Brit pro wrestling

britpro up north

stgeorgeiscross (2)

2014-02-20 22:55

count me in. but a novice

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heralduk (27 )

2011-09-21 17:49

am in Liverpool always looking for matches, brit pro included if interested please let me know

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kds122002 (1)

2011-01-29 17:57

I'd love to give this a go if you were doing it in Scotland.

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Lincoln Lad (66)

2011-01-27 18:12

I'd be up for this, if it takes off. Hope you are able to get something sorted, fella.

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Steve Shock (149)

2011-01-09 16:34

Well I thought they would be more interest in guys wanting a ref for wrestling bouts in ring anyone wanna do it ?

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Steve Shock (149)

2010-12-29 00:14

I'd love to do an old WoS bout with ref in the ring as heel love to see what I can get away with (blind side of the ref )LoL

opponent complaining to ref me protesting I've done nothing illegal any guys interested let me know

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wristlock (13)

2010-12-24 11:52

Would be very interested in britpro session at the ring in Manchester count me in, love the old WOS style wrestling and the 3 and 5 minute rounds refs and corner men would be great, get it on as soon as you can

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Cymrofight (60)

2010-12-14 19:29

I'd be up there if I was there in the area :-) Hope you get some response to this. I'd be happy to look in when I'm over if it were up and running. Nie pic of Breaks (?) by the way :-)

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turpin (71)

2010-12-14 09:08

Any guys new to britpro or interested in having a go let me know on this group or message me direct because I'd like to organise a britpro afternoon at the ring in Manchester. I'd like to try and re-create a WoS-style session, with short bouts of 3 or 5 minute rounds and if there's enough interested, guys to act as ref and cornermen when they're not out there wrestling! Could be a fun afternoon! A képgyűjtemény megtekintéséhez be kell lépned.

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