Alright! I think we've had than enough time for comments and feedback. Here's what I'm thinking. Instead of having everyone travel to one city for one big gut punching lovefest, let's do this.
We're splitting Texas up into regions: east Texas (Houston area), central Texas (Austin area), northern Texas (Dallas area), southern Texas (Corpus Christie and Laredo), and western Texas (El Paso area).
Everyone who's interested, pick a region. I'll match you against someone else close to your age/size in your region. The winner of that match gets a week to recover, then will take on another regional winner or move onto another region. The winner of that match gets a week to recover, then fights someone else. This goes on until we have a final winner. Losers of each match can feel free to match up with other people in region, since now everyone will know everyone else in the area. Losers can also act as referees.
Each match will have people flip a coin to determine who punches first. Then, the fighters take turns giving 10 punches while the other person receives the punches with their hands behind their back or overhead, with their back to a wall or some other stiff surface. Another alternative is to have some third person hold you up. When a punchee moves their hands in the way to block a blow or takes a knee, the round is over and the puncher gets a point. If the puncher lands a blow that is not directly over the abdominal cavity (ie: blows to the ribs, groin, or chest), the punchee gets a point. The first to 5 points, wins the match, gets a week to recover their sore abs, then fights the next person.
Again - anyone who's interested, send in a shout-out of which region of Texas you prefer. The first match will likely be early June or late May.
The only drawback to having rounds a week apart is people who would be travelling from out of state needing to make multiple trips. Rest periods are great but regional brackets will be difficult to maintain.
I just knwo from my experience that after a serious gut punching session, you're crazy sore the next day or two. It would be impractical and possibly dangerous to have back-to-back matches. So, the out of towners would have to just enjoy Round One. The only alternative is to have less intense gut punching and have that back to back.
All this reminds me of the "Okie rumble" an annual wrestling meetup in Oklahoma which was hosted at a hotel which even provided mats . It was successful for a few years. It's possible. Wish it could happen b4 I get too old to take a punch lol
I'm just waiting to see how many people are interested. It's looking like about a dozen people for a meet-up over the summer. I was thinking we'd have matches, week after week, with the winners moving forward. If people are traveling down, then perhaps we'd have to plan something else out...maybe just one mass meet-up? Gut punching convention?? Haha.
I could make a weekend trip if we could get something real going. Nashville is a dead zone for real people and even less for punching. Assuming guys of all sizes are welcome.
I'm a huge fan of his.
Gp are intense, really like the
200lb boxer x marine GP contest with him its hot as hell. Excellent.
I hope he makes some more vedios.
First and foremost, I'm thinking there have to be weight classes. One group for people under 100 pounds. Another group for people 100-125 pounds. Another group for people between 126-150 pounds, and so on.
I'm seeing something like this: There are two fighters. Each gets 10 shots at the other guy, whose back is to the wall and whose hands are clasped together overhead. Then the punchers switch. If the punchee unclasps their hands or takes a knee, then the puncher wins the round. There are 5 rounds.
If an hour passes without any winner, then we enter the Sudden Death phase: Players exchange one-for-one shots, blindfolded and with their abs unflexed. The first player to unclasp their hands or take a knee, loses that final round and loses the match.
you can skip dallas . You'd get zilch . ive lived here 20 yrs and have tried every angle to meet guys for gp , boxing and wrestling and have found only two dependable men which I enjoyed the activities with for years. everyone else wants to just talk , trade stories , fantasies but will fade away when pressed for a meeting. every one wants a picture and when a picture is sent . poof. personally I think its rude to ask for a pic but don't include one . To be honest I meet more guys down in Austin and San Antonio or visitors to dallas . Im traveling next week to meet a visitor from Atlanta in san Antonio. Again don't waste your time dealing with dallasites.
For any Texans here - who would be interested in what is probably the world's first and only gut punching tournament? What should the rules be for a GP tournament?
BatmanMan (2)
2018-04-25 06:58Alright! I think we've had than enough time for comments and feedback. Here's what I'm thinking. Instead of having everyone travel to one city for one big gut punching lovefest, let's do this.
We're splitting Texas up into regions: east Texas (Houston area), central Texas (Austin area), northern Texas (Dallas area), southern Texas (Corpus Christie and Laredo), and western Texas (El Paso area).
Everyone who's interested, pick a region. I'll match you against someone else close to your age/size in your region. The winner of that match gets a week to recover, then will take on another regional winner or move onto another region. The winner of that match gets a week to recover, then fights someone else. This goes on until we have a final winner. Losers of each match can feel free to match up with other people in region, since now everyone will know everyone else in the area. Losers can also act as referees.
Each match will have people flip a coin to determine who punches first. Then, the fighters take turns giving 10 punches while the other person receives the punches with their hands behind their back or overhead, with their back to a wall or some other stiff surface. Another alternative is to have some third person hold you up. When a punchee moves their hands in the way to block a blow or takes a knee, the round is over and the puncher gets a point. If the puncher lands a blow that is not directly over the abdominal cavity (ie: blows to the ribs, groin, or chest), the punchee gets a point. The first to 5 points, wins the match, gets a week to recover their sore abs, then fights the next person.
Again - anyone who's interested, send in a shout-out of which region of Texas you prefer. The first match will likely be early June or late May.
Cutetxguy75 (9 )
2018-05-03 09:33(Válaszképp erre)
I’m in for the Houston area.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-04-27 20:12(Válaszképp erre)
The only drawback to having rounds a week apart is people who would be travelling from out of state needing to make multiple trips. Rest periods are great but regional brackets will be difficult to maintain.
BatmanMan (2)
2018-04-28 00:48(Válaszképp erre)
I just knwo from my experience that after a serious gut punching session, you're crazy sore the next day or two. It would be impractical and possibly dangerous to have back-to-back matches. So, the out of towners would have to just enjoy Round One. The only alternative is to have less intense gut punching and have that back to back.
