I enjoyed the 1st bout. No nonsense, no theatrics, no tattoos, no fancy lights or camera work. Big guys without being blobby fat. Get in the ring. Do the job. Show who is Dad. Go home. Extremely hot. I will watch the other bouts this evening, and hope they are as straightforward and good. Thank you.
This chain and vids added proves there is a lot of us who think there is more than twink/twink wrestling as a turn on - too bad there is so little mature men wrestling erotic porn too.
This is a great match. I've had a few matches where we used straps and belts. Also winner flogs loser with strap of choice, # of whacks agreed before fight starts.
Lord, Big guys who are not gentle giants are the best for dishing out punishment. I would beg to be jobber in the ring with any of them or both at the same time.
Ron Davis is a legend!! Good wrestler. Better when lighter. Very Sexy. Skull is average but also was more agile when younger. They have a lot of matches on YouTube.
Glad to see so many guys on here get off on the same kind of match I do. I love a good low-skill brawl between two middle-age alphas. Anyone know of any others?
finally got to watch this match - excellent - agreed - no pretty boy bullshit - two beefy dad's in there for their pride - this is the kind of stuff I wish the chats in here covered more of - great match!
never did but would've turned me on - watched two neighbor dads go at it once when I was 12 - hard as a rock as they wrestled (no joke either - at it) on the ground while their wives were screaming for them to stop - was over their two son's fistfight and the guys were both my friends and over it before these 2 dads even fought - about a draw - tough Irish - tough Italian - WOOF
The idea of two older dads in their 40s or 50s fighting is very hot. Two older, regular guys, regular builds, the guy next door type . I've never seen videos like that except pro wrestling vids. Most of the fistfights online are younger guys.Anyone know of any? Or other pro matches between older, wash-up wrestlers?
Not that I was yet around for it, at my mom and dad's wedding reception there was a number of brawls going on. Thankfully my grandfather caught some of the action on 8mm film that I was able to view in my later years. I certainly wish I could gotten that film when grandad passed. Whenever he would break out the films my grandmother was very pissed... she was embarrassed because he caught footage of her in action.
Hey any other men watch their dads fight when you were young? I watched my dad fistfight a neighbor when I was twelve. He got his ass beat, but that’s been my turn on since. Any others?
It was a random scuffle he got into with a dude at our neighborhood block party. Some neighbor was coming on to my mom and my dad saw and stepped in. I was 11 or 12 at the time. Dad shoved the guy first and the dude came back with a dead-on uppercut to Dad’s balls. The whole party saw and dad just dropped to the street. Never forget it, I got an instant bone. Hooked ever since ;)
My Dad had a reputation for fighting. He got thrown out of the 11th grade for brawling. He boxed in the Army. I have seen him beat up other guys who dared to cross his path. He could get really violent. To be honest he scarred the hell out of me what he did to other guys.
DeutscherKaempfer (18 )
2024-12-13 14:28FrankL (0)
2021-05-15 14:00scissornpinmenow (0)
2021-05-16 02:45(Válaszképp erre)
Nice. 1 wrestler is from the Czech Republic. Where is the other from? Very good to see mature men with sturdy physiques wrestling. Thank you.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-12-14 17:40https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXT3NEaV8ds&list=PLM2TYrb9wScs-KDRLHn0L1vRxDFqrJ6fm&index=85
scissornpinmenow (0)
2020-12-16 01:47(Válaszképp erre)
I enjoyed the 1st bout. No nonsense, no theatrics, no tattoos, no fancy lights or camera work. Big guys without being blobby fat. Get in the ring. Do the job. Show who is Dad. Go home. Extremely hot. I will watch the other bouts this evening, and hope they are as straightforward and good. Thank you.
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-14 20:57(Válaszképp erre)
Take Charge Dad who lets his opponent know from the beginning who the boss is.
ldwrester (6 )
2020-12-15 05:57(Válaszképp erre)
Yes Dad did take charge. Great video
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-12-05 02:02Gregorio2 (10)
2020-12-05 18:43(Válaszképp erre)
Nice, luv'n the peroxide blonde aggressive Heel wearing black tights. 'Wonder how many of the boy scout troop in the audience are on site today?
