexpected gut punch, it's going to take you down even if you have the biggest muscles, because you were unflexed at that moment.
It depends on how far the fist sinks in.

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ikf (24 )

2024-06-03 15:58

(Válaszképp erre)

I don't necessarily agree... there is a high level of conditioning where your abs are so strong and efficient that to stabilize your core as you sit/stand/move around it costs your body less energy to do so by keeping your abs always engaged (partly flexed) than by using other muscles.

At that level of conditioning your abs are always engaged (partly flexed), and are only ever completely unflexed if you consciously make them so, or if you do a high effort movement that their flexion would hinder, so your body turns you abs off momentarily.

So there is a level of conditioning where you can no longer get hurt by unexpected gut punches.

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-02 19:07

(Válaszképp erre)

I have to say that's less likely than not. I agree he's more vulnerable when unflexed, but he'd have to have his eyes closed or be blindfolded to catch him off guard. Also, fists don't really sink into abs (a muscle). At least not like it does to a fatty mid-section. If someone has a prominent set of abs, it means they're solid – flexed or relaxed.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-04 07:27

(Válaszképp erre)

I reread @juggernaut's post. He's so right. If a guy has well toned abs, a fist will NOT sink through a guy's abdominal wall. Personally, I find it much less of a GP session to trace punches with a man with out-of-shape abs. It makes much more sense to trade punches with a guy with at least a modicum of well-trained abs, and that doesn't necessarily mean a dude that's shredded.

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GPNavelPuncher (0)

2024-06-03 10:56

(Válaszképp erre)

I like to Gutpunch a guy who is tied up and BLINDFOLDED. That way he doesn't know when the next gut slug is coming until it is delivered. It is HOT!!!

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-04 07:19

(Válaszképp erre)

Would you also be willing to be tied up and blindfolded not knowing when/where the next slug is going to hit.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-03 07:00

(Válaszképp erre)

Very well said!

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big belly (0)

2024-05-29 12:59

i'm not gonn a say I have weal gut but over the years have taken more thenmy share of low hard gut punches, and i loved every sngle one and on several occasion when I'm guy punched over and over i sometimes cum

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Kureitondesu (14 )

2024-05-28 16:42

There are a lot of factors that go into it, location, whether or not you were flexed, did you hold your breath, overestimating your tolerance. It's hard to tell from what you shared.

Fordítás magyarra


2024-05-27 16:13

It still amazes me how some guys (or gals) can take punches in the belly, some very brutal, and still stay standing. I personally can take only so many before I lose the ability to stay flexed, soon my opponent's fists sink in, the air is punched out of me, the pain has me woozy, I quickly become weak, my knees give out and I drop in defeat. Watching guys stand for dozens of apparent brutal punches intrigues me, I don't see how they take it. Size doesn't seem to matter much, I've had several smaller guys drop me in a belly punching exchange.

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wa rassler (5)

2024-06-03 17:46

(Válaszképp erre)

If there’s someone holding them up and they have nowhere to go, that gut can get busted until they sink to their knees. If you have access to a ring, you can put them in a corner, tie their arms to the ropes and they just lay back and take it.

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topboxer (6)

2024-05-27 12:23

If you are hit on the right side, that is the liver and there is really no way to train that, you just have to protect it with the right elbow. If you are getting hit straight in to the solar plexus more ab training and just trading gut punches at less than full power will help. The latter desensitizes the solar plexus.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-06-03 07:07

(Válaszképp erre)

Right! Even champion boxers and UFCers can be taken down with a good liver shot. Some that have been nailed show an intense amount of pain. Looks like even the most rigorous training schedule doesn't protect them from a devastating blow.

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MarkosA (0)

2024-05-27 13:37

(Válaszképp erre)

It's mostly solar plexus shots and generally above the belly button. I do both of these things a lot but if I get hit really well in the gut I go down.

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-05-27 07:48

Being "naturally weak" doesn't make sense at all.

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MarkosA (0)

2024-05-26 07:45

I ve been training to kickboxing a few years now with regular sparring sessions. And although I have good abs,under some padding, belly punches hurt me still. I get hurt often from a blow in the stomach. And I ve been dropped a number of times but only after a good blow in the gut. Is it possible for someone to be naturally weak to the body despite being trained enough?

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-05-31 03:19

(Válaszképp erre)

Absolutely. Where do you think the phrase "everybody has a weak spot" comes from? That said, abs can be trained – a lot. So if you want to become more resistant to gut punches, that's the way to go.

My abs have been relatively solid all my life (although not as solid as they used to be), because I've trained them since I was a teenager. But my intercostal muscles (the sides) are extremely vulnerable to blows. Especially since most people don't target them when they exercise.

The only defense you have against gut blows is to train abs relentlessly. The good news is that they can be train virtually every day. So as long as its not too intense, and you give them at least one complete day of res, the will recover. Two days is ideal though.

Fordítás magyarra

NewRassler (0)

2024-06-06 14:05

(Válaszképp erre)

Im 72 i train my core and my upper body every day. Im
In shape enough to take body punches from my roommate and wilderness hike 8 to 10 miles a day with my hiking group. I have worked out my entire life. By doing so i can have all kinds of fun. Gut and pec punches are part of that fun

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MarkosA (0)

2024-06-01 14:07

(Válaszképp erre)

I do train my abs regularly and they are tight enough. But even the coach advises my sparing partners to go for my gut. I always had a bit of a belly and people in various cases aimed their blows there a lot. A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.

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tghsachris (5)

2024-05-30 23:23

(Válaszképp erre)

Without a doubt different people naturally react to pain in different ways. Just hop on over to the cbt forum and you will find guys taking multiple kicks to their balls like it's nothing (myself included XD) no one would call other men weak for not being able to do the same

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NorthwestGPer (2)

2024-05-31 06:45

(Válaszképp erre)

Yours is an interesting and thoughtful reply. I think it's important not to conflate two separate issues which are pain tolerance and muscle development. One's abs certainly can be trained, exercised, and developed to become stronger and more resilient to punching. Not so with your nuts..they aren't muscles. A flick in the balls and set some guys off. Conversely, others would not even notice

Fordítás magyarra

Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-05 11:55

(Válaszképp erre)

In self-defense classes women (and men too), are train to attack a man's genitals under the assumption that ALL men are vulnerable there. In fact, it hearkens back the Anatomy 101.

Some men have "low hanging fruit" that are completely exposed, and for them a blow to the genitals can be paralyzing. For a male that has small testicles that are high up and closer to the body, aka "tucked under," that kick or punch to the groan won't do anything more than piss him off.

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tghsachris (5)

2024-05-31 13:31

(Válaszképp erre)

You are absolutely right, you can train abs, not so much balls. My point was more just some people are born with a higher pain tolerance, and it isn't necessarily uniform either. I genuinely find being punched in the stomach more painful than the balls, no idea why that's just how I turned out.

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ikf (24 )

2024-05-30 12:00

(Válaszképp erre)

"And I ve been dropped a number of times but only after a good blow in the gut." – what is a "glood blow in the gut" that drops you? Maybe we need to start from there to understand. Also, you wrote "being trained enough" – how much (core) training do you do?

And: you might also want to post this in the kickboxing group.

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MarkosA (0)

2024-05-30 13:10

(Válaszképp erre)

By a good blow I mean an objectively good one. Or at least one that catches me not fully flexed to receive it. I do about 100 sit ups every day.

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-06-05 11:43

(Válaszképp erre)

"A good blow" translates to: anything's possible. Not something you should depend on in a conflict, or in practice.

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Roberto MDZ (0)

2024-05-26 19:40

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Saludos desde Argentina!
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