Submission Guy 82 VS Bandrews81
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Egyesült Királyság
Thurrock, England
2025. Január 25. (Szombat)
Pankráció (pro wrestling)
Hozzászólások 15
Ha hozzá szeretnél szólni, be kell lépned.
alexxdalyy (6)
2025-01-24 00:53How long do you think you it’ll take to get the first submission from Bandrews?
Submission Guy 82 (61 )
2025-01-24 01:01Oh that’s gonna give it away for him to see
Submission Guy 82 (61 )
2025-01-24 01:06Careful he might just hunt you down and kick your arse
alexxdalyy (6)
2025-01-24 01:12Only if he hunts me down so we can both take you on together
2025-01-16 02:01Why would you say that? Are you implying they didn't actually meet?
2025-01-11 12:49Looks like a heel/jobber match. Hope we see new pics/video from it
Bandrews81 (1)
2025-01-11 12:43I have agreed to meet on Saturday, 25th January 2025.
Blackjack Miller (0 )
2025-01-26 18:49Good luck to you both
Have fun but be safe .. The same prematch speech I gave to all my pro wrestling mates