Midman46uk (0)
2020-12-05 23:18(Válaszképp erre)
There was always a tough blond heel around in the 70s and 80s 👍
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-06 20:41(Válaszképp erre)
I never seen such bad bleach jobs in my life as back then. There was such a craze for blond hair back then.
Midman46uk (0)
2020-12-07 23:12(Válaszképp erre)
Haha, yep true fella 👍
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-12-03 19:59dad vs dad tag team action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyZhtumwWls
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-03 22:06(Válaszképp erre)
Thanks again for sharing. I wish more pro-wrestlers would come out. We need more role models.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-12-03 19:57Pat Patterson, who died this week. He was the first pro wrestler to come out as gay (though not while he was still wrestling.)
socal74 (28)
2020-12-06 17:34(Válaszképp erre)
Hot uppercut to the balls at 12:50. Just what I like to see in a Dad fight
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-03 22:04(Válaszképp erre)
He will be sorely missed. For me he was a legend. I always envied his opponents who were in the ring with him.
DCJobber (82 )
2020-12-04 07:29(Válaszképp erre)
Mr Patterson didn't know, but he was my "Daddy". I would have loved to have met him.
Midman46uk (0)
2020-12-01 16:28👍
coroa-saradao (0)
2020-12-01 22:43(Válaszképp erre)
Thats great!! Me and Litlle Prince , both hairy men,,,is my tipe of opponent i prefer to have .....
ldwrester (6 )
2020-12-01 20:00(Válaszképp erre)
Paul this is you and I going at it
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-01 19:36(Válaszképp erre)
It is rare to find a wrestler proud of his hairy body including his back. It is ultra primal.
ldwrester (6 )
2020-12-01 19:59(Válaszképp erre)
👍 I like a hairy men and smooth men too
ltwtveteran (21)
2020-12-01 18:27(Válaszképp erre)
Two hairy dads, in good shape, getting each other sweaty. That was great. The extra points go to the scene with the hairy chested bear hug.
hardonthemat (64)
2024-12-13 20:12(Válaszképp erre)
Hairy chest - hairy body a turn on when wrestlilng. REAL men do not shave body hair. Let it grow. Make the opponent take that pit hair!!!
QuinnUK (52)
2020-12-01 15:59Dad v Dad - Gotta be Brit Pro!
Meilo1 (27)
2020-12-02 07:16(Válaszképp erre)
thanks to post this great match
wrestlingfannj (0)
2020-12-01 10:31give me real dad fights any day over twinks - but does anyone have erotic dads fights vids? That is the ultimate for me
Steve B (0)
2021-05-14 06:47(Válaszképp erre)
Nothing beats 2 dads going at it in my book. In every sense:)
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-30 18:00https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VFqgY46fec. This one is good in slow-mo. A real dad vs dad brawl.
Meilo1 (27)
2020-12-01 05:49(Válaszképp erre)
what a great match, woow
wrestlingfannj (0)
2020-11-28 12:27This chain and vids added proves there is a lot of us who think there is more than twink/twink wrestling as a turn on - too bad there is so little mature men wrestling erotic porn too.
Steve B (0)
2021-05-16 03:06(Válaszképp erre)
Couldn't agree more 100%
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-28 00:13Dennis (1)
2020-11-28 14:39(Válaszképp erre)
This is a great match. I've had a few matches where we used straps and belts. Also winner flogs loser with strap of choice, # of whacks agreed before fight starts.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-27 20:45More.
Meilo1 (27)
2020-11-28 05:19(Válaszképp erre)
great Brit pro wrestling
DCJobber (82 )
2020-11-27 23:01(Válaszképp erre)
Leo is alright!!
Gregorio2 (10)
2020-11-27 21:22(Válaszképp erre)
Awesome match, on my long time favorite list. Leo Seitz, the commentary informs us, is a high school coach.
Hot dad brawl.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-27 16:32More dad vs dad
wrestlingfannj (0)
2020-11-27 20:21(Válaszképp erre)
nice NMMNGNYC - thanks
coroa-saradao (0)
2020-11-26 11:13(To any one) Can you send more videos, fights between two older dads, in their 50s and olders.
Midman46uk (0)
2020-11-21 06:10What are your thoughts on these wrestlers?
