Gutpunching give/take/trade

Punching for pleasure or pain??

buscapanza (4)

2024-10-01 04:23

I love receive punches for pleasure, I can cum with this. But I feel some pain. If is lot of pain, I dont like it, and dont make me horny. I think is a fine line, where I feel pain, but not too much. Is play with the pleasure and pain. And when I am close to cum, you can punch me harder, because I am feeling a lot of pleasure.

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stomachpunch (5)

2024-09-30 20:43

As for me, when giving I don't like to give to hurt because I don't find pleasure in hurting, instead when receiving I like the pain when the punch is landed properly and especially where I like it, that is, in the stomach wall, feeling it creep in and stay inside my belly, pressing against my stomach. All this makes me feel a bit penetrated like a person who in sex places himself in the passive role (even if I am sexually active).

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mikey3458 (25 )

2024-09-30 19:21

Pain is pleasure, So i'm down for whatever you have to give

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Grizzledjobber (2)

2024-09-28 00:21

I enjoy the sting and the occasional woof as someone plants a really good punch and winds me. When I can't take anymore an ab claw is a great way to finish off a session.

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slimp (0)

2024-09-26 05:04

The "generic" concept of sadism and masochism relates to any kind of giving or receiving pain, so I guess gut punching is a subset of that, but I usually consider it a fetish instead. I say that because I generally don't find other kinds of pain to be erotic.

I find it hard to "max out" on gut pain. I think stimulation and endorphins keep that from happening. There was a time when I took such a beating that my intestines became swollen and inflamed, to the extent that bowel function ceased for several days. However this happened when I was no longer young. When I was a kid, it felt like no amount of punching was too much. It got to where I wouldn't do any kind of ab building exercises because I so desperately wanted to feel the pain in my "core."

Now I know I can actually be physically damaged by gut punches, and I'd rather that not happen. After all, if I'm injured, I can't come back to receive more punches, at least not for quite a while. I also would be hard pressed to explain such injury to my wife. She has no idea about this GP fetish.

It gets even more complicated. I consider myself to be hetero, but I really feel as though there's something "gay-ish" about wanting to receive punches. I associate giver - receiver with male/female gender roles, and receiving punches excites me at least as much as hetero sex.

A favorite fantasy and ideal encounter for me would be role playing a "bad guy," facing interrogation with gut punches for "wrong" answers and whatever I say would be a wrong answer. The experience would be much more erotic and intensified for me if the interrogator verbally abused me with a barrage of humiliating insults at the same time. A sound track would be something like "you piece of shit...THUD!" "You're a coward and a wimp...THUD!" "You low-life mother fucker...THUD!" Every punch would drive out a heaving grunt, many of them followed by a moan, which is turned into another grunt by another punch sinking in. Finally, I'd end up on my back, abs so sore I can't sit up. Then my interrogator would squirt cum on my belly and grind it in with his shoe.

So you guys can categorize me however you want. I just wonder if there are others with similar fantasies.

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jucu888 (0 )

2024-09-29 07:21

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We are almost identical in our experience and thoughts. I have also taken such a deep and hard gut beating my bowel movements also halted a while till recovered. I think the deep pleasure of taking a solid fist all the way to my core is why I keep my stomach soft and even sucked in if that is what the puncher wants A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.

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Brett364 (1)

2024-09-24 00:27

For me, it's mostly an erotic experience, punching a guy's soft stomach. In between punches, I also like to kiss the stomach and other parts of the torso. Another aspect of this, is seeing the expression on the receiver's face during the punches, and also hearing the sounds he makes. This adds to the eroticism. So, in short, I prefer a more sensuous approach.

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stomachpunch (5)

2024-09-24 06:51

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I became a golden bird just reading what you wrote.

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Zander (1)

2024-09-23 15:37

For me it's a physical thing, I like to think I have strong abs and can take the punches even if I visibly don't look it. But, I also like the feeling of punches being driven into me, to see my stomach redden and bruise and just how much I can take. I would love to take it deep too once those punches have worn down my abs, and I often fantasise about this being taken to the extreme. The feeling of having fists inside me and having my guts brutalised, well turns me on, when that deep pain is pleasure for sure, but I of course don't want serious internal and long lasting injuries too.

As I am married, so I can't meet on here, I have instead hit myself with a hammer and my fists for around 30 minutes causing bruising that lasted almost 2 weeks, and I was shaking by the time I finished and I wondered afterwards why I did it. But I also remember the Adrenalin rush and excitement and I find myself wanting to do it again in a few weeks time, but I don't really know why lol. Too many bruises though and obviously hard to hide.

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GPNavelPuncher (0)

2024-09-23 13:06

The pain IS the pleasure...they are ONE, especially when the Jobber (Receiver) craves the pain. As the Heel (Puncher) delivers, Jobber does not stay "STOP," he says "MORE, MORE...Faster, Harder, DEEPER." Jobber's success is when session ends with his stomach skin nicely reddened, raw, and SORE...sign of a job well done by the Heel. Every grunt & groan by Jobber is a sign of pain AND pleasure...keep the gut punches coming!

