remember my very first punch in my belly I lived next door to this Filipion girl and we use to always play wrestle, one day as a joke she punched me hard in my belly I felt pain but felt different like I kind of enjoyed it. From that point on everytime I fought I looked foward to giving and recieving belly blows harder the better
About age 8 or 10. Comic book hero Nick Fury - who often appeared muscular and shirtless in nearly every issue - was inverted and trying to leglock a HYDRA agent. Instead, the bad guy kicked Fury HARD in the midsection. But did the secret agent flinch? No way! Instead, he trapped his foe between his legs and slammed him into a wall. That, plus episodes of the TV series "The Wild, Wild West." ... About age 13 in summer school, while walking home with a classmate, we trash-talked each other into throwing solar plexus punches every few yards. One guy would recover from the gutpunch and, then, counterpunch the other. We traded body punches all the way home. The next day, Manny refused to punch again. I always regretted never challenging him to a boxing match or to strip off our shirts. Damn, he was one handsome guy!
I Always thought that getting hurt from a blow in the belly is humiliating and embarrassing. Emasculating in a way. When I was 13 -14 I realized that I was deeply aroused when I was hit there.
A kid in my age wanted to see if I could take a punch in the gut. Without any warning he gave a good, hard punch right in the stomach. I managed to flex my abs in time for the impact. But it hurt me good. I didn't fold in half or nothing, but I was winded and felt the pain deep in my guts and all the way to my spine. I felt sick too. But I didn't show any sign of this. The guy was impressed.
My dick was rock hard after this. That was the beginning.
I have always had a thing for psin for as long as I can remember. But my obsession for a while was ballbusting. My earliest memory of being punched in the belly is cub scouts, and I remember being rather unimpressed by the weak punch until the same boy aimed a bit lower and sent shockwaves through my body.
From there the story was largly the same until middle school, I was friends with a kid I used to fight with all the time and he was equally weak. His gut punches barely registered and I had started to believe that people who reacted to belly punching in tv was just over reacting for the cameras.
Then I met Kevin, he wasn't much into fighting but we got along well enough talking about cartoons and crap like that. As I grew comfortable around him I started to act more myself (silly/stupid little brother) and started to get on his nerves. He would just punch my arm most of the time but one day I pushed the right button and he turned and uppercut my stomach.
It was the most painful thing I'd ever felt. It was lie an out of body experience. He instantly knocked me breathless, my vission blurred, I swear time slowed, and that one punch made my whole body ache for what felt like forever.
I loved it~ (although he didn't and never did it again :/ )
That experience made me love belly punching more than ballbusting for a while.
Growing up with two older and two younger ( twins ) i was the middle child. My dad had grown up with three brothers. He knew brothers fight to establish doninance. He told us all that if he saw any marks or bruises on our faces we were in trouble. He didnt care if we hit the chest and stomach. My two older brothers use to beat on me all the time. At 13, 14 they would hold and beat on me. I took a lot of hurt. At 14 a friend and I got a book at tge library on body toughening for sports. We worked out after school. I developed some real strong abs. When my brothers held and slugged me i could take it. I liked that feeling A LOT. Still do. One day after getting my body strong i fought back. I made them hurt. From then on i was turned in by being gut punched. Its all about the
Muscle. At 72 im still rock hard
Hi!! I first met met you a couple of years ago on FACEBOOK. My name is Larry. I live in Ronkonkoma on Long Island New York. Maybe we can get together and gutpunch our bellies.
A guy wanted to fight me. During our fight, he got me against a fence and started pounding my midsection. I was really enjoying taking his punches to my belly.
A few old westerns, pro wrestling, boxing and then early UFC. One time I was watching the TV Guide channel because they would have commercials for PPV stuff. There was a short clip with two women wearing lingerie fighting in a ring, and one reached back and totally bitchslapped the other. The one who got slapped flung her head back and held her face. Well that was it - the point of no return.
