Bloody fights or Combat zone / Death match fights sometimes take place in a ring in London but often more in backyard sessions in remote locations or pre arranged venues - these aren't widely known outside a circle of like minded guys due to a large number of time wasters who have been known to turn up and call the police
I've heard of at least two epic "lets settle who's best" fights in New York City, one in the early 1980s - 82 or 83 - and another in 2008 involving a U.K. fighter who went on to be an okay boxer but I think is out of the sport now. Obviously, he won his fight back in '08.
I'm not sure these are as common as they were back in the 70's when i fought in some bloodbath battles as a leather biker but things were more shall I say relaxed then about these kinda savage but so enjoyable fights taking place and more choice of perfect locations to fight in abandoned buildings and garages farms and farm buildings way out in country (hardcore mud and muck/slurry fights/wrestling went on there too) and scrapyards!! privately owned where no limits fighting could take place undisturbed...and plenty old car parts glass etc to add to the fight brutality and mud and oil pits to fight in too - even then though there were the occasions when police were called but not that often and even then they were def not as concerned as today's society requires them to be - never knew any fight in a private scrapyard ever get stopped!! very very hard but very good days back then for proper serious fighting!!
I guess its the sigh of the times - people expect more hardcore fights with blood and injuries it often reminds me of bear pit fights but while the public are wanting more and more death match or blood bath fights we the wrestlers know it all looks real and full on bit there is a bit of safety used as well, as for the kind of matches you speak of in scrap yards, farms and open fields I have see such matches more so with members of the romani and Irish traveling communities where a hand shake afterwards is the gentleman way of settling scores.
As for today's a lot of full on back yard matches have been pushed on to future generations by American TV and YouTube videos showing brutal acts of wrestling all in the name of public entertainment.
Hey Chaos...
Let's gonna do it that way when I'm in London summer this year... if your are a real damned blood fighter you agree now and stand it to be the fighter underneath bloke...
stabbs (0)
2020-12-22 01:56Bloody fights or Combat zone / Death match fights sometimes take place in a ring in London but often more in backyard sessions in remote locations or pre arranged venues - these aren't widely known outside a circle of like minded guys due to a large number of time wasters who have been known to turn up and call the police
MikeP327 (0)
2021-01-09 11:48(Válaszképp erre)
Great, I live in the wrong damn country LMAO
warhorse573 (0)
2020-12-23 19:15(Válaszképp erre)
I've heard of at least two epic "lets settle who's best" fights in New York City, one in the early 1980s - 82 or 83 - and another in 2008 involving a U.K. fighter who went on to be an okay boxer but I think is out of the sport now. Obviously, he won his fight back in '08.
MudFighterMel (0)
2020-12-22 10:05(Válaszképp erre)
I'm not sure these are as common as they were back in the 70's when i fought in some bloodbath battles as a leather biker but things were more shall I say relaxed then about these kinda savage but so enjoyable fights taking place and more choice of perfect locations to fight in abandoned buildings and garages farms and farm buildings way out in country (hardcore mud and muck/slurry fights/wrestling went on there too) and scrapyards!! privately owned where no limits fighting could take place undisturbed...and plenty old car parts glass etc to add to the fight brutality and mud and oil pits to fight in too - even then though there were the occasions when police were called but not that often and even then they were def not as concerned as today's society requires them to be - never knew any fight in a private scrapyard ever get stopped!! very very hard but very good days back then for proper serious fighting!!
stabbs (0)
2020-12-22 17:36(Válaszképp erre)
I guess its the sigh of the times - people expect more hardcore fights with blood and injuries it often reminds me of bear pit fights but while the public are wanting more and more death match or blood bath fights we the wrestlers know it all looks real and full on bit there is a bit of safety used as well, as for the kind of matches you speak of in scrap yards, farms and open fields I have see such matches more so with members of the romani and Irish traveling communities where a hand shake afterwards is the gentleman way of settling scores.
As for today's a lot of full on back yard matches have been pushed on to future generations by American TV and YouTube videos showing brutal acts of wrestling all in the name of public entertainment.
Beefyscot (3)
2020-12-22 18:09(Válaszképp erre)
so don’t you like brutal real confined area scraps
Pit cage basement
Men betting illegal watching no rules
stabbs (0)
2020-12-22 22:31(Válaszképp erre)
Yes I do like,
Beefyscot (3)
2020-12-22 22:32(Válaszképp erre)
I also like that
I want it bad
stabbs (0)
2020-12-22 22:34(Válaszképp erre)
Then you should have No trouble finding guys to fight,
Beefyscot (3)
2020-12-22 22:35(Válaszképp erre)
Good I hope so
Beefyscot (3)
2020-12-22 07:07(Válaszképp erre)
So many people on here like this
mikey3458 (25 )
2020-07-18 10:43Waiting for my first bloody wrestling fight. Need a heel!
cookie0 (0)
2019-01-05 00:44with weapons ?? a bit extreme
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
2019-01-13 17:10(Válaszképp erre)
Ou alors avec de faux poignards, mais bien imités...
cookie0 (0)
2019-01-13 17:41(Válaszképp erre)
C'est une bonne idée...
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
2019-01-13 20:38(Válaszképp erre)
J'ai deux modèles de faux poignards, en bois, à bouts et tranchants arrondis, inoffensifs, mais bien imités, avec une excellente prise en mains...
cookie0 (0)
2019-01-13 20:58(Válaszképp erre)
serait bien de les utiliser dans un combat
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
2019-01-13 21:53(Válaszképp erre)
Oui, je suis à ta disposition...
Chaos (0)
2019-01-09 18:46(Válaszképp erre)
haha gladiator match just means two people fighting intensely, no weapons lol
2019-01-11 14:50(Válaszképp erre)
hello, I would like to fight with you.
can you host ????
cookie0 (0)
2019-01-09 23:04(Válaszképp erre)
yes, understand , that would be good ,
no weapons fighting .
MudFighterMel (0)
2020-07-12 01:39(Válaszképp erre)
def no weapons - bare hands bare fists hardcore wrestling prefer outdoors love mud fights!!
mikey3458 (25 )
2020-07-18 10:38(Válaszképp erre)
All that but inside
Chaos (0)
2019-01-03 12:44who wants a gladiator match in an abandoned park/area in london
2019-01-14 13:14(Válaszképp erre)
hello, I would like to fight with you.
can you host ????
BeardedFighter (4)
2019-01-13 13:37(Válaszképp erre)
Hey Chaos...
Let's gonna do it that way when I'm in London summer this year... if your are a real damned blood fighter you agree now and stand it to be the fighter underneath bloke...
cookie0 (0)
2019-01-13 16:49(Válaszképp erre)
like the video good fight .
2019-01-10 12:52(Válaszképp erre)
I would like to fight with you in an abandoned park/area in london, united kingdom.
can you host ?????????????????
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
2019-01-05 10:35(Válaszképp erre)
J'aimerais bien... Mais je suis en France...