Father vs Son Wrestling

Surprise (Part 3a)

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2024-04-09 04:59

The 4th of July was coming up in a couple of weeks, and I was very surprised that my Dad reached out to me to invite me to his home for a barbecue he was planning with a few friends. When my parents divorced when I was young, I only saw him on occasion for a visit, and as an adult, hanging out with him had basically become non existent. I accepted the invitation, although my secret desire to wrestle with him remained intact. I knew I wouldn't have any opportunity to wrestle with him with others around, so I assumed I wouldn't feel too awkward in hiding my desires to surface in front of others. When the day arrived, I had thrown on a pair of shorts and a tank top and purposely arrived at my father's home about 20 minutes later than the time the event began. After parking in the driveway, I walked behind the house to the back yard to find my father standing over the grill flipping burgers with another guy standing next to him, chatting. My Dad looked awesome. He was wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts with a sleeveless button down shirt that he had left unbuttoned, allowing full view of his chiseled pecs. I noticed the guests were all men, around 6 of them in total, all dressed in summer attire...but my Dad was the only one who showed off any skin. As I greeted my Dad, he introduced me to his friends, as I wasn't familiar with most of them. There were a couple I had recognized from his job as his coworkers, but all seemed to be having a good time as they talked and drank their beers. I sat down next to a guy named Joe as the men chatted away and I was left feeling socially awkward. I didn't know these men and I wasn't sure how to interject into the conversation. So I just sat there, sipping on a beer, and listened as they talked about their jobs, their families and miniscule things of daily life. But my attention was drawn away from them when I saw the young stud my Dad had wrestled with on the night he was supposed to be meeting me in that deserted lot enter the backyard through the sliding glass door carrying a huge bowl of macaroni salad. He was shirtless and in a pair of sweat shorts and truth be known, he looked hot as hell. As he made his way to the picnic table where other dishes were, I couldn't help but notice he was commando under those shorts. Apparently, he had been there for a while helping my Dad get things set up, at least that's what was presented to me in their exchanges. The other men seem to know him, too, and called him by name. Toby. I couldn't help but wonder if Toby had come extra early to have a little tussle with my Dad before this gathering. I was quite sure of it. Neither Toby or my Dad seemed to have much time to get dressed properly before guests began to show up, but it WAS a hot July day, so nobody thought much of it. As everyone formed a line at the table to pile food upon their plates, I overheard one of the other guys asking Toby where he and his fiance were planning to go on their honeymoon. Hmmm. So apparenly Toby was engaged, but he liked erotic wrestling with my Dad and who knows who else. Of course, with a body like his, it appeared as if it were built to wrestle and have fun with and explore other men. I don't know how old he was, possibly around 30, but he had no qualms regarding showing off what he had worked so hard to build up. As the afternoon progressed into evening, I learned that Toby had worked with these men and knew them all quite well. My suspicions, however, concluded that my father was the only one he had probably wrestled with, although his fellowship with everyone else was quite strong. I just didn't get any vibes like that with his communication with the others. As the men began to trickle out to head home one by one, I watched as my Dad walked the last guest out to his car. Toby was grabbing his last beer to go as I sat alone in a lawn chair in front of the firepit that my Dad had lighted about an hour after darkness fell. He glanced my way and nodded his head and said, "nice to meet ya, man." I hadn't really spoken to Toby much that night but out of courtesy I replied with "you too." As I saw the headlights of the last guest pull out of my Dad's driveway, I thought he would be coming around to the back again. But it seemed like an awfully long time, and Toby hadn't left yet. i honestly don't know why I stayed as late as I did. Maybe deep down inside I thought when everyone had left, I'll have my opportunity to wrestle my Dad like I've been wanting to for years. I got up and started to walk around to the front of the house. I stopped before making the turn to the front yard because I could hear my Dad and Toby talking. It seemed as though they were whispering about something but the only thing I could make out was when my father said, "my son is here." I peeked around the corner so as not to be seen, and I saw Toby flexing both guns in front of my Dad with my Dad rubbing his hands across Toby's biceps. When Toby released his pose, he took his hand and rubbed it across my father's exposed chest, then formed a fist and hit him square in the middle of his chest. Toby's shorts had been tenting all this time as my Dad said, " you're making me hard, boy!" I hid behind the corner again feeling really weird. Once again, these two men were turning me on as they posed for each other, exchanged some punches and trash talked. I felt like I wanted to dart out of there and go home, but I really wanted to wrestle my Dad. I wanted him bad. So I stood there hiding behind the corner, trying to control my heavy breathing and not really knowing what to do. I probably should leave so the two of them can get down to it. After all, they were the only two men at this barbecue who bore any skin, and I had noticed subtle glances they made at each other that the other guests would not have picked up on. But I knew their history. Toby was my Dad's dirty little secret. As that thought crossed my mind, I kind of felt hurt because what he was doing with this other guy who was close in age to myself, could have been something he could have been doing with me. I wanted to get to know that intimate side of my father. These past few years of remembering him in front of his computer and how hot that made me etched a burning desire within me. They were taking too long. Why won't Toby just leave? I decided I'd go ahead and walk around to my car, and as I did, I saw my Dad posing for Toby. He immediately released his pose and both men turned to me with that look of getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "Thanks, Dad, I think I'm gonna take off." He approached me and took me by the arm and said, "I'd rather you didn't. You've been drinking and I don't want you on the road. Just stay over here tonight and you can go home in the morning."

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