In middle school I went with some older kids who had a prearranged fight in a field next to some woods. They were drinking cheap beer and a couple of guys would pick a fight and go at it. Then two more would go. That’s when I started fighting and it was a blast!
I never knew it was agonophilia until I was 24. But I would say it started when I watched 70's Kung fu movies as a ten year old. The sounds they used when the actors got hit, The grunts and groans they made, it made me feel excited and aroused. After which I fantasize about me beating up someone.
At a young age. For me it aroused when my parents hired a handsome dude to mow our lawn at our rural home in upstate in NYS. He was married with kids. But, I always wanted to be home when he would be maintaining our lawn. He was mid-30ths, father of 2. He had a very SEXY, MUSCULAR body. I always wanted to LICK his NAVEL!
Hi, guys. It's always interesting reading the stories about the start of gutpunching sexual fantasies. I trend to think that there was aleready something before, I mean before our first arouses watching Pepeye, westerns, Batman or whatever. What do you think about it?
By the way,in my case, my first notice was a dream where I punched the lean gut of a friend of mine when I was 13 yo; I had my first night pollution (cum while dreaming), woke up and felt quite confused but excellently.
My first wet dream was two guys holding Robert Conrad as James West (from the TV show "the Wild, West") dressed in his leather chaps and me working him over in the gut
Yes, I also enjoyed that show! Especially, how in about every other episode, "James West" was stripped to the waist and fought his way out of yet another scrape. Our hero!
When I was in middle school I used to sew my own thongs and summoned the courage to wear them during gym days or school trips every now and then. I got laughed at and pushed but the embarrassment aroused me oddly enough.
During one class we played a game kinda like touch football and someone ran their shoulder right into my solar plexus, knocking the wind out of me. I remember my classmates looking at me as I struggled to catch my breath on the ground. The embarrassment of getting the wind knocked out of me turned me on too.
When we stayed over night in some cabins for a school field trip I purposely wore no shirt and slept in my thong to provoke my bullies, hoping they'd take it out on my midsection again. Later one night before bed we were being rambunctious and some classmates held my arms behind my back and started punching my bare stomach until they got bored and wailed on someone else.
There were other times, especially after soccer practice in the locker room,I had a bully whoed tell someone to hold my arms really quick then start working my gut over. I remember other teammates laughing at me making me more aroused lol.
But those were some of the early experiences that sparked my interests:)
Interesting topic! Around 14 or so I got intrigues by watching fight sports on tv . Also made some friends in class who were quite muscular and that motivated me to start working out too. That developed in challenging each other to throw a punch in the gut or even wrestle, and so I found out that I really liked to roll around. Took every opportunity to wrestle friends, classmates or nephews lol
I was about 15 when my started. I was about 200 5' 6 and I took on another guy who was 17, 5'11 and 360. Many times over he wanted to work me over in gutpunching and return the favor. I hesitated at first but decided to go for it.
We went to an abandoned house. We took off our shirts, put on the gloves and squared off.
Hecaught me with a surprise right hook that got me against a wall and took his time working my gut over. As i tried to block his massive punches, he broke through my defenses Then I returned the favor He didn't try to block my punches; he just took them. We met a few more times after that till the house was razed.
That guy introduced me to gutpunching and agonophilia. For the most part, I love being in a clench receiving medium contact gut punches and not to rush the session.
My father was in great shape and loved playing with me and my brother. We would team up against him and he defeated us both easily.
I remember him teasing us with faints only to deliver sweet gut punches that made us giggle.
I was about ten.
That’s how it started.
Then I started picking fights with my hot neighbors and developed a thirst for hitting their guts.
I was about thirteen.
I did not go through puberty until it was induced medically in my mid-twenties...then suddenly, I became obsessed with boxing, wrestling and other kinds of martial arts. Up to that time, I was a shy, fearful little kid who ran away from confrontation. My very "right-wing" religious and political interests at the time kept me from indulging my desires to compete and fight for many years, which I regret. Thanks for bringing up this great topic! Deano
"My very "right-wing" religious and political interests at the time kept me from indulging my desires to compete and fight for many years, which I regret."
