I've been gut punching since i was six, long before the internet came along. While I'm always looking for others in my area I don't have high expectations. Even here, on a site whose goal is to get people meeting.. The internet made it possible for many to live their fantasies vicariously, The way many do that is by joining groups like this without the intention of meeting anyone. Naturally, the young have heard all sorts of horror stories about meeting folks off the web so nervousness shouldn't be a surprise.
cause they are superficial flakes. I was too at that age about oldsters. What is hilarious to me is older guys my age who think they can be picky about others our age holding out for the youngsters
I agree 🤔...Perhaps in part, but being a "superficial flake" isn't restricted to young folks. "Chicken Hawks" can be a bit "skeevy."
Each person is going to have preferences. When I was younger, I preferred to wrestle older guys 10 to 20 yrs older. It was more about experience and knowledge. And to put it bluntly, some older guys are 🔥
With regards to any potential opponent from any demographic, I prefer a meeting of the minds. If it's lacking early on in the conversation, I'm not interested. I also make my preferences clear in my profile.
I have rarely in the past been bothered by people younger than me, but in an insistent way, while by more mature men (it's not nice to use the term old) I have had some polite and yes, maybe a little cheeky, verbal request. The experiences of each of us are subjective, we cannot make a bundle of all the grass. I would love to hear from one of the many mature men on this site, that they can't wait to have sex with me, and in the meantime to "penetrate" our stomach with well-aimed fists.
It's multifaceted and there are several basic factors at play (ranging from respect to simple attraction). Young guys and older guys occupy different "headspaces." All older guys were once young and should get that. I'm an older guy and I have noticed that a disproportianate number of older men often come across as more overtly sexual... and often times much earlier in conversation. It's often less about fear than simply being "turned off" by unsolicited attention. Cultivate a conversation (initiate respect) and stick to it. I have plenty of good conversations and even offers to wrestle with younger guys after a good conversation. In addition to that being said, sadly, many older guys, esp. those who come on "strong," are often out of shape. How you treat yourself and how you project speaks volumes and often reflects how you are likely to treat others. Many of you may take offense, but think about it. The concept of "creepy old man" exists for a reason. Attraction can transcend mere physical, but if the initial interaction comes across as negative, that 1st impression is a death nail.
I am a senior (70) and always respect the wishes of my opponent. After all, I want them to have a positive experience and the desire to meet again. I get the part about younger guys not wanting to meet guys much older. This question isn't about that. Respect the wishes of your opponent and hopefully they will respect yours.
I am with Ricko and the rest of you. It’s about respect and respecting boundaries. Happens with all types of men and all ages, in my experience. Clear communication is key. And someone can’t do that and doesn’t hold to agreed upon activities and limits has crossed over from fetish to assault. I hope you call them out in reviews or comments when that happens. Take care of one another.
I'll have to agree with Ricko, it's not about "dear"but about respecting limits. I've had several matches that devolved into unwanted/unwelcomed grabbing, one guy jumped my hip, and the main similarity was a 20+ year age gap. After that I decided I'd only match with guys closer to my age or younger as the conversation is not only had about limits but respected.
Why are so many of the under 30 crowd afraid to accept opponents over 50? This group as a whole have the heart of a Lion the courage of an Bull and the knowledge and ability of an Octopus. They have lots of experience to show and teach. They can be sneaky and teach a few lessons. So why are the youth so afraid to workout and work with the Seniors?
Maybe it is not fear. A lot of young guys simply look for other guys their own age. There is nothing wrong with that. Personally, GP turns me on sexually and I won't meet a guy who doesn't look like someone I would want to have sex with
Same here. For me, GP and wrestling are all about sex, sometimes as a form of foreplay, sometmes the main course too :)
But if I don't fancy the other guy, then I'm just not interested, so I can totally see why some young guys don't want to meet up with someone who's a lot older, possibly decades. At the same time, other young guys are into that so celebrate those. Just respect each other's limits and play nice.
