Your husband does not share your wrestling fetish.

AgentPoseidon (34)

2024-09-07 21:45

I'm only going to speak for myself specifically and others generally. I think it's very important to be actively engaged in the things you love in life and to be supported in that by a partner. That doesn't mean the partner has to share that interest or activity, but they shouldn't aggressivley put limits on it either. However, if that activity is erotic, it's important your relationship is of an open enough nature to support it, if not, you are sacrificing a great deal of your happiness for the sake of a relationship where you are not fully fulfilled. And you are also denying other prospective opponents and activity partners of that joy with you. Long term I personally do not feel that is happy or healthy emotionally for the relationship with the non wrestling partner but more importantly for you.

It might be a function of how important wrestling is to you. If it is centrally important and you feel it is part of your identify and you are extremely happy and fulfilled doing it then it is a big mistake to be or stay in a non-supportive or exclusionary (wrestling not supported, encouraged or allowed) style of relationship. You will be treating wrestling partners who are not normally closeted or fearful about wrestling like "the other woman" or a mistress, which is inappropriate and unfair to them.

If wrestling is just an idle pastime and you are not thinking about it often then it is not nearly as big of a conflict.

I think it's really important to be honest with yourself about this. It is better to be fully engaged and free to pursue something you love and single than stifled, sacrifice the happiness it brings you just to make someone happy, even if that someone shares a lot of other things with you.

Just my take as an avid wrestler.

Fordítás magyarra


2024-09-09 05:46

(Válaszképp erre)

And how long have u been in your relationship?

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-09-09 01:34

(Válaszképp erre)

I get your point. Thanks. The relationship is worth the sacrifice. It comes before a fetish.

Fordítás magyarra


2024-09-09 05:52

(Válaszképp erre)

Not to mei need my own exercise (other than the gym)

Fordítás magyarra


2024-09-09 05:45

(Válaszképp erre)

And how long is your relationship??

Fordítás magyarra

Wrestler155 (16 )

2024-08-19 14:58

This is tough. The relationship should come before the fetish. It takes a lot of compromise.

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-09-08 20:35

(Válaszképp erre)

You are so right! I have always put the relationship before the fetish, and I always will. Thanks!

Fordítás magyarra


2024-08-25 06:12

(Válaszképp erre)

Not really he is disabled

Fordítás magyarra

hvywght blk bxr (7)

2024-08-09 03:49

There is nothing wrong with you and your partner /spouse to not be into the same things. Most times, relationships fall into the 80/20 rule of likes vs dislikes.y wife is a major football supporter as she helps out with different school and AAA teams. I got her to put on the gloves twice in our 20+ years together. It just wasn't her thing and I respect her for that as she lets me go and enjoy sessions without worry. The ley is to do what you're doing now which is finding an outlet to enjoy yourself then being home, in resentment, and the taking it out on your partner.

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-08-23 16:02

(Válaszképp erre)

Thanks! I agree with and respect what you are saying.

Fordítás magyarra

lanefour97 (33)

2024-07-30 20:29

he won't ever get it but hey we all happy that we found a place where we can express what we enjoy, thank you meetfighters

Fordítás magyarra


2024-08-03 06:36

(Válaszképp erre)

Mine too! Just doesn’t understand it at all!

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-07-29 16:10

Thank you for your positive suggestion!

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-07-27 17:57

When I told him about my wrestling fetish, he didn't understand it. When I tried it with him, he laughed. He has the perfect wrestling body (for me) and just is not into it at all. Frustrating.

Fordítás magyarra

Waterlog (14)

2024-07-29 23:05

(Válaszképp erre)

Yes - I have the exact same issue (although we knew that about each other long ago). He like to dress up as Superman and go to conventions, so I bought a Green Lantern costume to "blend in" I'm trying to get HIM to come to a match and be the camera man. Thus, far, he won't because I do like the erotic side of things - which he knows. I am always up front with him and even show him my opponent prior to the match. Still - I get you - super frustrating !!! :-(

Fordítás magyarra

scissornpinmenow (0)

2024-07-28 19:34

(Válaszképp erre)

Perhaps you should have told him before you married. Don't get frustrated after the fact. You have caused the frustrating situation by keeping quiet.

Fordítás magyarra

Centaur (73)

2024-07-30 10:47

(Válaszképp erre)

Relationships aren’t built on one fetish mate, low tier response honestly.

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-07-29 15:57

(Válaszképp erre)

I did tell him before we married. Of course I did. I realized the positives outweighed the negatives in the whole relationship. In total, we are very happy. From the tone of your response, you will probably be disappointed to hear that.

Fordítás magyarra

JerseyJohnny (52)

2024-07-28 05:27

(Válaszképp erre)

Maybe you can have a few guys over to wrestle and him watching will make him realize how important it is for you and he might enjoy it

Fordítás magyarra

olderfun (1)

2024-07-29 16:11

(Válaszképp erre)

Thank you for your positive response!

Fordítás magyarra
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