You regret being more balanced and knowledgeable? I'm curious to how you feel that hurt you.
Well, not to sound like a broken record but I also got turned on by the fight scenes in Batman and the Wild, Wild West. There's also a scene from Bonanza where Little Joe gets worked over in the gut in a brief but hot 2 on 1 scene outside behind a bar. Also there was a TV episode once (I don't know the show) where a teenage boy's father gets worked over 2 on 1 out in the street in front of their house. As far as I can tell, my fetish for agonophilia probably started about the time I hit puberty. When I was much younger I never understood it. It bothered me enough that I sought therapy in college where the therapist tried some behavior mod techniques but it didn't work. It just didn't fit with my personality, a shy, introverted type of boy who played the piano and was intimidated by most boys my age. Very slowly over a period of years I finally accepted it as just a fetish and got past my shame about it. It wasn't until I was in my 30's that I found out a lot of other people had the same fetish! Like many of you, watching a good working over in the gut in a movie or TV scene gets me horned up every time, especially 2 on 1. Personally, I think it's a great fetish to have LOL.
I was in eighth grade, and we were learning how to wrestle in gym class. They chose me and another guy to wrestle who just happened to be my violin partner, a very good looking kid, muscled, rugged, and one time asked me to fight him. I wanted to so badly. When we wrestled, the entire class shared the opinion that I was about to get my ass kicked, which I did, but loved it. I wanted to talk to the guy about it for two weeks but never did. The next year his family moved to another school district, and I never saw him again. But I have loved fighting ever since that day.
watching early tv wrestling where there was some real bodypunching involved, and of course the westerns where some shirtless guy would get beat up in the gut. Was a real turn on before I even hit puberty hormones!
Watching Friday Night Fights and wrestling as a kid. I'm have a gentle personality, but the roughness and violence between 2 men really got me going even then.
Looks like a lot of us were triggered by similar stuff. It was early TV for me too. In my case, I'm MUCH more attracted to the role of the bad guy/loser. I think as a guilty receiver, fear and eroticism mixes. The hero that's punching me is being righteous as I get what I deserve, therefore he need not hold back or feel any regret as he pummels my gut. Meanwhile, I'm sensing his passion and satisfaction as he's punishing me. It's as though I'm feeling his endorphins and mine at the same time.
Like many here, a seed took root in me very early on while watching afternoon reruns Batman. When puberty hit the physical arousal showed up. Been a pleasure factor ever since (and Batman is still top of my list)
Yeah, the old Batman TV show got me, too 😂. I loved rooting in my heart for the nameless, smirking goons. I liked imagining that I was one of them. And then Batman comes in and clobbers the whole lot of us. My head shakes back and forth as my bell gets rung and everything goes dark. I wake up in the back of a paddy wagon, off to another stint at Gotham Penitentiary.
I felt something since I was 20. It wasn't until I bought my first boxing gloves that I felt more. Also became more and more excited by male and female boxers in their outfits. But I have only known what agonophilia really means for 3 years now.
I would guess that it was when I was around 10 y/o, or earlier. Even if I didn't see guys Gutpunching,
I fantasized about it. I always wanted to see cowboy Roy Rogers shirtless, but, that never happened on TV. That was why I took up watching Tarzan movies, as he was always shirtless. That was also when my navel fetish developed.
With me, I was about 10, got into a fight with the kid next door he was about my age as well. at one point he punched me in the stomach, it didn't really hurt but really aroused me. i think that was one of my early hard ons!