My personal issue with seniors is that they don’t respect boundaries. I accept almost any puncher who wants to beat my gut. But almost everytime I meet with one they always cross boundaries by trying to pull my shorts off, grab my private parts when asked not to or just take it too far because they can while I’m tied or handcuffed. I have to be careful with seniors, some don’t care about boundaries and it’s very uncomfortable.
That's too bad you have encountered some real a–holes. Your profile makes it very clear what you want and DON'T want. It's too bad that they don't respect you. People like that want to use you as a toy for their own gratification. Sadly, they're a bunch of selfish narcissists. Be sure to leave an accurate negative recommendation.
Is there a place on MF to comment about the characters that you have described?
You know the weirdest thing about it? I kinda understand them and where they come from. Like we all are into this kinda odd fetish so a lot of us are deprived of experiencing it. Don’t get me wrong, I hate when someone crosses boundaries, but I can understand them at the same time. We just need to respect each other’s limits during sessions.
Rt ND Guts (4)
2022-07-07 13:52I've been gut punching since i was six, long before the internet came along. While I'm always looking for others in my area I don't have high expectations. Even here, on a site whose goal is to get people meeting.. The internet made it possible for many to live their fantasies vicariously, The way many do that is by joining groups like this without the intention of meeting anyone. Naturally, the young have heard all sorts of horror stories about meeting folks off the web so nervousness shouldn't be a surprise.
halndallas (6)
2022-07-01 11:42cause they are superficial flakes. I was too at that age about oldsters. What is hilarious to me is older guys my age who think they can be picky about others our age holding out for the youngsters
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-07-01 16:57(Válaszképp erre)
"superficial flakes".... name calling is hardly helpful. This is another reason I stick closer to guys my age.
Wolfman65 (6)
2022-07-01 11:48(Válaszképp erre)
I agree 🤔...Perhaps in part, but being a "superficial flake" isn't restricted to young folks. "Chicken Hawks" can be a bit "skeevy."
Each person is going to have preferences. When I was younger, I preferred to wrestle older guys 10 to 20 yrs older. It was more about experience and knowledge. And to put it bluntly, some older guys are 🔥
With regards to any potential opponent from any demographic, I prefer a meeting of the minds. If it's lacking early on in the conversation, I'm not interested. I also make my preferences clear in my profile.
stomachpunch (5)
2022-07-01 07:33I have rarely in the past been bothered by people younger than me, but in an insistent way, while by more mature men (it's not nice to use the term old) I have had some polite and yes, maybe a little cheeky, verbal request. The experiences of each of us are subjective, we cannot make a bundle of all the grass. I would love to hear from one of the many mature men on this site, that they can't wait to have sex with me, and in the meantime to "penetrate" our stomach with well-aimed fists.
Wolfman65 (6)
2022-07-01 06:04It's multifaceted and there are several basic factors at play (ranging from respect to simple attraction). Young guys and older guys occupy different "headspaces." All older guys were once young and should get that. I'm an older guy and I have noticed that a disproportianate number of older men often come across as more overtly sexual... and often times much earlier in conversation. It's often less about fear than simply being "turned off" by unsolicited attention. Cultivate a conversation (initiate respect) and stick to it. I have plenty of good conversations and even offers to wrestle with younger guys after a good conversation. In addition to that being said, sadly, many older guys, esp. those who come on "strong," are often out of shape. How you treat yourself and how you project speaks volumes and often reflects how you are likely to treat others. Many of you may take offense, but think about it. The concept of "creepy old man" exists for a reason. Attraction can transcend mere physical, but if the initial interaction comes across as negative, that 1st impression is a death nail.
hardabs1 (22)
2022-06-30 16:21I am a senior (70) and always respect the wishes of my opponent. After all, I want them to have a positive experience and the desire to meet again. I get the part about younger guys not wanting to meet guys much older. This question isn't about that. Respect the wishes of your opponent and hopefully they will respect yours.
stomachpunch (5)
2022-06-30 19:55(Válaszképp erre)
I totally agree with you and I will tell you, even though it will probably never happen, I very much hope one day I can meet you.
