Fellebezni szeretném a fotóm kategorizálását.

Please read the Photo Classification Page for an overview of photo classifications.

A fotó kategorizálás közösségi erőfeszítés, az oldal többi tag bírálja el a képeket.
Többszáz tag vesz részt ebben a folyamatban,
és egy fotó sosra sem múlik egyetlen ember döntésén.

If you disagree with the classification of your photo, you can appeal the decision. As a reminder, the following classifications are available:

  • Green or Family Friendly: Suitable for all audiences.
  • Yellow or Erotic: Contains nudity, sexual content, or is suggestive.
  • Red or Illegal: Contains illegal content.
  • Private: Only visible to you.

In the interest of maintaining a smooth and efficient review process, we ask you not to challenge the category from Yellow to Green, as it has minimal effect on your profile visibility and only creates administrative overload. Understand that erotic content might be perceived differently by each member, and we politely ask you to accept the outcome of the peer review.

You can review the classification rules behind each picture on our Photo Classification Page.