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-21 15:41(Válaszképp erre)
Lord, Big guys who are not gentle giants are the best for dishing out punishment. I would beg to be jobber in the ring with any of them or both at the same time.
wildwooly (16)
2021-04-19 02:37(Válaszképp erre)
I love to watch 2 men of size going at it rough.
I would love to be the ref.
Midman46uk (0)
2020-11-21 15:58(Válaszképp erre)
Yep these guys go for it
DCJobber (82 )
2020-11-21 10:18(Válaszképp erre)
Ron Davis is a legend!! Good wrestler. Better when lighter. Very Sexy. Skull is average but also was more agile when younger. They have a lot of matches on YouTube.
Midman46uk (0)
2020-11-21 13:33(Válaszképp erre)
Hi thanks, Ron is a tough veteran, who normally gets what he wants in the ring .
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-21 15:43(Válaszképp erre)
I would beg to be his jobber in the ring.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-20 16:58dads vs sons
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-20 22:49(Válaszképp erre)
Lord, one of my favorite classic Heels versus Jobbers match. I wish I was taking the place of Jim Jamison the jobber they were brutally destroying.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-19 15:50Glad to see so many guys on here get off on the same kind of match I do. I love a good low-skill brawl between two middle-age alphas. Anyone know of any others?
Gregorio2 (10)
2020-11-20 20:49(Válaszképp erre)
Mocho Cota rassles with a hard on
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-19 20:46(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot! I’d love to fight another dad like that
Ringkampfgeil (6)
2020-11-20 17:09(Válaszképp erre)
Jaaa. Ich würde auch sehr gerne gegen einen anderen Vater kämpfen. Ich bin ein realer Dad, 3 Kids.
Fistfighter4772a (10)
2020-11-19 19:37(Válaszképp erre)
I love. Would love 2 some fight then there dads start at the same time
SeattleFight (509)
2020-11-20 00:46(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah that’s what I want too - sons fighting and dads fighting then a free for all
Ruffscrappy (0)
2024-12-09 17:57(Válaszképp erre)
Well class niwt better than 2 lads kickin off then the dads start on each other then more pile into the brawl. Full on fighting then dads an lads
JiminQueens2 (58)
2024-12-13 02:58(Válaszképp erre)
Agreed. Check out my blog, I've got two stories like that.
socal74 (28)
2020-11-21 02:34(Válaszképp erre)
Very, very hot. ;)
Ringkampfgeil (6)
2020-11-23 23:26(Válaszképp erre)
Ja. Dad vs Dad und Son vs Son.
Fistfighter4772a (10)
2020-11-20 06:36(Válaszképp erre)
Would be good
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-19 20:41(Válaszképp erre)
Damn, you are one big intimidating hairy male. Scare your opponent just by standing opposite you.
coroa-saradao (0)
2020-11-19 13:25Tank you, amigo,,,,,,,
wrestlingfannj (0)
2020-11-18 23:46finally got to watch this match - excellent - agreed - no pretty boy bullshit - two beefy dad's in there for their pride - this is the kind of stuff I wish the chats in here covered more of - great match!
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-19 01:04(Válaszképp erre)
Yeah , I agree, all about masculine dads fighting
coroa-saradao (0)
2020-11-18 13:22Great!!!!Can you send more dads fight videos, amigos????????i woulld appreciatte that,,,,,,,,
wrestlingfannj (0)
2020-11-18 10:49never did but would've turned me on - watched two neighbor dads go at it once when I was 12 - hard as a rock as they wrestled (no joke either - at it) on the ground while their wives were screaming for them to stop - was over their two son's fistfight and the guys were both my friends and over it before these 2 dads even fought - about a draw - tough Irish - tough Italian - WOOF
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-18 23:17(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot! My biggest fantasy
SeattleFight (509)
2020-11-18 19:39(Válaszképp erre)
I’ve done that kind of fight with Meetfighters guys - our sons fought so we meet in private to settle it. But have never had it happen spontaneously.
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-18 23:54(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot! Wish you were more my size
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-18 14:49(Válaszképp erre)
It is too bad that each Dad did not have a match with the other guys son.
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
2020-11-10 17:13The idea of two older dads in their 40s or 50s fighting is very hot. Two older, regular guys, regular builds, the guy next door type . I've never seen videos like that except pro wrestling vids. Most of the fistfights online are younger guys.Anyone know of any? Or other pro matches between older, wash-up wrestlers?