Yes mine was the same except mine was my much older cousin he'd wrestle me after watching the wrestling on tv then he'd start punching my gut I was hooked
As a kid I was watching the TV series THE WILD, WILD WEST each week and hot Robert Conrad as James T. West was always in a fist fight and often times was tied up or restrained. He was also shirtless in many scenes. Every time I saw him in a fight I got an instant "woody" and I knew I was hooked into watching handsome guys fighting.
Yes! Although I was turned on by fist fights before the WWW, including seeing Robert Conrad fighting in Hawaiian Eye, it was The Wild, Wild West that solidified my love of fighting. Jim West wearing the corduroy coat trimmed in leather and those leather chaps also awakened my love of leather and combining that with the fist fights was heaven...
As far as I'm concerned, even as a child I was attracted to scenes in which you saw fists sinking into other people's stomachs. You can also find some films where there was always a fight between some particularly strong males, I don't know, like Bud Spencer and Terence Hill for example.
What first triggered your fighting fetish as far as you remember? I remember old Popeye cartoons,, watching Bluto pound Popeye to defeat, one of my favorites was Olive Oyl getting worked over and KO'ed by a sexy blond fighting girl that sole Popeye at the gym she ran. The Blond really worked her over. Liked watching losers worked over by tougher rivals. Must have been 8 years old then.
That's interesting that you mentioned Popeye, because I too was drawn to the punching scenes (and there were LOTS of them), where Popeye was getting punched in the gut. The combination of the punches and his lean body turned me on – even at such a young age, maybe 6 or 7 years old. Also, there were many Westerns on TV, which always had fight scenes, some of which usually involved a guy's arms being held behind his back while someone else worked his gut over, which excited me. All these years later, I still have the fetish, which has largely remained unchanged.
Yes, arms held behind the back is my favorite. The "Foggiest Notion" episode of the old 1960s "Batman" TV series triggered my fetish, when 2 guys hold his arms as the 3rd punches his gut, after a long struggle. But yes, so many westerns, wish I could remember some besides The Rifleman.
big belly (0)
2024-05-06 14:37remember my very first punch in my belly I lived next door to this Filipion girl and we use to always play wrestle, one day as a joke she punched me hard in my belly I felt pain but felt different like I kind of enjoyed it. From that point on everytime I fought I looked foward to giving and recieving belly blows harder the better
Boxer109 (2 )
2024-05-06 02:18About age 8 or 10. Comic book hero Nick Fury - who often appeared muscular and shirtless in nearly every issue - was inverted and trying to leglock a HYDRA agent. Instead, the bad guy kicked Fury HARD in the midsection. But did the secret agent flinch? No way! Instead, he trapped his foe between his legs and slammed him into a wall. That, plus episodes of the TV series "The Wild, Wild West." ... About age 13 in summer school, while walking home with a classmate, we trash-talked each other into throwing solar plexus punches every few yards. One guy would recover from the gutpunch and, then, counterpunch the other. We traded body punches all the way home. The next day, Manny refused to punch again. I always regretted never challenging him to a boxing match or to strip off our shirts. Damn, he was one handsome guy!
LeanInSpeedos (14)
2024-05-08 03:11(Válaszképp erre)
That’s a hot story. Thanks for sharing that. I would have liked to have been Manny!!
NorthwestGPer (2)
2024-05-07 07:13(Válaszképp erre)
A really cool story!
MarkosA (0)
2024-01-01 23:49I Always thought that getting hurt from a blow in the belly is humiliating and embarrassing. Emasculating in a way. When I was 13 -14 I realized that I was deeply aroused when I was hit there.
A kid in my age wanted to see if I could take a punch in the gut. Without any warning he gave a good, hard punch right in the stomach. I managed to flex my abs in time for the impact. But it hurt me good. I didn't fold in half or nothing, but I was winded and felt the pain deep in my guts and all the way to my spine. I felt sick too. But I didn't show any sign of this. The guy was impressed.