Gutboxer (48)
2018-04-27 21:14(Válaszképp erre)
That is true and where will these matches take place?
TxFighter (2)
2018-04-26 15:02(Válaszképp erre)
Add me to the Dallas group
halndallas (6)
2018-04-14 14:58All this reminds me of the "Okie rumble" an annual wrestling meetup in Oklahoma which was hosted at a hotel which even provided mats . It was successful for a few years. It's possible. Wish it could happen b4 I get too old to take a punch lol
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-04-13 17:48Is this meetup still in planning or has it fizzled out?
Cutetxguy75 (9 )
2018-04-14 08:45(Válaszképp erre)
I’m still up for meeting as well, as long there’s a decent group of guys that are planning on coming.
BatmanMan (2)
2018-04-14 03:58(Válaszképp erre)
I'm just waiting to see how many people are interested. It's looking like about a dozen people for a meet-up over the summer. I was thinking we'd have matches, week after week, with the winners moving forward. If people are traveling down, then perhaps we'd have to plan something else out...maybe just one mass meet-up? Gut punching convention?? Haha.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-04-14 06:49(Válaszképp erre)
Definitley don't count out of towners out. I travel a lot and would make a trip for a mass meet
Gutboxer (48)
2018-04-13 19:08(Válaszképp erre)
Yes seemed like a great idea but difficult to organize.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2018-04-04 02:03I could make a weekend trip if we could get something real going. Nashville is a dead zone for real people and even less for punching. Assuming guys of all sizes are welcome.
Gutpunchme100 (11)
2018-03-29 03:27I would be interested depending on where in Texas. I am in New Mexico
commandertc (76)
2018-04-26 14:42(Válaszképp erre)
I challenge you stud to several hours of gut punishment, let's see if I can make a dent
JayPuncher (12)
2018-03-29 01:23Check this out on youtube - KING OF THE GUT PUNCH CHAMPION ultimate punching championship
Rocco Rozzotti
Andi2 (3)
2018-04-26 06:37(Válaszképp erre)
I'm a huge fan of his.
Gp are intense, really like the
200lb boxer x marine GP contest with him its hot as hell. Excellent.
I hope he makes some more vedios.
GutBashJobber407 (0)
2018-03-27 05:41Let me know details. I’m overdue for a Texas visit
Gutboxer (48)
2018-03-27 02:20I am interested but where in Texas???
BatmanMan (2)
2018-03-27 14:31(Válaszképp erre)
The locations will vary.
For Round One, locals punch locals.
The winners will meet up with the winners from other cities for the next round in some city between them.
Gutboxer (48)
2018-03-30 16:38(Válaszképp erre)
Oh so it would be in various cities then, not just meeting for battle in Texas. I think others would travel for such an event.
GutBashJobber407 (0)
2018-03-30 19:24(Válaszképp erre)
Agreed! One meeting location would be great
jed7720 (13)
2018-03-27 00:14I'm in. Set up a date and lets do.
BatmanMan (2)
2018-03-27 00:22(Válaszképp erre)
It's looking like June or July. Situation is still developing.
DavidRichardson (0)
2018-03-25 05:25Need one in Georgia! Any takers/punchers North of Atlanta?
Dave wrestle (22)
2018-03-24 14:04Wish i were in Texas as I would be down for this.
BatmanMan (2)
2018-03-23 23:40First and foremost, I'm thinking there have to be weight classes. One group for people under 100 pounds. Another group for people 100-125 pounds. Another group for people between 126-150 pounds, and so on.
I'm seeing something like this: There are two fighters. Each gets 10 shots at the other guy, whose back is to the wall and whose hands are clasped together overhead. Then the punchers switch. If the punchee unclasps their hands or takes a knee, then the puncher wins the round. There are 5 rounds.
If an hour passes without any winner, then we enter the Sudden Death phase: Players exchange one-for-one shots, blindfolded and with their abs unflexed. The first player to unclasp their hands or take a knee, loses that final round and loses the match.
Who's down??
Cutetxguy75 (9 )
2018-03-30 23:03(Válaszképp erre)
I’d be up for it depending on where. If it’s Houston or Austin then I’m definitely good to go. Maybe Dallas too. Let me know the plans.
halndallas (6)
2018-03-31 15:02(Válaszképp erre)
you can skip dallas . You'd get zilch . ive lived here 20 yrs and have tried every angle to meet guys for gp , boxing and wrestling and have found only two dependable men which I enjoyed the activities with for years. everyone else wants to just talk , trade stories , fantasies but will fade away when pressed for a meeting. every one wants a picture and when a picture is sent . poof. personally I think its rude to ask for a pic but don't include one . To be honest I meet more guys down in Austin and San Antonio or visitors to dallas . Im traveling next week to meet a visitor from Atlanta in san Antonio. Again don't waste your time dealing with dallasites.
Andi2 (3)
2018-04-26 06:41(Válaszképp erre)
Sounds as bad as the midwest. I don't think there's even 1 person in Chicago into GP.
hardabs1 (22)
2018-03-25 07:14(Válaszképp erre)
I would be very interested if the tournament is in June or July.
BatmanMan (2)
2018-03-25 16:56(Válaszképp erre)
Not a problem, man. So far it's you and me in the tournament, haha. Maybe the list will grow.
What do you think the rules should be?
BatmanMan (2)
2018-03-23 22:44For any Texans here - who would be interested in what is probably the world's first and only gut punching tournament? What should the rules be for a GP tournament?
hardabs1 (22)
2018-03-26 00:42(Válaszképp erre)
The rules you laid out are fine with me. I just want to punch and be punched for days and days!