GutPunch Boss (2)
2022-06-30 09:46I am with Ricko and the rest of you. It’s about respect and respecting boundaries. Happens with all types of men and all ages, in my experience. Clear communication is key. And someone can’t do that and doesn’t hold to agreed upon activities and limits has crossed over from fetish to assault. I hope you call them out in reviews or comments when that happens. Take care of one another.
Challenge3 (49)
2022-06-29 20:46Thanks for the replys, adds new light to the reasons and concerns of all involved.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-06-29 16:15I'll have to agree with Ricko, it's not about "dear"but about respecting limits. I've had several matches that devolved into unwanted/unwelcomed grabbing, one guy jumped my hip, and the main similarity was a 20+ year age gap. After that I decided I'd only match with guys closer to my age or younger as the conversation is not only had about limits but respected.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-06-29 18:19(Válaszképp erre)
That was supposed to say fear not dear
alfra (12)
2022-06-29 16:10Yes but this is first a website for sport meeting
alfra (12)
2022-06-29 06:27Some young people doesn t respect limits too. It is easy to put all king of people in the same group
Because they affraid losing face against older
Challenge3 (49)
2022-06-29 01:55Question,
Why are so many of the under 30 crowd afraid to accept opponents over 50? This group as a whole have the heart of a Lion the courage of an Bull and the knowledge and ability of an Octopus. They have lots of experience to show and teach. They can be sneaky and teach a few lessons. So why are the youth so afraid to workout and work with the Seniors?
stomachpunch (5)
2022-06-30 09:30(Válaszképp erre)
I wonder too, I would do nothing but have sex with mature male passives who love to punch in the stomach.
expat (6 )
2022-06-29 15:38(Válaszképp erre)
Maybe it is not fear. A lot of young guys simply look for other guys their own age. There is nothing wrong with that. Personally, GP turns me on sexually and I won't meet a guy who doesn't look like someone I would want to have sex with
LondonHeel (4)
2022-07-02 17:41(Válaszképp erre)
Same here. For me, GP and wrestling are all about sex, sometimes as a form of foreplay, sometmes the main course too :)
But if I don't fancy the other guy, then I'm just not interested, so I can totally see why some young guys don't want to meet up with someone who's a lot older, possibly decades. At the same time, other young guys are into that so celebrate those. Just respect each other's limits and play nice.
Kureitondesu (14 )
2022-06-29 21:08(Válaszképp erre)
I agree with that. Regardless of age if I'm not attracted to someone I don't have a match, even if the expectation is just sport.
Gspinman (6 )
2022-06-29 13:27(Válaszképp erre)
It's frustrating for sure. I enjoy matches from all age groups.
RickoBangzTheJobber (6)
2022-06-29 05:25(Válaszképp erre)
My personal issue with seniors is that they don’t respect boundaries. I accept almost any puncher who wants to beat my gut. But almost everytime I meet with one they always cross boundaries by trying to pull my shorts off, grab my private parts when asked not to or just take it too far because they can while I’m tied or handcuffed. I have to be careful with seniors, some don’t care about boundaries and it’s very uncomfortable.
NorthwestGPer (2)
2022-06-29 06:35(Válaszképp erre)
That's too bad you have encountered some real a–holes. Your profile makes it very clear what you want and DON'T want. It's too bad that they don't respect you. People like that want to use you as a toy for their own gratification. Sadly, they're a bunch of selfish narcissists. Be sure to leave an accurate negative recommendation.
Is there a place on MF to comment about the characters that you have described?
RickoBangzTheJobber (6)
2022-06-29 06:49(Válaszképp erre)
You know the weirdest thing about it? I kinda understand them and where they come from. Like we all are into this kinda odd fetish so a lot of us are deprived of experiencing it. Don’t get me wrong, I hate when someone crosses boundaries, but I can understand them at the same time. We just need to respect each other’s limits during sessions.