My dick was rock hard after this. That was the beginning.
tghsachris (5)
2023-12-28 23:48I have always had a thing for psin for as long as I can remember. But my obsession for a while was ballbusting. My earliest memory of being punched in the belly is cub scouts, and I remember being rather unimpressed by the weak punch until the same boy aimed a bit lower and sent shockwaves through my body.
From there the story was largly the same until middle school, I was friends with a kid I used to fight with all the time and he was equally weak. His gut punches barely registered and I had started to believe that people who reacted to belly punching in tv was just over reacting for the cameras.
Then I met Kevin, he wasn't much into fighting but we got along well enough talking about cartoons and crap like that. As I grew comfortable around him I started to act more myself (silly/stupid little brother) and started to get on his nerves. He would just punch my arm most of the time but one day I pushed the right button and he turned and uppercut my stomach.
It was the most painful thing I'd ever felt. It was lie an out of body experience. He instantly knocked me breathless, my vission blurred, I swear time slowed, and that one punch made my whole body ache for what felt like forever.
I loved it~ (although he didn't and never did it again :/ )
That experience made me love belly punching more than ballbusting for a while.
NewRassler (0)
2023-12-28 16:41Growing up with two older and two younger ( twins ) i was the middle child. My dad had grown up with three brothers. He knew brothers fight to establish doninance. He told us all that if he saw any marks or bruises on our faces we were in trouble. He didnt care if we hit the chest and stomach. My two older brothers use to beat on me all the time. At 13, 14 they would hold and beat on me. I took a lot of hurt. At 14 a friend and I got a book at tge library on body toughening for sports. We worked out after school. I developed some real strong abs. When my brothers held and slugged me i could take it. I liked that feeling A LOT. Still do. One day after getting my body strong i fought back. I made them hurt. From then on i was turned in by being gut punched. Its all about the
Muscle. At 72 im still rock hard
Rt ND Guts (4)
2023-12-28 12:48Not as important as finding action which is rare
Larryhereg7 (0)
2023-12-31 01:24(Válaszképp erre)
Hi!! I first met met you a couple of years ago on FACEBOOK. My name is Larry. I live in Ronkonkoma on Long Island New York. Maybe we can get together and gutpunch our bellies.
AntwanMcClain (5)
2023-12-28 10:14A guy wanted to fight me. During our fight, he got me against a fence and started pounding my midsection. I was really enjoying taking his punches to my belly.
wa rassler (5)
2023-12-27 20:09A few old westerns, pro wrestling, boxing and then early UFC. One time I was watching the TV Guide channel because they would have commercials for PPV stuff. There was a short clip with two women wearing lingerie fighting in a ring, and one reached back and totally bitchslapped the other. The one who got slapped flung her head back and held her face. Well that was it - the point of no return.
In middle school I went with some older kids who had a prearranged fight in a field next to some woods. They were drinking cheap beer and a couple of guys would pick a fight and go at it. Then two more would go. That’s when I started fighting and it was a blast!
akkipats (1)
2024-05-06 14:30(Válaszképp erre)
Even I got into this because of women's wrestling. And then i watched sumo wrestling and the heavy weight wrestlers like rikishi in wwe.
N0ahW01fang (4)
2023-12-25 17:45I never knew it was agonophilia until I was 24. But I would say it started when I watched 70's Kung fu movies as a ten year old. The sounds they used when the actors got hit, The grunts and groans they made, it made me feel excited and aroused. After which I fantasize about me beating up someone.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2023-12-25 04:17At a young age. For me it aroused when my parents hired a handsome dude to mow our lawn at our rural home in upstate in NYS. He was married with kids. But, I always wanted to be home when he would be maintaining our lawn. He was mid-30ths, father of 2. He had a very SEXY, MUSCULAR body. I always wanted to LICK his NAVEL!
NrwGutpuncher (0 )
2023-12-24 19:32Hello,
I don't know what exactly is my agonophilia moment was...
