leg raises with a 50lb dumbell overhead. intermittent stomps from a barefoot bear would take this to the next level. anyone able to ummm... "release" from ab exercises alone?
As long as we keep in mind that abs are, and always will be largely (85%~) a product of diet. You can attain a well defined mid-section through diet alone and never do a single ab exercise.
Conversely, no amount of sit-ups in the world can overcome a simple carb loaded gut. The final 15% for toning and separation goes to exercise. Whichever one your anatomy can tolerate most.
I'm just going off the title of this post. So my body transformed to like where I am today back in 2018. I'll admit I used to be one of those guys that did 6-7 different types of crunches. But I evolved and do more full body exercises that incorporates my core.
My fav ever ab exercise right now is my weighted sit ups. I use a 50b slam ball to do 5-7 slow reps of 10 with me focusing on perfect form and crunching my abs as hard as I can upward. That's a big reason why my abs look the way they look today.
hey guys...you've all mentioned pretty traditional abs exercises. To really get the advantage in GP and to be indestructible (yes it is possible) you have to isolate the various parts of the abs individually and develop isolated control. It's efficient use of energy and makes whatever part of the abs that is taking the punches unbreakable..it's unique ...I developed it..have trained everyone from amateurs to Chuck Norris and "Benny the Jet"..no I am not bullshitting,...ask me...
Planks till exhaustion. And hanging leg raises, possibly combined with pull ups. Or even better, with a punch to the gut to keep flexed. When I was a teen, we would do challenges about who could keep a straight L hang the longest.
Not sure exactly what you mean but look at my blog for my fav - hanging "windshield wipers" and or knee ups. Hanging puts your core in tension (good for the back). A full motion legs-up or knees up (making sure one curls the spine, rather than flex the hips) is one of the toughest exercises out there and by twisting one gets the obliques too.
Gut strengthening exercises with some quasi-suspended 'sit ups.' I wanna always be ready to receive! ... Open to punch, pound, prod, poke, kick, stomp, elbow, knee, and employ objects ... use, abuse, and enjoy these furry abs! 🤛🤛💪😈
A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.
grapplerblk (11)
2023-02-27 16:12leg raises with a 50lb dumbell overhead. intermittent stomps from a barefoot bear would take this to the next level. anyone able to ummm... "release" from ab exercises alone?
Juggernaut (0)
2023-02-27 05:29As long as we keep in mind that abs are, and always will be largely (85%~) a product of diet. You can attain a well defined mid-section through diet alone and never do a single ab exercise.
Conversely, no amount of sit-ups in the world can overcome a simple carb loaded gut. The final 15% for toning and separation goes to exercise. Whichever one your anatomy can tolerate most.
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
2023-03-01 14:14(Válaszképp erre)
Definitely agreed on that.
NorthwestGPer (2)
2023-03-01 08:27(Válaszképp erre)
Spot on comment. Get the sugars and other refined carbs out of your diet. That will work wonders. Get the beer out while you're at it.
PlanetCharr (0)
2023-02-26 19:00Beautiful, y'all do the strengthening....us "others" will take care of the punching 😛
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
2023-02-26 02:52I'm just going off the title of this post. So my body transformed to like where I am today back in 2018. I'll admit I used to be one of those guys that did 6-7 different types of crunches. But I evolved and do more full body exercises that incorporates my core.
My fav ever ab exercise right now is my weighted sit ups. I use a 50b slam ball to do 5-7 slow reps of 10 with me focusing on perfect form and crunching my abs as hard as I can upward. That's a big reason why my abs look the way they look today.
NorthwestGPer (2)
2023-03-01 08:31(Válaszképp erre)
Your pics show you have done your homework.
abspowernj (0)
2022-12-28 21:48hey guys...you've all mentioned pretty traditional abs exercises. To really get the advantage in GP and to be indestructible (yes it is possible) you have to isolate the various parts of the abs individually and develop isolated control. It's efficient use of energy and makes whatever part of the abs that is taking the punches unbreakable..it's unique ...I developed it..have trained everyone from amateurs to Chuck Norris and "Benny the Jet"..no I am not bullshitting,...ask me...
Luctator (3)
2022-11-19 15:47Planks till exhaustion. And hanging leg raises, possibly combined with pull ups. Or even better, with a punch to the gut to keep flexed. When I was a teen, we would do challenges about who could keep a straight L hang the longest.
albyboxfight (41 )
2022-11-19 16:05(Válaszképp erre)
yes, those are all great exercises and situations!
Coach Radner (0)
2022-11-19 05:40V ups and Hanging Leg raises for
Me. Been at it since a teen. Still can do 1000 crunches every day to help
bnjifghtr (2)
2022-11-19 05:20Definitely V-ups
albyboxfight (41 )
2022-11-18 18:27Plank, for sure
bnjifghtr (2)
2022-12-26 04:30(Válaszképp erre)
V-ups for sure
Wolfman65 (6)
2022-11-18 23:38(Válaszképp erre)
I definitely emply planks 👍
gymrat (40)
2022-11-18 15:42Not sure exactly what you mean but look at my blog for my fav - hanging "windshield wipers" and or knee ups. Hanging puts your core in tension (good for the back). A full motion legs-up or knees up (making sure one curls the spine, rather than flex the hips) is one of the toughest exercises out there and by twisting one gets the obliques too.
See my blog #2, featuring Jeff C. doing them
GutpunchMexico (11 )
2022-11-19 06:05(Válaszképp erre)
GYMRAT, i want a punch your abs!!
bnjifghtr (2)
2022-11-19 06:11(Válaszképp erre)
And I wanna punch yours bro
Wolfman65 (6)
2022-11-18 23:40(Válaszképp erre)
Absolutely. I do very similar exercises myself. I just wasn't as specific.
Wolfman65 (6)
2022-11-17 23:17Gut strengthening exercises with some quasi-suspended 'sit ups.' I wanna always be ready to receive! ... Open to punch, pound, prod, poke, kick, stomp, elbow, knee, and employ objects ... use, abuse, and enjoy these furry abs! 🤛🤛💪😈 A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.