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big belly (0)

2024-09-23 12:42

Fpr me belly punching is both I get pleaseure from the pain and also get pleasure giving you pain

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Mortadelo (11 )

2024-09-23 08:48

Talking from the punchers side I obviously love giving hard punches, the harder the better but I also need to know my "opponent" (punchees are never opponents to me) is enjoying the action too. So I try to adapt my punching to the situation.
To summarise it all, I always try to be as brutal as the punchee wants me to.

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stomachpunch (5)

2024-09-23 08:47

I am against violence. Yet I love this practice both doing it and suffering it because I link it to sex with the category of men I like, that is, the mature masculine ones with a bit of flesh, and I find it very erotic. When I like a man, it turns me on to death to see my fist stuck in the skin of my belly that goes inward and to hear his grunts but at the same time it drives me crazy when this man sticks his fist deep inside my stomach it makes me feel almost passive even though I am sexually active and yet my cock remains rock hard, in fact, it becomes harder than usual even though I am in oxygen debt. Sometimes it happened to me to ejaculate with my partner's fist inside my stomach. As far as I'm concerned, this practice is exclusively related to sex without any intention of causing or receiving pain, although this is inevitable because the stomach is not made to take punches, but let's be clear, when two men have sex and one receives the other's cock in his anus, the anus is not made to receive cocks either and yet it receives them, so why shouldn't the stomach receive punches?

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Haarek (1)

2024-09-23 07:31

Good questions, Dabbler 1973.

If you're having this fetish, it's for life. And during time, it's evolve.
Like spanking do for guys into that. They want to go harder and harder over the years.

If you're hit hard in the stomach, you want it harder next time. For me, it's hard to find punchers who punch hard enough. And I find gutpunching both for pleasure and pain. Never felt it painful yet. Just pure pleasure.

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dabbler1973 (17)

2024-09-22 11:37

I've seen a few comments on various threads recently and it's got me thinking.

Do guys gutpunch to cause pain/damage to the other guys gut? Or is it about punching a guy for (erotic) pleasure? Or both?!

I know there's a sadistic side to this.. to drive your fist into someone in an aggressive way ... to get a reaction .. or to trade gut shots til one taps out. . I suppose because it's too painful and hurts to take more.

I guess there's an erotic, pleasurable aspect for both puncher and punchee when gutpunches are delivered or received in a specific way.

As part of a fight, it's done to cause damage to take down your opponent... and that can be erotically pleasurable for the victor... right? Lol

But do guys find more pleasure in the recieving of painful, damaging punches or in the taking of sustained, steady punches - which don't necessarily inflict pain/damage .. but where the enjoyment comes instead from taking a series of fists to the gut?

I know it's all very much about personal taste and everyone likes gutpunching for different reasons... but it just got me interested to know the balance of whether guys like punching for pain or punching for pleasure? Likewise, do guys that receive prefer taking the brutal punching or more tactile, intimate punching?

Again watching other guys Gutpunching can be enjoyed differently... I go from enjoying seeing guys punching crap out each other.. to guys being gentle and intimate with mutual punches being traded ...

Be good to hear other guys thoughts on this! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

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Dudepunish (12)

2024-09-27 18:46

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There is a fine line to this....I like to PUNCH a man's stomach for pain, and the erotic part of it. I enjoy and get off on watching the PAIN in a man's face as I continue to punch deep into his stomach. I a guy "bones up" while I'm punching which does happen sometimes then at some point I"m going to take the guy down on his back and SIT w/all my weight on his vulnerable BELLY and attempt to FORCE his juice out while he struggles under me! So i have to say it is a SADISTIC pleasure for me!!

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Juggernaut (0)

2024-09-24 07:05

(Válaszképp erre)

Sadism is a behavioral characteristic learned through experience. So is the concept of eroticism. What is erotic is typically defined by a group. However, it can also be an individual specific activity, and applied to virtually any item, process, or activity. Rubbing someone's stiff neck, back or tired feet can be erotic. But so can long distance running.

Sadism refers to the process of deriving pleasure from any pain associated with a process or procedure by the person that controls it. A deep tissue massage, for example, may be erotic and sadistic. Although its effects are intended as therapeutic natively, it can still temporarily can cause a great deal of pain with a sadistic satisfaction for the therapist applying it.

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dabbler1973 (17)

2024-09-28 11:03

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Interesting that recieving a rough massage can be similar .. I found myself getting turned on visiting my osteopath... he was kind of brutal .. it was very physical ... he got me in various "holds" to stretch me out and crack my hips & back etc... it was extremely intimate and rough and painful. I found myself pushing and straining against his pressure and he connected saying how I seem to enjoy the "challenge" ... I'm pretty sure he saw my boner while he was rocking back & forward on my folded torso!! LOL so guess the session was like a wrestle ... with him inflicting pain on me...

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bellyboi (0)

2024-09-23 06:57

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For me, receiving brutal gut punching from someone is both painful and erotic. To have someone using their fists on my body like that is both pain and pleasure.
But not to much light stuff. Harder stuff is what I want. From serious punchers who are willing to do it.

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bellyboi (0)

2024-09-23 07:40

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I tried to edit to say that I like being punched hard from punchers who are willing to even use some malice when they are punching my fat belly.
Being gut punched like that is erotic to me.

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