But if someone wants to help me please DM
I try to find out that...because I need peace inside myself. It's probably the solution for my sexual confusion.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2023-12-25 04:22(Válaszképp erre)
Pabloabs (4)
2023-12-24 18:07Hi, guys. It's always interesting reading the stories about the start of gutpunching sexual fantasies. I trend to think that there was aleready something before, I mean before our first arouses watching Pepeye, westerns, Batman or whatever. What do you think about it?
By the way,in my case, my first notice was a dream where I punched the lean gut of a friend of mine when I was 13 yo; I had my first night pollution (cum while dreaming), woke up and felt quite confused but excellently.
JayPuncher (12)
2023-12-25 00:29(Válaszképp erre)
My first wet dream was two guys holding Robert Conrad as James West (from the TV show "the Wild, West") dressed in his leather chaps and me working him over in the gut
Boxer109 (2 )
2024-05-06 02:03(Válaszképp erre)
Yes, I also enjoyed that show! Especially, how in about every other episode, "James West" was stripped to the waist and fought his way out of yet another scrape. Our hero!
MuscleFlexing2023 (0 )
2023-12-24 08:20At age 15 seeing Rick Rude the best muscled wrestler of all times
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2023-12-25 18:03(Válaszképp erre)
After testing his limits with Gutpunches, I would want to LICK the delicious SWEAT off his SEXY ABS & NAVEL.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2023-12-25 04:20(Válaszképp erre)
Yes, his ABS and SEXY BELLYBUTTON are HOT! 🔥
JayPuncher (12)
2023-12-25 00:26(Válaszképp erre)
Completely agree about Rick Rude...
Robin-hearts (3)
2023-12-24 03:18When I was in middle school I used to sew my own thongs and summoned the courage to wear them during gym days or school trips every now and then. I got laughed at and pushed but the embarrassment aroused me oddly enough.
During one class we played a game kinda like touch football and someone ran their shoulder right into my solar plexus, knocking the wind out of me. I remember my classmates looking at me as I struggled to catch my breath on the ground. The embarrassment of getting the wind knocked out of me turned me on too.
When we stayed over night in some cabins for a school field trip I purposely wore no shirt and slept in my thong to provoke my bullies, hoping they'd take it out on my midsection again. Later one night before bed we were being rambunctious and some classmates held my arms behind my back and started punching my bare stomach until they got bored and wailed on someone else.
There were other times, especially after soccer practice in the locker room,I had a bully whoed tell someone to hold my arms really quick then start working my gut over. I remember other teammates laughing at me making me more aroused lol.
But those were some of the early experiences that sparked my interests:)
Luctator (3)
2023-12-03 17:09Interesting topic! Around 14 or so I got intrigues by watching fight sports on tv . Also made some friends in class who were quite muscular and that motivated me to start working out too. That developed in challenging each other to throw a punch in the gut or even wrestle, and so I found out that I really liked to roll around. Took every opportunity to wrestle friends, classmates or nephews lol
BigScorpio55 (5 )
2023-12-02 07:42I was about 15 when my started. I was about 200 5' 6 and I took on another guy who was 17, 5'11 and 360. Many times over he wanted to work me over in gutpunching and return the favor. I hesitated at first but decided to go for it.
We went to an abandoned house. We took off our shirts, put on the gloves and squared off.
Hecaught me with a surprise right hook that got me against a wall and took his time working my gut over. As i tried to block his massive punches, he broke through my defenses Then I returned the favor He didn't try to block my punches; he just took them. We met a few more times after that till the house was razed.
That guy introduced me to gutpunching and agonophilia. For the most part, I love being in a clench receiving medium contact gut punches and not to rush the session.
Gut Punch Paris (21)
2023-12-01 14:05My father was in great shape and loved playing with me and my brother. We would team up against him and he defeated us both easily.
I remember him teasing us with faints only to deliver sweet gut punches that made us giggle.
I was about ten.
That’s how it started.
Then I started picking fights with my hot neighbors and developed a thirst for hitting their guts.