JiminQueens2 (58)
2024-12-13 02:59(Válaszképp erre)
It could even be Dad-Son when you consider that Kox trained Murdoch in the first place.
HudsonOH (36)
2020-11-25 02:02(Válaszképp erre)
There are some older pro wrestlers in this link – the first match is especially good.
I have also seen some youtube footage of older guys fistfighting, but cannot quickly put may hands on the links. I will look a little further....
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-12-01 06:05(Válaszképp erre)
Lord, I would love to be the jobber in the ring with Deke Rivers in the second match. His dirty tactics make me wish it was me there.
socal74 (28)
2020-12-06 17:45(Válaszképp erre)
same here, esp at 28:50 ;)
DCJobber (82 )
2020-11-25 04:10(Válaszképp erre)
Thanks for posting that video. Any Ron Garvin sighting is good!!
DCJobber (82 )
2020-11-25 04:10(Válaszképp erre)
Thanks for posting that video. Any Ron Garvin sighting is good!!
Gregorio2 (10)
2020-11-17 23:56(Válaszképp erre)
This is one of the best matches, bar none, dad on dad
Midman46uk (0)
2020-11-17 07:22(Válaszképp erre)
Great to see these guys
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-16 19:56(Válaszképp erre)
That’s a hot dad fight!
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-16 19:59(Válaszképp erre)
Gee, I wish my Dad would force me to be a jobber for each one of those Dads in a future match as a punishment for doing something wrong.
Dennis (1)
2020-11-10 17:27(Válaszképp erre)
Great fight. Love the brutality.
Dennis (1)
2020-11-09 14:14Would've loved to see my dad fight, but we were too upper middle class. Never saw actual adult fight till I was out of college.
Mickey2786 (0)
2020-11-08 20:41I love the idea of seeing dads fight. Grew up seeing my mom in more than a few fights and I have to admit it was a real turn-on.
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-16 19:55(Válaszképp erre)
That’s hot! Watching you mother fight is hot, wAtched my mom almost fight her brothers wife, it would have been hot
Mickey2786 (0)
2020-11-17 00:12(Válaszképp erre)
Not that I was yet around for it, at my mom and dad's wedding reception there was a number of brawls going on. Thankfully my grandfather caught some of the action on 8mm film that I was able to view in my later years. I certainly wish I could gotten that film when grandad passed. Whenever he would break out the films my grandmother was very pissed... she was embarrassed because he caught footage of her in action.
Berksbrawler59 (12)
2020-11-07 08:10Never saw it but you're right, it's a turn on. "My dad can beat your dad" - like the idea of two lads getting their dads to fight.
Ringkampfgeil (6)
2020-11-09 23:16(Válaszképp erre)
Ich liebe diese Vorstellung.
SeattleFight (509)
2020-11-07 18:27(Válaszképp erre)
I like it too especially if all 4 are fighting at once
Fistfighter4772a (10)
2020-11-09 22:17(Válaszképp erre)
Agreed - love it
Berksbrawler59 (12)
2020-11-09 07:57(Válaszképp erre)
That would be awesome
Wilmcfight (2)
2020-11-07 00:22Hey any other men watch their dads fight when you were young? I watched my dad fistfight a neighbor when I was twelve. He got his ass beat, but that’s been my turn on since. Any others?
socal74 (28)
2020-12-06 17:48(Válaszképp erre)
Saw my dad get punched in the balls in a fight when was a kid - been a turn on ever since.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
2020-12-07 11:39(Válaszképp erre)
who was your dad fighting when he took the low blow?
socal74 (28)
2020-12-08 15:31(Válaszképp erre)
It was a random scuffle he got into with a dude at our neighborhood block party. Some neighbor was coming on to my mom and my dad saw and stepped in. I was 11 or 12 at the time. Dad shoved the guy first and the dude came back with a dead-on uppercut to Dad’s balls. The whole party saw and dad just dropped to the street. Never forget it, I got an instant bone. Hooked ever since ;)
wrestlerspig (14)
2020-11-07 19:37(Válaszképp erre)
My Dad had a reputation for fighting. He got thrown out of the 11th grade for brawling. He boxed in the Army. I have seen him beat up other guys who dared to cross his path. He could get really violent. To be honest he scarred the hell out of me what he did to other guys.