I was about thirteen.
SilverFoxFight (39)
2023-12-01 11:50I did not go through puberty until it was induced medically in my mid-twenties...then suddenly, I became obsessed with boxing, wrestling and other kinds of martial arts. Up to that time, I was a shy, fearful little kid who ran away from confrontation. My very "right-wing" religious and political interests at the time kept me from indulging my desires to compete and fight for many years, which I regret. Thanks for bringing up this great topic! Deano
Juggernaut (0)
2023-12-02 21:49(Válaszképp erre)
"My very "right-wing" religious and political interests at the time kept me from indulging my desires to compete and fight for many years, which I regret."
You regret being more balanced and knowledgeable? I'm curious to how you feel that hurt you.
hardpunch (20)
2023-12-01 05:48Well, not to sound like a broken record but I also got turned on by the fight scenes in Batman and the Wild, Wild West. There's also a scene from Bonanza where Little Joe gets worked over in the gut in a brief but hot 2 on 1 scene outside behind a bar. Also there was a TV episode once (I don't know the show) where a teenage boy's father gets worked over 2 on 1 out in the street in front of their house. As far as I can tell, my fetish for agonophilia probably started about the time I hit puberty. When I was much younger I never understood it. It bothered me enough that I sought therapy in college where the therapist tried some behavior mod techniques but it didn't work. It just didn't fit with my personality, a shy, introverted type of boy who played the piano and was intimidated by most boys my age. Very slowly over a period of years I finally accepted it as just a fetish and got past my shame about it. It wasn't until I was in my 30's that I found out a lot of other people had the same fetish! Like many of you, watching a good working over in the gut in a movie or TV scene gets me horned up every time, especially 2 on 1. Personally, I think it's a great fetish to have LOL.
DaveStillWrestles (21 )
2023-11-29 23:33I was in eighth grade, and we were learning how to wrestle in gym class. They chose me and another guy to wrestle who just happened to be my violin partner, a very good looking kid, muscled, rugged, and one time asked me to fight him. I wanted to so badly. When we wrestled, the entire class shared the opinion that I was about to get my ass kicked, which I did, but loved it. I wanted to talk to the guy about it for two weeks but never did. The next year his family moved to another school district, and I never saw him again. But I have loved fighting ever since that day.
stomachpunch (5)
2023-11-30 18:26(Válaszképp erre)
You could see on the internet if he is present on any social media and so make contact. Maybe with the excuse of saying hello.
ruffguystuff (1)
2023-11-29 15:52watching early tv wrestling where there was some real bodypunching involved, and of course the westerns where some shirtless guy would get beat up in the gut. Was a real turn on before I even hit puberty hormones!
Dennis (1)
2023-11-29 14:11Watching Friday Night Fights and wrestling as a kid. I'm have a gentle personality, but the roughness and violence between 2 men really got me going even then.
slimp (0)
2023-11-29 05:11Looks like a lot of us were triggered by similar stuff. It was early TV for me too. In my case, I'm MUCH more attracted to the role of the bad guy/loser. I think as a guilty receiver, fear and eroticism mixes. The hero that's punching me is being righteous as I get what I deserve, therefore he need not hold back or feel any regret as he pummels my gut. Meanwhile, I'm sensing his passion and satisfaction as he's punishing me. It's as though I'm feeling his endorphins and mine at the same time.
Jas43 (2)
2023-11-28 20:43Like many here, a seed took root in me very early on while watching afternoon reruns Batman. When puberty hit the physical arousal showed up. Been a pleasure factor ever since (and Batman is still top of my list)
PierreDef (3)
2023-11-29 15:49(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah, the old Batman TV show got me, too 😂. I loved rooting in my heart for the nameless, smirking goons. I liked imagining that I was one of them. And then Batman comes in and clobbers the whole lot of us. My head shakes back and forth as my bell gets rung and everything goes dark. I wake up in the back of a paddy wagon, off to another stint at Gotham Penitentiary.
dutchbokser (0)
2023-11-28 14:48I felt something since I was 20. It wasn't until I bought my first boxing gloves that I felt more. Also became more and more excited by male and female boxers in their outfits. But I have only known what agonophilia really means for 3 years now.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
2023-11-28 07:48I would guess that it was when I was around 10 y/o, or earlier. Even if I didn't see guys Gutpunching,
I fantasized about it. I always wanted to see cowboy Roy Rogers shirtless, but, that never happened on TV. That was why I took up watching Tarzan movies, as he was always shirtless. That was also when my navel fetish developed.
inthegut (0)
2023-11-27 04:40With me, I was about 10, got into a fight with the kid next door he was about my age as well. at one point he punched me in the stomach, it didn't really hurt but really aroused me. i think that was one of my early hard ons!
flexibition (0)
2023-11-26 21:19Started when I was young and wrestled with my dad after or while watching wrestling on television.
Gutpunchwos (1)
2023-11-26 21:55(Válaszképp erre)
Yes mine was the same except mine was my much older cousin he'd wrestle me after watching the wrestling on tv then he'd start punching my gut I was hooked
Boxtp (0)
2023-11-26 20:38As a kid I was watching the TV series THE WILD, WILD WEST each week and hot Robert Conrad as James T. West was always in a fist fight and often times was tied up or restrained. He was also shirtless in many scenes. Every time I saw him in a fight I got an instant "woody" and I knew I was hooked into watching handsome guys fighting.
JayPuncher (12)
2023-11-27 20:38(Válaszképp erre)
Yes! Although I was turned on by fist fights before the WWW, including seeing Robert Conrad fighting in Hawaiian Eye, it was The Wild, Wild West that solidified my love of fighting. Jim West wearing the corduroy coat trimmed in leather and those leather chaps also awakened my love of leather and combining that with the fist fights was heaven...
hardpunch (20)
2023-12-01 05:29(Válaszképp erre)
Yep, same here, John.
big belly (0)
2023-11-26 15:32I've loved it ever since I was a kid and I seen a fat girl get belly punched over and over, been hooked ever since
stomachpunch (5)
2023-11-26 12:57As far as I'm concerned, even as a child I was attracted to scenes in which you saw fists sinking into other people's stomachs. You can also find some films where there was always a fight between some particularly strong males, I don't know, like Bud Spencer and Terence Hill for example.
2023-11-26 02:03What first triggered your fighting fetish as far as you remember? I remember old Popeye cartoons,, watching Bluto pound Popeye to defeat, one of my favorites was Olive Oyl getting worked over and KO'ed by a sexy blond fighting girl that sole Popeye at the gym she ran. The Blond really worked her over. Liked watching losers worked over by tougher rivals. Must have been 8 years old then.
Brett364 (1)
2023-11-26 17:39(Válaszképp erre)
That's interesting that you mentioned Popeye, because I too was drawn to the punching scenes (and there were LOTS of them), where Popeye was getting punched in the gut. The combination of the punches and his lean body turned me on – even at such a young age, maybe 6 or 7 years old. Also, there were many Westerns on TV, which always had fight scenes, some of which usually involved a guy's arms being held behind his back while someone else worked his gut over, which excited me. All these years later, I still have the fetish, which has largely remained unchanged.
benwoulds (5)
2023-11-28 18:19(Válaszképp erre)
Yes, arms held behind the back is my favorite. The "Foggiest Notion" episode of the old 1960s "Batman" TV series triggered my fetish, when 2 guys hold his arms as the 3rd punches his gut, after a long struggle. But yes, so many westerns, wish I could remember some besides The Rifleman.
Mask-MI (7)
2023-11-29 05:56(Válaszképp erre)
The Bat Man Tv show the The "Foggiest Notion was how it started for me when it was 3 on 1.